The School provides generous financial support, in the form of bursaries and scholarships to UK students. See below for details or read our funding guide here.
LSE Bursaries
Undergraduate students from the UK are eligible for an LSE Bursary assessed according to household income. Depending on your household income, you could be eligible for up to £4,000 per year.
There is no limit to the number of LSE Bursaries available and all students who are eligible for an LSE Bursary will receive one. The LSE Bursary does not have to be repaid. See if you are eligible here.
LSE Discretionary Bursaries
A number of Discretionary Bursaries are available for UK LSE students who face exceptional financial need. The value of the award may vary according to need, but is not expected to exceed a total of £4,000 combined with the LSE Bursary.
LSE Accommodation Bursaries
An LSE Accommodation Bursary is designed to encourage students from lower-income households to apply for accommodation in halls. Available for UK nationals, the value of the award will vary depending on the number of recipients and their financial need.
LSE Care Experienced and Estranged Student Bursaries
LSE's Care Experienced and Estranged Student Bursary is available to provide additional financial support to care experienced and estranged students. The Bursary has a value of £1,000 per year, for a maximum of 4 years of study, and is offered in addition to any other LSE financial support eligible students are awarded.
LSE scholarships
Each year LSE awards a number of scholarships, funded by private or corporate donation, to our students. The number, value, eligibility criteria and type of awards vary from year to year.
These include typically seven undergraduate scholarships for UK students through the Uggla Family Scholars Programme, for students with the greatest financial need from groups underrepresented in higher education, including students from Black, Minority, Ethnic (BME) backgrounds and students who are care-experienced.
Introduction to the Uggla Family Scholars Programme
Hear from Lance Uggla and Uggla Family Scholar Arif to learn more about the Uggla Family Scholars Programme
LSE is also offering LSE Access to Education Scholarships made up of support for the tuition fee and living costs for:
- asylum seekers; or
- a refugee; or
- a person with humanitarian protection; or
- a person who is residence in the UK and has been granted Discretionary/Limited Leave to Remain in the UK
Government support
Funding is available from the UK Government for students from the UK to assist with the cost of your studies.
Students from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
Students living in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales receive their financial support from their “home” devolved administration. Check the relevant website below for the latest information on fees and financial support available:
Student Finance Wales,
Student Awards Agency Scotland,
Student Finance Northern Ireland.
Tuition fee loans
Students ordinarily resident in England can apply for a tuition fee loan from the UK Government. The loan covers the full cost of the tuition fee for the duration of your undergraduate programme. This means that tuition fees do not have to be paid up front.
Maintenance loans
All eligible students from England are able to take out a maintenance loan to help with living costs. There are two elements to the maintenance loan: a guaranteed loan and an income assessed loan.
Student Finance England provide lots of helpful videos including on how to apply and deadlines on YouTube.
You should apply for both of your loans (maintenance and tuition fee) in the Spring before you start University. The deadline is usually in May. Please visit and for further details.