Summer 2023 Events
Week 5
EHAB Annual Lecture: Urban Resilience
Speaker: Professor Edward Glaeser (Harvard); Chair: Professor Max Schulze (LSE)
6-7.30pm, 5 June 2023, in person and online
COVID-19 and the associated rise of remote work has shocked many of the world's cities, but cities have been through far worse in the past, argues Professor Edward Glaeser, a world expert on the economics of cities. Disease, natural destruction and wars have all shaped urban trajectories. Recently, remote work has been particularly disruptive as the most skilled are the most likely to connect through cyberspace. But there are good reasons to be optimistic about our urban world in the medium term.
More information, include how to register in advance, is available here: Register for this event
Week 7
End of year drinks reception
5pm onwards, CBG.2 Terrace
All students and staff of the Economic HIstoyr department are welcome to this end of year social.
Lent 2023 Events
16-20 January 2023, LSE Campus
Welcome back to Campus!
LSE has organised a wide range of fun and friendly events and opportunities for students to help students ease minds and bodies back into the new term.
Read the full programme here: Welcome back to campus!
Knitting and Crochet Group
Friday 3 February, 1-3pm
Location: Small Meeting Room off the EH Common Room
For anyone interested, whether a complete beginner or more experienced. Free yarn, needles and lots of help for beginners available.
Economic History Department Student Consultation Meeting and Social
Wednesday 8 February, 6-8.30pm
Location: The Venue (Basement, Saw Swee Hock Building)
Join us for an informal consultation meeting - the department will be sharing its responses to student feedback and plans for the future, and students are invited to discuss these and share their ideas on how the department can improve their experience.
This is also a social event, so there will be free drinks and snacks available at the bar.
More info to follow!
Alumni Networking Evening
6-8pm, Wednesday 15 February
Location: Lower Ground Floor, Garrick Restaurant,
A great opportunity to meet former students now working in a wide variety of sectors in an informal event. Talk with them about how they leveraged their degree and skills into their successful career path.
Undergraduate SSLC Meeting
Wednesday 15 February
If you have comments or feedback on your course, programme, student experience make sure your programme rep gets it ready for this meeting. Find your rep and previous SSLC info on moodle here: UG SSLC reps, agenda and minutes
The Epstein Lecture 2023
Presenter: Mara P. Squicciarini (Bocconi)
6.30pm, Thursday 30 March, Venue TBC
Our annual lecture to showcase up-and-coming researchers in the field of Economic HIstory.
Michaelmas Term 2022
Thursday 22 September, 7.00pm-11.00pm
Start of Term Departmental Thames Cruise and Drinks Reception.
Fully booked.
Friday 7 October, 12.00–1.00pm, PAR LG.03
Your Career - Getting Started
For first year Economic History undergraduates and second years in the early stages of career planning.
An introduction to thinking about your career: knowing yourself better; understanding how to identify options; exploring what employers want; how to develop a plan; and highlighting how LSE Careers can support you.
6 October 2022, 6.30pm
Public lecture: 'Play it again Clem? Lessons from the 1940s for Post-Covid Britain
Professor Nick Crafts
After World War Two, Britain faced issues familiar today: strengthening the welfare state, inflated public debt, improving productivity performance, underpinning support for the market economy, and credibly promising a better future. What can we learn from the Atlee government of 1945, how successful were the policies of the time, and should we really try to go back to the future?
This is an in person and hybrid event – full information is here:
Information Meeting for the Economic History Investment Competition Weekend
Tuesday 11 October, 5.00pm, NAB 2.06 (New Academic Building)
Hosted by Dr Gerben Bakker, Department of Economic History, who will provide information and answer your questions about our annual Investment Competition Weekend, taking place 12-13 November.
Details of the competition are here: Investment Competition Weekend
View the winning teams here: 2022 Competition winners
Wednesday 12 October, 4.00-5.00pm, CBG 1.04 (Central Building)
CV Workshop
An event for all Economic History students - in person, hosted by Caroline LIsser
Book your place via Careerhub.
Friday 14 October, 1.00-2.00pm
CV Workshop
An online event for all Economic History students, hosted by Nisha Aubeeluck.
Book your place via Careerhub.
24 October 2022, 6.00pm
Film screening: Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay! A Popular History of Taxes
Hosted by Natacha Postel-Vinay, LSE
Taxation is essential, but who is to pay, and for what? For centuries people have fought over these questions which go to the very heart of the development and crises of democracy.This gripping documentary retraces a fascinating history encompassing France, Britain and Germany from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Information on this in-person event, including how to book your place is here: 'Can't pay, won't pay' event information
Thursday 27 October, 4.00-5.00pm
Using LinkedIn and building your network
An online workshop for all Economic History students hosted by Nisha Aubeeluck and Caroline Lisser
8 November (Week 7), 4.00-7.00pm
Pottery Cafe
Economic History Common Room
Take a break from study and get crafty. Make something with air drying clay to brighten up your room or give as a gift. We'll provide some inspiration and you can bring your own ideas.
No skill or experience required, just come along and get stuck in. We'll supply the clay, tools and lots of ideas and inspiration. We'll also supply paint and varnish so you can finish your object at home once it's dry.
There will be free drinks and snacks too.
Friday 11 November, 12.00-1.00pm, NAB 1.07 (New Academic Building)
Exploring master's study and making a great application
In person workshop hosted by Caroline Lisser.
Open to all Economic History students
Convince a hardened city professional to part with their money and make the case for an investment. Over one weekend work in a group, develop an investment plan and present it in front of a panel of finance executives. The winning group will receive an opportunity to shadow analysts at a leading asset management and investment firm for a day.
This is an exciting opportunity for all Economic History students, so read full information, including how to register here: Investment Competition Weekend
Sovereignty without Power: Liberia in the age of empires, 1822-1980
Leigh Gardner – Inaugural Lecture
6.30pm, 23 November 2022
Leigh Gardner's work focuses on the economic and financial history of Africa during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with an emphasis on Africa's connections to the global economy.
Hybrid event – full information here.