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February 2025

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Europe's NATO members take an economic hit

When it comes to defense, one thing looks certain: European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are going to have to pay more. Countries that are struggling economically will soon need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars. Can they do it?

Ethan Ilzetzki discusses this issue.


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Guns and Growth: The Economic Consequences of Surging Defense Spending

CFM associate and associate professor of economics, Ethan Ilzetzki, recently presented his report at the Munich Security Conference 2025. The paper investigates how an increase in military expenditures affects an economy, drawing on a large literature in macroeconomics, public finance, defense and peace studies, economic history, and the study of productivity to evaluate the short- and long-run consequences of rearmament.

Read the full paper here.


January 2025

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Christopher Pissarides on AI-based automation of jobs and inequality in the UK

Nobel prize laureate in Economics Sir Christopher Pissarides, has authored a new report for The Pissarides Review. Report findings suggest that the automation of millions of jobs will increase inequality in the UK unless the government intervenes to support small businesses and workers through the transition.

The Pissarides Review into the Future of Work and Wellbeing explores the impacts of automation on work and wellbeing, analysing how these are differently distributed between socio-demographic groups and geographical communities in the UK. 

Read the full report here.


December 2024

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The Trouble with Rational Expectations in Heterogeneous Agent Models: A Challenge for Macroeconomics

Carl Menger Prize winner and CFM associate, Professor Benjamin Moll, published a new paper on heterogeneous agent macroeconomics and the assumption of rational expectations about equilibrium prices.

Read the full paper here.


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Lash Risk and Interest Rates

Liquidity crises have become common in the non-bank financial sector. One reason is LASH risk. Read new paper co-authored by Assistant Professor of Economics Jonathon Hazell on Liquidity After Solvency Hedging, here.


 November 2024

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It's the Economy: Inflation has Converged

CFM recently hosted Mário Centeno, governor of Banco de Portugal, for a lecture on monetary policy and inflation. Governor Centeno argued that inflation had converged back to target and it is now time to return the ECB main policy rate to its neutral level. Keeping a restrictive policy stance will be costly and risky for the economy.

Watch the full recording of the public lecture here and listen to the event podcast here.


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Roundtable of the Economics Observatory on the research environment in the UK.

On 14th November 2024, CFM Associate and Associate Professor of Economics Ethan Ilzetzki participated in a roundtable of the Economics Observatory on the research environment in the UK.

You can find more of his work at the Economics Observatory here. 


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Sir Charles Bean discusses the budget

CFM Associate Sir Charles Bean recently spoke to LBC about the new UK budget. 

Listen to the full interview here. 


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CEPR International Macroeconomics and Finance (IMF) Programme Meeting

The eighth annual CEPR International Macroeconomics and Finance (IMF) Programme Meeting took place on Friday 08 November 2024 at LSE. The conference was jointly organized by the Bank of England, CFM, and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and featured discussions on topics ranging from trade sanctions to inelastic financial markets and foreign exchange interventions.

The programme for the conference is available here


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Sen Club session: “The ups and downs of macroeconomics in the last 70 years”

Professor Wouter Den Haan recently spoke at the third session of the Sen Club, hosted by the LSESU Economics Society. His talk was titled “The ups and downs of macroeconomics in the last 70 years” and gave an overview of the different schools of thought that have dominated macroeconomic thinking in the post-WWII period.

Find more about the talk and watch past recordings of Sen Club sessions here. 


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Growth through Innovation Bursts

Assistant Professor of Economics and CFM member, Maarten De Ridder, presented his work at University of Pennsylvania’s Money Macro Seminar series.

You can find more about his research here. 


October 2024

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Sir Christopher Pissarides speaks at the Worlds Laureates Forum 2024

Nobel prize laureate in Economics, Sir Christopher Pissarides, attended the Worlds Laureates Forum 2024 in Shanghai. In his speech he called for companies to focus on improving employee wellbeing alongside productivity, and commented on the growth of generative AI.

Learn more about this year’s WLA Forum here.  


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CFM Survey October 2024: Promoting and taxing investment in the UK Budget

The latest CFM October survey asked the members of its panel for their opinion on the The UK’s Autumn budget announced on 30 October 2024. Co-authored by Ethan Ilzetzki, Associate Professor of Economics at LSE, and Marta Grzana, the survey asked members about changes to the UK’s fiscal rules that would allow debt to increase for the purpose of greater public investment, and whether increasing capital gains taxes is an effective way to raise revenues over the upcoming decade.

Read the full piece here. 


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Benjamin Moll wins 2024 Carl Menger Prize

Join us in congratulating Professor Benjamin Moll on receiving the prestigious Carl Menger Prize! The prize is awarded for innovative international research achievements in the fields of monetary macroeconomics, monetary policy and currency policy.

Read more here. 



Ricardo Reis becomes Fellow of the British Academy

Congratulations to CFM Director Ricardo Reis on becoming a Fellow of the British Academy in recognition of his outstanding contributions to humanities and social science!

Check out the full list of British Academy Fellows of 2024 here.


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Silvana Tenreyro appointed a CBE

Congratulations to Silvana Tenreyro who has been appointed a CBE in the King's Birthday Honours, for services to the economy.

Silvana has contributed significantly to the economy, notably as an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.



Ricardo Reis interviewed on VoxTalks podcast

Ricardo Reis is interviewed by Tim Phillips on the VoxTalks podcast, for the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), about why many advanced economies ended up with inflation levels that we haven’t seen for a generation.

'How did inflation get so high?' (Audio) 


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Ethan Ilzetzki interviewed by news outlets on the UK economic situation


New York Times




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Ethan Ilzetzki presented at the Jackson Hole Conference for central banks

'Reassessing Constraints on Policy: Fiscal Constraints' - Discussion 



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Ethan Ilzetzki explains what happens when interest rates rise

'How can interest rates control inflation?' - LSE Research (video) 


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Ricardo Reis awarded the Carl Menger Prize

Congratulations to CFM Director Ricardo Reis who was awarded the Carl Menger Prize for innovative international research achievements in the fields of monetary macroeconomics, monetary policy, and currency policy.

The prize was awarded for Ricardo’s research on understanding price rigidities, inflation dynamics, and the sustainability of public finances.

The committee described Ricardo’s research as ground-breaking and ‘Through his contributions, he shapes the dialogue between researchers and the public and, as a valued advisor, actively participates in economic policy debates at home and abroad.’



Congratulations to Ricardo Reis!

Ricardo has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for the project DISINF (The Distributional Consequences of Inflation). The grant will run for 5 years, (2022 - 2027).

Ricardo's research will use detailed micro data from the financial sector to measure what is the exposure of different groups to inflation risk, which institutions sell and buy inflation risk, and how this affects the differential pass-through of inflation to nominal interest rates. These redistributions can cause costly financial crisis and are often behind financial repression measures.
Second, it will use models of non-financial firms that are differentially exposed to inflation risk and are likely to have their operations impacted by unexpected shocks. The heterogeneous impact of inflation across firms generate a new source of costs of inflation, as they lead to distortions in the allocation of inputs and production that are amplified by price rigidity.
Third, the composition and maturity of the public debt redistributes risk between current generations and future ones. Empirically, the extent to which the government shifts inflation risk between itself and the private economy varies considerably over time, and this affects the cyclicality of the tightness of the government budget constraint as well as the incentives to inflate away the debt. For the central bank, inflation has a differential effect on the attractiveness of banknotes, public digital currency, and private digital currency, and this is turn determines the seignorage revenue that central banks earn and so the financial constraints that monetary policy faces in the pursuit of stable inflation.

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: “The ERC Advanced Grants support ground-breaking researchers throughout Europe. It gives our talents the possibility to realise their creative ideas. Their pioneering work contribute to solve the most pressing social, economic and environmental challenges.”

Read the ERC’s full press release 


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Congratulations to Silvana Tenreyro!

Silvana was awarded the 2022 Birgit Grodal Award for her significant contributions to applied macroeconomics.
The European Economic Association (EEA) said:

‘Silvana has made significant contributions in monetary and international economics. Her papers on monetary policy transmission and on the Phillips curve have been influential both in academia and in policy circles. Her work on volatility and development has improved our understanding of the roles of technological diversification and of the characteristics of shocks hitting emerging and advanced economies in the growth process. She is also the author of a widely cited methodological paper on the estimation of gravity equations in international trade.

Moreover, she has an excellent record of public service, holding positions in various professional societies and serving as external member of the Bank of England Monetary committe.

On receiving the award, Silvana responded:

'I’m very grateful to the Award Committee, to my wonderful co-authors, with whom I carried out the research mentioned in the award, and to my family for their constant support.'


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Ethan Ilzetzki contributes to the Bloomberg Daybreak EU Podcast

Spring Statement: 'Impossible to Protect Everyone' (Audio) (From Minute 16)



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Congratulations to Ethan Ilzetzki!

Ethan has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for the project FISCAL (Fiscal Policy, Productivity, and Growth: New Data and New Approaches). The project will run for 5 years, (2022 - 2027)


July 5, 2021
June 1, 2021
April 27, 2021
March 19, 2021
March 01, 2021

Silvana Tenreyro and John Moore awarded the Banque de France & Toulouse School of Economics Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance

Congratulations to Silvana Tenreyro and John Moore for being awarded the Banque de France & Toulouse School of Economics Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance: John Moore for the Senior Prize and Silvana for the Junior Prize Europe.

March 01, 2021

Ricardo Reis and Silvana Tenreyro win the 2021 Yrjö Jahnsson Award

Congratulations to CFM Director Ricardo Reis and CFM Management Committee member Silvana Tenreyro, joint winners of the 2021 Yrjö Jahnsson Award.The award is given biannually to a European economist under the age of 45.  Both were selected for their contribution to macroeconomics.

February 27, 2021

New CFM Survey

The ECB's Green Agenda

January 28, 2021



 Archived news