To mark the end of Autumn Term, the Data Science Institute (DSI) at LSE is hosting a Research Showcase. Join us to hear about some of the outstanding work happening within the data science community at LSE. Over one hour you’ll hear from DSI Affiliates based across the School, who will present their cutting-edge research into data science and the social sciences.
DSI Affiliates are current members of staff from across the LSE community who are engaged with data science in their research or teaching. Affiliates participate in the activities of the institute and have special access to its resources. Find out more or apply to become an Affiliate here.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow academics, gain insights, and learn more about the work at the DSI.
Speaker schedule:
- 3.35 - 3.40pm Introduction from Professor Ken Benoit, Director of the Data Science Institute at LSE.
- 3.40 - 3.50pm Dr Jon Cardoso-Silva, Assistant Professor (Education) Data Science Institute, and Dr Marcos Barreto, Assistant Professor (Education) Department of Statistics: Genial Project.
- 3.50 - 4.00pm Dr Milena Tsvetkova, Assistant Professor of Computational Social Science, Department of Methodology: Human-Machine Social Systems.
- 4.00 - 4.10pm Dr Jens Koed Madsen, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science: Modelling Fragilities and Opportunities in Complex Information Ecosystems.
- 4.10 - 4.20pm Zachary Dickson, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Government: Measuring US elites' scepticism in COVID-19 policies with social media: Does COVID-19 infection reduce opposition?
- 4.20 - 4.30pm Dr Michael Muthukrishna, Associate Professor of Economic Psychology, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science: The Database of Religious History:
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