Outbound GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme

The Outbound Global Opportunities (GO) LSE PhD Exchange Programme allows participants to undertake research at one of the School’s international partner institutions for a period of two to three months.

It offers research students a wonderful opportunity to access archives, data sets and other resources that directly support their PhD research. It is also a chance to experience a different academic culture and establish professional networks with colleagues in the partner institution and host country.


 Applicants must:  

  • be registered LSE students enrolled in a PhD programme;
  • have been upgraded to full doctoral student status;
  • not be submitting their PhD thesis before completing the mobility.


The duration of the GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme must be limited to a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 3 months.

PhD partner institutions and available spaces


Name of Institution



Available spaces per academic year

Research areas

European University Institute

 Fiesole, Italy



History (1), Law (2), and Political Science (2)


For Economics for the European Doctoral Programme managed by the Department of Economics

Central European University

Wien, Austria



Social Science

Sciences Po

Various campuses in France (Paris, Nancy, Dijon, 

Poitiers, Menton,

Le Havre, and Reims),



Social Science

Hertie School

Berlin, Germany



Social Science

Stockholm School of Economics

Stockholm, Sweden







Total  12  



Before applying

Applicants must first discuss this opportunity with their LSE supervisor/academic department and obtain their approval to participate in the GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme. Applicants are expected to research the opportunities available to them at the partner institution, including the academic(s) with whom they would like to work. They are also expected to discuss their application with the potential supervisor/academic department at the partner institution. The supervisor/academic department at the host institution must be willing to receive the applicant.

How to apply 

Complete and submit the LSE Application for Outbound GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme.

After submitting the online application form, applicants are required to forward the following supporting documents by email (ard.outbound@lse.ac.uk) to the GO LSE team. Applications submitted without the following supporting documents will not be considered.

1. An up-to-date CV

2. A letter of support/reference from the applicant’s LSE supervisor which must confirm whether the applicant has been successfully upgraded to full PhD status.  Please note: If the applicant is due to be considered imminently for upgrade at the time of applying the supervisor’s letter must include a statement on the likelihood of the upgrade.

3. A copy of the applicant’s most recent PhD progress report (or equivalent) from their LSE academic department.

4. Copy of correspondence (email) from the host institution indicating that they would be willing to receive the applicant, subject to a successful outcome of their application for the GO LSE PhD Programme.

General appication deadlines

Interested students are encouraged to submit an application at the earliest opportunity, preferably no later than three working months before the planned visit. Applications must be submitted well ahead of the intended start date to allow time for processing at LSE and nomination to the host institution.  

Period of intended GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme

Internal application deadline*

Autumn Term 

15th June 

Winter Term 

15th October 

Spring Term 

15th March 

*Excludes European University Institute (EUI). See external deadlines for EUI below.


Applications deadlines for European University Institute

Each department at EUI has a different deadline, as follows:

• Department of Economics: Three working months before the planned visit

• Department of History: 31/01 for a visit in Term 3; 30/04 for a visit in Term 1; 31/10 for a visit in Term 2.

• Department of Law: 01/05 for a visit in Term 1; 30/09 for a visit in Term 2/3

• Department of Political and Social Sciences: 31/03 for a visit in Term 1; 30/09 for a visit in Term 2/3

When submitting your internal LSE application to LSE, please make sure that you submit it THREE WORKING WEEKS before the above deadline to allow sufficient time for processing, selection, and nomination to EUI.


Places on the Outbound PhD Exchnage programme are limited. The first stage of the selection process involves an internal review by an LSE selection panel, who will be considering the following:

1. Applicants will only be considered for PhD exchange after they have been successfully upgraded to full PhD status but have not yet submitted their final thesis. If the decision whether or not to upgrade the applicant to PhD status is imminent, a statement from the applicant’s supervisor on the likelihood of the upgrade will be required.

2. Each application will be assessed on its academic merits, including:

  • a clear purpose for the visit and rationale for selecting the partner institution;
  • a sound case for why the applicant wishes to work with the proposed academic(s) at the partner institution;
  • a clear description of the activities the applicant intends to undertake and their expected outcomes,
  • a clear explanation of the academic and professional benefits of the mobility to the applicant, and to LSE and the wider community.

The GO LSE team will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application and the next steps.


Nomination to host institution

Places on the GO LSE PhD Exchange Programme are limited. Selected applicants will be nominated to host institutions. The host institution will then determine whether the proposed research mobility is feasible and whether the academic with whom the nominated student intends to work is willing and able to assume this role during the proposed mobility period (or at a mutually agreed alternative period).

Upon confirmation from the host institution, the nominated student may be required to complete their own application process, which may include additional documentation. A successful application will lead to a formal offer of admission from the host institution.

 The GO LSE team will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application and the next steps.

Fees, funding and costs 

No tuition or academic-related fees will be payable by LSE students to the host institution, for example, tuition examinations or library fees. This does not preclude the host institution from imposing fees for items such as health insurance. Students will remain responsible for any applicable fees at LSE. 

*Please note: There is currently no funding or bursary for students participating in the outbound GO LSE PhD exchange programme.

Students are expected to be responsible for their own costs for participating in the exchange programme, including those relating to travel, accommodation, living, educational materials and/or other education-related costs.

Visas, accommodation and travel

Successful candidates are responsible for organising their own visas, accommodation and travel for the PhD exchange programme. They are also responsible for their living expenses whilst abroad. The host institution may provide guidance with regards to visa and suitable accommodation.

Personal accident and travel insurance

The School's Travel Insurance policy covers students travelling overseas as part of their studies. Before going abroad, all successful applicants must obtain an approval to travel from LSE’s Health and Safety Team, including confirmation that they are covered by LSE’s personal accident and travel insurance for the entire duration of their mobility. More information is available on the LSE Overseas Travel website.



The GO LSE team

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7955 7131

Email: ard.outbound@lse.ac.uk