
2021-22 Student Prize Winners

 Congratulations to all our prizewinners!

Undergraduate Prizewinners 

 The Lillian Knowles Prize for the Best Set of First Year Marks

  • Marco di Giammarino (BSc Economics and Economic History)

The Lillian Knowles Prize for the Best Set of Final Year Marks

  • Eza Arshad (BSc Economic History)

The Baines Prize for the Best Mark Achieved in EH101

  • Jasmin Schneider (BSc Economics and Economic History)

Prize for the Best Mark Achieved in EH237

  • Tom Edwards (BSc Economic History)

The Altorfer Ong Prize for the Best Mark Achieved in EH240

  •  William Ciptonugroho (BSc Economics and Economic History)

Prize for the Best Mark Achieved in the Dissertation in Economic History

  • Lina Gabel (BSc Economic History)

Master's Prizewinners

Hunt Prize for the best dissertation on the MSc Economic History (Research) programme

  • Nip Lam Wan

Prize for the Best Dissertation on the MSc Economic History programme - joint winners

  • Errikos Klopfer 
  • Peter Phelps

MSc in Economic History - Highly Commended

  • Andrew McDonald

Prize for the Best Dissertation on the MSc Political Economy of Late Development programme

  • Lina Leutner

Best overall performance of a Master's student in the Department of Economic History

  • Madeleine Dibble (MSc in Economic History)