
FAQ and contacts

Your questions answered

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Executive Master's student

If you have a question and can’t find the answer below, please check the pages of your chosen degree.

Education for executives

What is the difference between an executive master’s and a traditional master’s?

Executive master’s degrees are designed for people who want to continue or resume their education while working full-time. Unlike a traditional part-time or full-time master’s degree, most content is delivered in several intensive sessions, each usually lasting about a week at a time. Executive students are not usually expected to be on campus outside of these intensive sessions, allowing you to undertake study without living in London.

Some executive degrees also tend to have a strong practitioner focus, with more time dedicated to practical tasks and case study learning, with the aim of allowing you to apply your new knowledge quickly in your current professional role.   

For more information about the different between executive master’s and traditional master’s degrees, please check our About page.

What executive degrees are offered by LSE?

LSE offers a number of executive master’s degrees in management, behavioural science, finance, health policy, international diplomacy, law, public policy, and cities. Further information is available on each degree’s page.

If you prefer not to commit to a full-length master’s degree, LSE also offers a range of executive short courses. For further information about these, please visit our Executive Education website

Are there shorter options for executive study at LSE?

In addition to executive master’s degrees, LSE also offers a range of executive short courses. For further information about these, please visit our Executive Education website.  


Applying for executive degrees

How do I apply?

General guidance on the application process is provided on our How to Apply page. You should also check your chosen degree’s own pages for additional guidance.

What are the entry requirements?

Executive master’s degrees at LSE usually require applicants to have completed an undergraduate degree and have some professional experience. The exact entry requirements differ from degree to degree, so please check your chosen degree’s page for full details.

Am I eligible if I already have a master’s degree?

Yes. Applications are welcomed from students who are educated to an undergraduate level or higher. Specific entry requirements can be found on your chosen degree’s page.

When is the application deadline?

Each executive master’s degree has its own application deadline which can be found on your chosen degree's page. Some degrees have a rolling deadline and close applications when they reach capacity. It is usually a good a idea to apply as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Is there an application fee?

Yes. There is an ‘application assessment fee’ which you must pay in order to submit an an application for graduate study at LSE. Please see the Graduate Admissions Office’s Supporting Documents pages for full details.

Do I need to be able to speak English?

Yes. All teaching on the degree will take place in English, and so you and your fellow students will need to meet LSE’s English language requirements. Some degrees will expect students to meet the ‘Standard’ requirement, while others will expect the ‘Higher’ requirement. Please check your chosen degree's page to see which level is required.

If you are required to produce evidence of your English language proficiency, you will not need to include this in your initial application. However, if you are required to prove this, it will be made a condition of your offer of study and you will need to provide evidence before starting the degree.


Fees and payment

What are the fees for executive degrees?

Fees vary from degree to degree, so please check your chosen degree’s page for further details.

How do I pay my fees?

Fees can be paid by credit/debit card, wire/bank transfer, cheque or bankers draft. Fee payments are handled by the Fees, Income and Credit Control Office and you can find further information on how to pay fees on their website.

Most executive master’s degrees also offer instalment plans to their students to help spread the cost of tuition.

As executive master’s degrees are designed to enhance professional skills, some students are funded by their employers. If you are made an offer of a place on an LSE programme, you will be given the opportunity to provide your organisation’s details on your Financial Undertaking Form. This will inform the School that your organisation will be acting a sponsor. Once you have started your programme, the School will send an invoice to your organisation for the amount specified on the form.

If you believe your organisation may be interested in acting as a sponsor, please refer them to our Benefits for Employers page. Please be aware instalment plans are not offered to sponsors.

Can I pay in instalments / are payment plans available?

Yes. Most executive master’s degrees also offer instalment plans to their students to help spread the cost of tuition.

Can I apply for scholarships?

As our executive master’s degrees are intended for working professionals, they are not eligible for the LSE’s Graduate Support Scheme. Some programmes offer their own scholarship schemes, so please check our Fees and Funding page for more information.

Applicants who are seeking funding from non-LSE sources are advised that some funding bodies only sponsor degrees lasting under a year in duration. Please check your chosen degree’s mode of study and the eligibility criteria of the scheme you plan to apply for. Please also see our Funding page for further information.

Is accommodation included in the tuition fee?

No. Students are responsible for their accommodation costs. However, LSE students can benefit from a corporate rate at nearby Club Quarters hotels. If teaching falls outside of LSE term dates, you may also be able to book accommodation in some LSE Residences via the LSE Vacations service.



Do I need a visa? 

You may need a visa depending on your nationality and status in the UK.  More information on your options can be found on the Student Advice and Engagement Team pages.


Contact details

Do you have further queries? Not sure who to contact? 

Executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy
Contact: Ideas.Strategy@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Behavioural Science
Contact: pbs.emsc@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc in Cities
Contact: emc.lsecities@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Finance (Part-time) 
Contact: finance.mfinpt@lse.ac.uk

Executive Global MSc Management
Contact: dom.egmim.admissions@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Healthcare Decision-making, in collaboration with NICE
Contact: healthpolicy.exec@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Clinical Sciences
Contact: healthpolicy.exec@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management
Contact: healthpolicy.exec@lse.ac.uk

Executive Master of Laws (LLM)
Contact: law.ellm@lse.ac.uk

Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA)
Contact: Spp.Exec.Admissions@lse.ac.uk

Executive MSc Social Business and Entrepreneurship
Contact: Marshallinstitute.Emsbeenquiries@lse.ac.uk