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Economics - Virtual offer holders' Q&A session

Online, United Kingdom

Virtual Undergraduate Offer Holders’ Event

LSE’s Department of Economics will be holding a live online Q&A session via Zoom for undergraduate offer holders.

To attend the session, you will need to register in advance by clicking on ‘How can I attend?’. Further details and a Zoom link will be included in the confirmation email you will receive and you will need it on the day to access the event.

During the session you will be able to submit your questions using the Chat function. Alternatively, you can submit your questions in advance to a.mele1@lse.ac.uk with the title of the session in the subject line.

You may also be interested in viewing recordings of the talks on our Virtual Offer Holders’ Day events page.

LSE holds a wide range of events, covering many of the most controversial issues of the day, and speakers at our events may express views that cause offence. The views expressed by speakers at LSE events do not reflect the position or views of The London School of Economics and Political Science.

Please note all event times are UK local time.

Read our Code of Behaviour before attending our events.