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Centre Affiliate Publications

Recent research and publications from Phelan US Centre Affiliates and Visiting Fellows

Chris Anderson (European Institute)

Roham Alvandi (Department of International History)

Paul Apostolidis (Department of Government)

Fenella Cannell (Department of Anthropology)

Jeffrey M. Chwieroth (Department of International Relations)

Michael Cox (LSE IDEAS)

Rebecca Elliott (Department of Sociology)

Fawaz A. Gerges (Department of International Relations)

Lloyd Gruber (Department of International Development)

Jonny Hall (Department of International Relations)

Tanya Harmer (Department of International History)

Elizabeth Ingleson (Department of International History)

Matthew Jones (Department of International History)

Johann Koehler (Department of Social Policy)

Nicola Lacey (LSE Law School)

Boram Lee (Department of International Relations)

David Madden (Department of Sociology)

Jacklyn Majnemer (Department of Government)

James Morrison (Department of International Relations)

  • Publication Type: Book Chapter  
    Title: The Speculative Consequences of the Peace 
    Co-authors: Olivier Accominotti, David Chambers 
    Source: In: Clavin P, Corsetti G, Obstfeld M, Tooze A, eds. Keynes’s Economic Consequences of the Peace after 100 Years: Polemics and Policy. Cambridge University Press 
    Year: 2024 

Rohan Mukherjee (Department of International Relations)

Mona Paulsen (LSE Law School)

John van Reenen (Department of Economics)

Stephanie Rickard (Department of Government)

Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey (Department of Government)

David Soskice (Department of Government)

Jessie Speer (Department of Geography and Environment)

Lauren Sukin (Department of International Relations)

Luca Tardelli (Department of International Relations)

  • Publication type: Journal Article
    TitleThe past, present, and future of intervention.
    Source: Review of International Studies, 39 (05). pp. 1233-1253
    Co-author: George Lawson
    Year: 2013 
  • Publication type: PhD thesis
    Title: When elites fight: elites and the politics of U.S. military interventions in internal conflicts
    Source: LSE
    Year: 2013
  • Publication type: LSE IDEAS Special Report
    Title: The United States after unipolarity: Obama’s interventions: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya.(SR009)
    Year: 2011
  • Publication type: Journal Article
    Title: Fred Halliday: achievements, ambivalences and openings.
    Source: Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39 (2). pp. 235-258.
    Co-authors: George Lawson and Alejandro Colas
    Year: 2010 

Silvana Tenreyo (Department of Economics)

Imaobong Umoren (Department of International History)

This page was last updated on 2 September 2024.

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