
Index of Courses

N/A - Not available

Course videos can be found here.

Links to course guides will be updated once the 2024/25 Calendar is available.

Core and semi-core courses

  • EH401 Historical Analysis of Economic Change (0.5)
  • EH437 History of Global Finance (1.0)
  • EH482 The Origins of the World Economy: Europe and Asia, 1000-1800 (1.0)
  • EH483 The Development and Integration of the World Economy in the 19th and 20th centuries (1.0)


  • EH496 Research Dissertation A: Contextualisation, Theory and Research Design (MSc Economic History Research - 15,000 words - co-taught with EH497) (1.0)
  • EH497 Research Dissertation B: Implementation, Analysis and Contribution (MSc Economic History Research - 15,000 words - co-taught with EH496) (1.0)
  • EH498 Dissertation (6,000 words) (0.5)
  • EH499 Research Dissertation (10,000 words) (1.0)

Optional courses available in 2024/25

  • EH402 Quantitative Analysis in Economic History I (0.5)
  • EH404 India and the World Economy (0.5)
  • EH409 Chinese Economic History: Culture, Institutions and Economic Growth (0.5)
  • EH413 African Economic Development in Historical Perspective (0.5)
  • EH421 Economic History of Colonialism (0.5)
  • EH426A Quantitative Analysis in Economic History II (0.5)
  • EH427 Topics in Quantitative Analysis in Economic History (0.5)
  • EH429 History of Economics: Ideas, Policy and Performativity (0.5)
  • EH431 Women in Economic History (0.5)
  • EH438 History of Financial Markets (0.5)
  • EH439 History of Banking Systems (0.5)
  • EH442 Labour Markets in Historical Perspective (0.5)
  • EH443 The History of Premodern Money (0.5)
  • EH444 Population Dynamics and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective (0.5)
  • EH448 Craft, Human Capital and Innovation in Europe: 1400-1800 (0.5)
  • EH449 History of Corporate Finance and Institutional Investment (0.5)
  • EH463 The Long-Run Analysis of Firms and Industries (0.5)

Listed option courses from other departments if your programme of study allows

  • EC465‡ Economic Growth, Development, and Capitalism in Historical Perspective (1.0)
  • FM447 Global Financial Systems (0.5)
  • FM472 International Finance (0.5)
  • FM473A Financial Markets (or FM473W) (0.5)
  • FM474A Managerial Finance (or FM474W) (0.5)
  • IR454 Governing International Political Economy: Lessons from the Past for the Future (0.5)
  • LL4CB Modern Legal History: Private Law and the Economy 1750-1950 (0.5) (N/A 2024/25)

‡ Any student following MSc Economic History or MSc Economic History (Research) wishing to take an EC4xx course must successfuly complete EC400

Optional courses not available in 2024/25

  • EH426W Quantitative Analysis in Economic History II (0.5) 
  • EH430 Monetary and Financial History (1.0) 
  • EH432 Historical Economic Geography: Advanced Topics and Methods (0.5) 
  • EH436 Economic History of the Early Modern New World (The Americas) (0.5)
  • EH441 Macroeconomic History (0.5)
  • EH446 Economic Development of East and Southeast Asia (1.0) 
  • EH452 Latin American Development and Economic History (0.5)

Please note: not all courses are available on all programmes. Please check your programme regulations before requesting a place.