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Phelan US Centre Arts Competition 2023

Submit your artwork to be featured in our Climate Change gallery

The Phelan US Centre invites LSE students and staff to submit artwork relating to climate change and the environment

The Phelan United States Centre is excited to announce an arts exhibition on climate change scheduled for the Autumn of 2023 to coincide with COP28. At the heart of this endeavour lies the Phelan US Centre’s effort to host a conversation on the varying effects climate change has on peoples’ lives. By giving a voice through art, our exhibition will be a platform for members of the LSE community to communicate their lived experiences with our planet.   

Over the past year, the Phelan US Centre has been working to critically engage with climate change: from its devastating effects to debates on what possible solutions can look like. The Centre has engaged with various experts and commentators on environmental politics to put together a 6-part podcast series. At the same time, we have worked on a climate change syllabus hub to collect and collate scholarly papers on different aspects of climate change in one shared space. Finally, the Centre has also engaged with master’s students in a climate change essay competition so that our work moves forward with student engagement in mind. The exhibition is the final piece to the Phelan US Centre’s collection of work on climate change. 

We welcome submissions in the following categories:

  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Small Sculpture (under 20cm high)
  • Poetry
  • Poster

Submissions should ideally relate in some way to one of the expansive themes of our podcast series, Climate Change: America and the World. They must be a piece of original work, created specifically for this exhibition. Submissions that do not meet these criteria will not be submitted to the public vote or considered for the gallery.

Before submitting your artwork, please consult the competition FAQs and Terms and Conditions.


There will be a £150 cash prize for the winning entry, and £75 prizes for two runners-up. Winning entries will also be featured in our forthcoming climate change exhibition. 


The submission window closed on May 9 2023. Many thanks to all who entered. We will be in touch with further information.


Header image: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash




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Contact us


Telephone +44 (0)207 955 6938


Email uscentre@lse.ac.uk


LSE US Centre, Centre Building, 10th Floor, , 2 Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AD