Congratulations to all our departmental exams prizewinners in 2019-20.
Lilian Knowles Prize for a Finalist with the best set of marks achieved in a candidate’s final year of study.
- Raphael Ades
- George Macdonald.
The Prize for the best EH390 dissertation
- Jingyang Rui
- Title: ‘Re-evaluating China’s Infectious Disease Control during the Mao Era: The Case of Anti-Schistosomiasis Campaign in Kunshan County, 1951-1979
Markers comments included:
‘an outstanding piece of work with a careful and well constructed argument.’
‘The author has built up a very convincing and nuanced argument from the primary sources, and the findings are very important for our understanding of health and political economy of China during the Mao era.’
- Will Banks
- Title: When did Chile fall asleep? An assessment of national and regional income inequality in Chile, 1973-1990.’
The markers comments included:
‘This is an outstanding dissertation. The question is highly relevant, both for the case of Chile and for scholars working on inequality […] this dissertation is very close to a publishable paper in an Economic History journal.’
‘This is a great piece of work for a UG dissertation, which makes a real (and robust) contribution to a well research topic.’
The Altorfer-Ong Prize: for the best mark achieved in EH240: Business and Economic Performance since 1945: Britain in International Context
Inaugural Eileen Power Prize for Commitment to Study
This occasional prize is to honour students who have completed their studies in the face extraordinary challenges.