Online Certificate Course Networking Event

In May we held another successful networking event for over 100 of our Online Certificate Courses alumni in LSE's new Marshall Building.

5 min read

In May we held another successful on-campus networking event for our Online Certificate Courses alumni. Over 100 participants joined us at our central London campus for a lecture from an LSE academic, followed by a networking reception. 

LSE's New Academic Building
LSE's New Academic Building

The event began in LSE’s New Academic Building with a lecture and Q&A session from Dr Robert Falkner, Research Director for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and Associate Professor of International Relations in LSE’s Department of International Relations. Dr Robert Falkner is also course convenor of Business, International Relations and the Political Economy and Technological Disruption: Managing the Impact on Business, Society and Politics online courses.

Dr Robert Falkner speaking
Dr Robert Falkner speaking

Dr Falkner spoke about “The war in Ukraine, energy security and what it means for climate change” - how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is reshaping global energy policy and the impact the war will have on global climate policy and the ‘net zero’ transition. Attendees were very engaged in the lecture and posed thoughtful questions during the Q&A session which contributed to the discussion.

Marshall Building
Marshall Building

This was followed by a networking reception in LSE’s new Marshall Building, where attendees were able to connect with their fellow coursemates and meet LSE faculty and course tutors. 

An Online Certificate Course participant asking a question in the lecture
An Online Certificate Course participant asking a question in the lecture

“I really enjoyed the in-person networking event. I met many people not only from my course but also from other courses and we talked about what we leant on the courses and how the knowledge and experiences would be applied into our work or projects. Also, the lecture from Dr Robert Falkner was so interesting and timely. It was the first time for me to visit the LSE campus and I was proud to study with one of the top universities in the world.” Hirokazu Suzuki, Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Part participant of Data Science: Text Analysis using R.

“I really enjoyed visiting the campus – what an impressive building! – and the buzz of my first alumni meeting. I feel I am now part of a community of like-minded individuals. It gave me the opportunity to make some really interesting connections with other online course mates. Dr Robert Falkner’s lecture on the war in Ukraine introduced an interesting perspective on the disrupting impact the war will have on energy policies and, more generally, on the global economy for many more years”. Patricia Vickers, British Council. Past participant of Social Entrepreneurship.

Take a look at some photographs of the event

An Online Certificate Course participant networking
An Online Certificate Course participant networking

“It was fantastic to welcome our diverse and global cohort of Online Certificate Course alumni to LSE’s new Marshall building and a pleasure to see learners connecting with their fellow participants, LSE academics and tutors. Dr Robert Falkner delivered an informative and engaging lecture on the war in Ukraine, energy security and what it means for climate change. It was great to see so many participants contributing to the discussion. As always, it is really rewarding for us to hear about what past learners have done since completing their courses." Rebecca Thomas, Senior Manager, LSE Online

An Online Certificate Course participant networking
An Online Certificate Course participant networking

“The war in Ukraine, energy security and what it means for climate change” with Dr Robert Falkner. Watch the lecture.

We look forward to welcoming our learners back to campus for our next networking event later this year. If you’re interested in joining the LSE Online global community and building connections across the globe, explore our Online Certificate Courses portfolio.

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