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Wenger Distinguished Lectures

The Wenger Distinguished Lecture series aims to promote greater understanding of America’s role in the world economy through high profile engagement with academics, policy-makers, and business leaders. Topics will span international trade, law and institutions.

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For details, podcasts and video recordings of previous events please see our Past Events



Past events in the Wenger Distinguished Lectures 


Stephanie Rickard

Is there a new Washington consensus?
Tuesday 11 February 2025

For roughly a quarter century after the Cold War, the Washington consensus or neoliberalism guided US foreign economic policymaking. Today, that market-oriented consensus is in tatters, as Republicans and Democrats alike have shifted toward government intervention, including industrial policy, and away from free trade.

In this panel discussion, leading experts took stock of these developments and their international implications.

Hosted by the Phelan United States Centre as part of the Wenger Distinguished Lectures.



Waning Globalisation
Tuesday 14 March 2023

The world is trending away from globalisation. Brexit, the rise of protectionism in the US, and calls for re- or friend-shoring are recent manifestations of this trend. Professor Pinelopi Goldberg, former Chief Economist of the World Bank Group, discussed the causes and implications of the retreat from globalization for growth and inequality. 

Hosted by the Phelan United States Centre as part of the Wenger Distinguished Lectures.


The Future of the Liberal World Order
Thursday 9 June 2022

In this hybrid event, Professor G. John Ikenberry (Princeton University)Professor Mary Kaldor (LSE)Professor Charles A. Kupchan (Georgetown University) and Professor Ayşe Zarakol (University of Cambridge) discussed the future of the liberal world order, in light of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and years of international discord.

Hosted by the Phelan United States Centre as part of the Wenger Distinguished Lectures.

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The Work of the Future: where will it come from?
Wednesday 5 May 2021

How will technological innovation change the workplace? How can we harness technological advances for social benefit? Professor David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Professor Judy Wajcman (LSE Sociology) explored the relationships between emerging technologies and the future of work in America and beyond.

Hosted by the United States Centre as part of the Wenger Distinguished Lectures. 

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Why Does Globalization Fuel Populism, and What Can We Do About It?
Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Professor Dani Rodrik (Harvard Kennedy School) explored the globalization backlash and the ways (hyper-)globalization has produced a political counter-reaction. In discussion with Professor Sarah Hobolt (LSE European Institute), he presented an alternative model of globalization that is more compatible with economic prosperity and social inclusion.


Photo by Fernando @cferdo on Unsplash

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