
Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our offer holders' frequently asked questions or get in touch if your question isn't covered.

If you have questions please read the information and guidance below. Alternatively, you can email us via our contact form.


Teaching and learning in Michaelmas Term 2021 - published 21 July 2021, updated 8 September 2021

Our expectation for the 2021 / 22 academic year is that all LSE students will be in London and studying on campus, where many of your learning experiences will be in-person, supplemented by some online elements. This approach has been informed by our student and academic community, building upon the innovations and improvements we have put in place over the past year.

From the start of Michaelmas Term 2021, we anticipate the following to be in place:

  • We will deliver all compulsory teaching and learning activity in person, including seminars, tutorials, workshops, classes and Harvard style teaching sessions. However, there may be occasional rare circumstances which must be well-justified where we may need to move an activity online.
  • We are not planning to have mandated social distancing in classrooms. However, we are prepared to reintroduce this if the need arises.
  • The standard expectation is that other types of staff-student engagement will take place in-person on campus. These include office hours, academic mentoring and dissertation / thesis supervision.
  • Some other aspects of your programme may also be online but when this happens, we will always prioritise on-campus opportunities for interactive engagement.

Lecture arrangements for Michaelmas Term 2021

  • Lectures, which are non-compulsory, will normally be delivered online - either synchronously or asynchronously. We will aim to deliver a small number of lectures in-person.
  • All lectures, whether in-person or online, will be recorded for your benefit
  • It may be possible to deliver more lectures in-person in Lent Term and we will continue to explore this
  • This approach towards lectures means that, should we need to reintroduce social distancing measures, we would be able to continue providing face-to-face class and seminar teaching for a much larger number of courses in-person on campus. This will also enable us to use these spaces for community building, networking activities as well as peer and faculty engagement while these measures are not in place.

Coming to campus for Michaelmas Term 2021

  • We expect new students to join us on campus in London for the start of Welcome, Monday 20 September. Term starts on Monday 27 September.
  • However, we understand that due to exceptional circumstances outside of your control, such as visas or local COVID challenges, you may not be able to arrive at this time.
  • If this is the case, we will continue to support you remotely during the first few weeks of term before your arrival. We will aim to offer hybrid teaching to ensure your experience at LSE is maintained despite other delays outside of your control.
  • You will still need to come to London for your studies which will include in-person components for all students, and you should aim to arrive within a few weeks of the start of term, enrolling by 22 October at the latest. 

    The School may be able to offer some flexibility to this deadline for students who face significant extenuating circumstances beyond their control. If you think your arrival at LSE might be delayed by a few days beyond 22 October, as a result of significant extenuating circumstances, please contact your department. 

Maintaining a low-risk environment and preparing for future scenarios

  • We will continue to monitor the situation and may extend the COVID-secure measures that we currently have in place or introduce further protocols if required, such as mask wearing in classrooms and lifts and negative testing requirements to enter LSE buildings.
  • All staff and students will be strongly encouraged to wear masks in LSE buildings particularly in high-traffic or confined areas
  • We strongly encourage all new and continuing students to get fully vaccinated, if you are not already. We are working on plans to offer on-campus vaccinations via our St Phillips Medical Centre.
  • To support students arriving from overseas, over the summer we will also be introducing Day 2 and Day 8 testing, to help students comply with government-imposed testing requirements for international travellers. At this stage, we do not expect to be able to provide managed quarantine facilities (“hotel quarantine”) for arrivals from countries included on the government’s red list for travel.
  • We are also preparing for a range of scenarios that will allow us to flex our approach to teaching and learning swiftly and with minimum disruption to our community, should we need to respond to changing health advice over the winter months. You can read more about this in the accordion below and we will continue to keep our community updated as we progress towards the start of term and beyond. 

Teaching and learning in 2022

We hope that programmes beginning in September 2022 will be unaffected by Coronavirus. If there are going to be any changes to the delivery of the programme we will update this page to reflect the amendments and all offer holders will be notified.  

The most up-to-date LSE Coronavirus: community advice and guidance and information about LSE's teaching plans for 2021 can be found on our website.

How is LSE planning for a range of scenarios in 2021/22? - published 21 July 2021

LSE is putting in place comprehensive health and safety measures on campus to keep you safe and secure while on campus and in the halls of residence.

We hope that London does not experience another lockdown in the 2021-22 academic year. However, we are also preparing for a range of scenarios that will allow us to flex our approach to teaching and learning swiftly with the minimum disruption to our community, should we need to respond to changing health advice over the winter months.

If we are required to reintroduce social distancing we could pivot a minority of in-person classes and seminars online to ensure the majority of face-to-face teaching can continue in a safely distanced and secure environment.

If we are no longer permitted to teach in-person on campus for a period of time, all teaching and learning will pivot online, similar to Lent and Summer Terms 2021 where we kept campus open as much as possible.

A key aspect of planning for all scenarios is keeping lectures normally online in Michaelmas Term.

Below is a summary of the actions the School could take in the event of further COVID disruption:

  • Issue clear guidance from the School and your department regarding the plans for teaching, learning and support;
  • Implement government advice regarding student and staff access to campus;
  • Provide lectures online;
  • Pivot in-person teaching to synchronous and asynchronous online provision using the mechanisms in place in 2020/21 to support those students unable travel to campus;
  • Deliver departmental teaching materials via Moodle;
  • Provide support services remotely, via Zoom, Teams, email, telephone, Livechat, etc. 
  • Provide support and guidance for your health and well-being via Zoom appointments and web-based information;
  • Continue office hours with class teachers and academic mentors online;
  • Maintain access to the online Library materials;
  • Deliver department-appropriate assessments online, taking into account the specific needs of quantitative and qualitative programmes;
  • Provide support and advice to students resident in LSE and UoL halls of residence; 
  • Make available hardship funds for vulnerable students adversely affected by the pandemic;
  • Offer practical guidance and adopt a sympathetic approach to students seeking to interrupt or defer their studies.

What safety measures are currently in place on campus? 

There are a number of enhanced health and safety measures in place on campus and in halls of residence to help make LSE COVID-secure. This includes social distancing, COVID-19 testing, mandatory wearing of face coverings in School buildings and designated campus areas (unless exempt) and our LSE Track and Trace system. 

Please visit our COVID-19 FAQ page for current LSE students for more detailed information. 

Offer holders with long-term conditions who have questions or concerns about their wellbeing whilst studying at LSE are welcome to contact the Disability and Wellbeing Service.

What is the latest advice on international travel to the UK? - 16 August, updated 20 September

Traffic light system

Currently, a red, amber, green traffic light system is in use across the UK to guide what you must do before and on your arrival into the UK.

You must follow the guidance on international travel and quarantine as appropriate when travelling to the UK.

It’s important that you understand what entry requirements you will need to adhere to when travelling from another country into the UK, particularly if you will be travelling from a red- or amber- listed country.

Travel to the UK is permitted for those entering on a Student Visa. This applies to all countries including those on the red list.

Please follow the latest government guidance published on the gov.uk website.

Latest government guidance on entry to the UK

Red, amber and green list rules for entering and quarantine in the UK

Travelling from/through a ‘red list’ country

All international arrivals coming into UK airports from red-listed countries must now book and pay for managed isolation in quarantine hotels to help protect against the importation of COVID-19.

Information on which countries are on the UK's 'red list' can be found on the UK government website.

If you are arriving into the UK, regardless of your final destination within the UK, and have visited or passed through a red list country, you will be required to quarantine in a managed quarantine hotel. You will need to book and pay for this independently using the link below.

Booking a quarantine hotel

The Managed Quarantine Package costs £2,285 for a single person and includes 10 full days (11 nights) including food, beverages, transfers, security and 2 Covid tests.

Updates to the ‘red list’

The following countries will move from the UK government’s travel ‘red list’  to the ‘amber list’ at 4 am on Wednesday 22 September:

Bangladesh, Egypt, Kenya, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Turkey

If you have booked a place in a Managed Quarantine Facility hotel for 22 September or afterwards, please contact CTM, the booking agency, directly at

If you are arriving into the UK from an amber or green list country and have not been in a red list country for 10 or more days prior to your arrival in the UK you are not required to quarantine in a managed quarantine hotel.

26 July 2021

What support is available for students travelling from red list countries?

Applying for deferred payment for hotel quarantine

If you will find it difficult to pay for the Managed Quarantine Package fee immediately, you can apply for ‘deferred payment due to financial hardship’ as a student with a visa to study in the UK. To find out how to do this, please click on the link at the very bottom of the quarantine hotel booking page. This is the section of the Booking page which says: If you are facing financial hardship and unable to pay immediately - find more details here.

On arrival, you must quarantine in the hotel you’ve booked for 10 days. If you test positive for COVID-19 while in quarantine, you may need to quarantine for longer.

You should book your quarantine package in good time so that you can campus enrol at LSE for the start of your studies.

Means-tested financial support for students from red list countries

LSE has a means-tested In-Course Support fund available for registered students who face unexpected financial hardship once they have enrolled at the School. 

LSE students from red-listed countries who face financial difficulties, as a result of paying for the hotel quarantine arrangements, can apply for a £700 award towards these costs. These awards will be means-tested and students can apply once you have completed your quarantine period and have campus-enrolled at LSE.

Details of how to apply will be published in August.

2 August 2021

What is the latest UK government advice on vaccinations?

It is really important that you get the COVID-19 vaccination when you are offered it. The vaccine offers you the best protection against catching the virus and is one of the best ways to help stop the pandemic.

The UK government does not require students to have had a COVID-19 vaccination before entering the UK and LSE does not require students to have had a COVID-19 vaccination before arriving on campus. However, if you are able to get the vaccination in your home town or country before travelling to London for the start of term we strongly encourage you to do that.

The UK is now offering vaccinations to everyone over 18 at local sites run by General Practitioners (doctors) or community pharmacies, at larger vaccination centres and in some hospitals. If you are unable to get your vaccination before you arrive at LSE you should do so as soon as possible after you arrive.

Information on how students can get their COVID vaccination can be found on this NHS FAQs for students in higher education institutions

23 June 2021

How will GCSEs and A-levels be graded and awarded in the Summer?

Following the cancellation of this year’s summer exams, Ofqual and the Department for Education have announced that grades will be based on teacher assessment, with teachers supported in making decisions with guidance and training from exam boards.We will use these grades as the basis for our confirmation decisions. In the meantime, we continue to work with UCAS, exam boards, schools and the rest of the university sector to make the necessary arrangements for our offer holders and to communicate information to you on a regular basis.

We are also closely monitoring the situation with schools overseas and their exam boards. We appreciate that this is a frustrating and anxious time for our offer holders but please be assured we are doing all we can to support you and to develop processes in this fast moving situation.

Please refer to the publications on the gov.uk website for more information relating to the awarding of GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in the academic year 2020 to 2021.


General Offer Holder FAQs

What are the terms of my offer?

Your offer of admission to the School has been based on the information you provided on, or with, your UCAS application form. It is your responsibility to provide official evidence of your qualifications if we require it (please see your offer letter). If you are unable to provide such evidence, we reserve the right to review, and possibly withdraw, your offer of admission.

My offer is conditional on academic qualifications. I’ve also been asked to provide certified documentation of previous qualifications. What does this mean?

Your place at the School can only be granted on the condition that you obtain the minimum specified grades in your forthcoming academic qualifications and provide us with certified documentation of your previously obtained qualification(s), eg, The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma with 38 points overall and 7,6,6 at Higher Level. Plus provide certified verification of your previous qualifications listed on your offer letter and send to the School by 31 July 2022.

The deadline for us to receive official confirmation of forthcoming qualifications is 2 September 2022, whilst certified documentation of any previously obtained qualifications requested on your offer letter should reach us no later than 31 July 2022.

My offer is conditional on previously obtained qualifications, what does this mean?

Your place at the School can only be granted on the condition that you provide us with certified documentation of the previously obtained qualifications listed on your offer letter,eg, your 2019 French Baccalaureate.The deadline for us to receive certified documentation of these qualifications is 31 July 2022.

Why have some of the subjects I have studied been excluded?

The Admissions Selector takes into account all of the information that is presented on yourUCAS form when they assesses your application.

Your offer is based on the range of subjects which are most relevant to your degree. As statedin the undergraduate prospectus, there are subjects that are generally excluded from any offermade, eg, if you are taking General Studies or Critical Thinking at A level, your grade in thissubject will not be counted towards the requirements of any conditional offer. Similarly, an Alevel or equivalent in a language learning subject that you have had significant prior exposure to may not be counted.

The Admissions Selector may also choose to exclude other subjects, for example: “Obtain grades AAA excluding Art, plus a pass in a fourth A level.” In this case your Art qualificationcannot be used to meet your offer condition.

My offer is conditional on an English language qualification, what does this mean?

Your place at the School can only be granted on the condition that you obtain the minimum grades in one of our recognised English language qualifications, eg Obtain one of our recognised English language qualifications listed in your Offer Guide. You may have already declared a qualification we accept (pending verification) on your application, or maybe exempt, based on your nationality. All offer holders who are requested to obtain an English language qualification as part of their offer, will be given access to a questionnaire. Our English language questionnaire can be used to provide us with details, which will either allow us to verify results on your behalf, confirm your exemption, or re-confirm our guidance on supplying us with the necessary documentation.

Is it possible to lower or change the conditions of my offer?

No. The School will not enter into negotiations with offer holders over the terms of their offer. Each offer has been made taking into consideration all the information included on your UCAS form and the Admissions Selector’s decision is final.

I have decided to drop one of my subjects, is this ok?

It is important that you email the Undergraduate Admissions Office before you drop any subject – even if this subject does not form part of your offer. An Admissions Selector will consider your request and we aim to provide you with a final decision within two weeks.

What does “Obtain grades A*AA with an A* in Maths plus a pass in Further Mathematics” mean?

This offer means that you need to obtain two A grades at A level and an A* in Maths with an additional pass (ie, grade A-E) in Further Mathematics as a fourth subject.

Why does my offer ask me to achieve AAA at A level rather than 360 UCAS tariff points?

LSE does not use the UCAS tariff. You are required to obtain the grades and any subjects specified in order to meet the terms of your offer.

I have been asked to obtain 38 points and 7,6,6 at Higher Level in the International Baccalaureate. Do bonus points count towards meeting this condition?

Yes. Bonus points will count towards your overall total points score.

My offer is unconditional. What does this mean?

You have provided us with all of the qualifications required to fulfil our entry requirements (we may have received them via UCAS), prior to an offer being made. Your place at the School will be granted, however, you must complete the relevant pre-arrival documents before you can register at the School. Please refer to your Offer Guide for further details.

When do I need to reply to my offers?

Once you have received decisions from all of your choices, you will be given a date in UCAS Track by which you need to reply. Please refer to the guidance on the UCAS website. 

What should I do if I want to decline my offer?

When do I have to send off my certified documents?

Please refer to our page here for details on how to supply us with any certified documents as part of your offer conditions.

Is it possible to change programmes?

If you have decided you no longer wish to study the programme for which you have been made an offer, then - under exceptional circumstances - you may be able to be considered for a different programme.

If you decide before 26 January that you want your application to be considered for a different programme, you should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office outlining the reasons for the change. Your application would then be in competition with all other applicants to that programme.

If your request to change programme comes after 26 January, your application will be classed as late. This means that we will only be able to look at your late application if there are still places available on the programme once all on-time applications have been assessed. However for the vast majority of programmes, we do not look at any late applications.

If the Admissions Selector for your new programme choice decides not to offer you a place, or you are happy for your application to be considered as late and we do not look at your late application, your new programme choice will be unsuccessful and you will lose your offer on your original programme choice at LSE.

Please also note that it is not possible for your application to be considered for a programme from which you have already been unsuccessful.

I have changed my correspondence address. What should I do?

Please notify UCAS and the institutions to which you have applied of your new address in writing as soon as possible. Please note that if you have indicated your term-time address in the correspondence address section of the UCAS application form, do not assume that all correspondence will be automatically sent to your home address once term finishes. You should notify UCAS and the institutions as soon as you leave your term-time address so that all correspondence can be sent to the correct address.

When can I apply for accommodation? 

Accommodation bookings for 2022/23 are now open. You will be able to book accommodation through our online accommodation system once you have accepted your offer to study at LSE. 

Please visit our accommodation pages to find out more about the accommodation options available and the booking process. 

The booking guarantee deadline for 2022/23 is Thursday 9 June 2022.

When is the scholarship application deadline? 

Please visit our Fees and Funding page for a detailed guide to the financial support available and the application process. The number, value, eligibility criteria and type of awards vary from year to year. All scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need in the first instance, and then academic merit.

The deadline for Home/UK applicants is 1 June 2022.

The deadline for Overseas (including EU) applicants is 28 April 2022. 

When do I need to pay my tuition fees? 

Offer holders can pay their fees as soon as they have their offer. If you have not paid in full before or at registration then you will be placed on a termly Payment Plan. You will be expected to pay 1/3 of your fees on each payment date. Please see the information here.

I am an international student. When can I apply for my visa? 

You can apply for your visa up to six months before your programme begins if you are applying overseas and up to three months in advance if you are eligible to apply in the UK.

You will only be able to apply for your visa when you have received your CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) number from us to complete your Student visa application.

LSE can only issue your CAS once you have:

• firmly accepted your unconditional offer
• completed your Financial Undertaking Form (FUF)
• confirmed to us your passport details, including all of your official names as shown in your passport, the correct spelling and the order that they appear in on your passport. 

It is important that you read the visa information for prospective students on our International Student Visa Advice Team (ISVAT) website.

When does term start?

Term starts on Monday 26 September. 

In your first week you need to formally enrol with the School, and attend School and departmental welcome induction events.

LSE Welcome includes a variety of formal and social activities designed to introduce you to the School, your department and the Students’ Union. Specific information about LSE Welcome will be published in the summer before you join us.

Can I visit the campus? 

If you would like to visit the School, please refer to the page here.

There are also lots of other ways for offer holders to get in contact with us. 

Our Offer Holders' Day takes place on Wednesday 27 April 2022.

You can also speak to the Student Marketing and Recruitment team via Live Chatcontact Undergraduate Admissions or join a Discovery Session

Have the UCAS deadlines changed this year?

Yes. To allow schools and students more time to prepare and submit applications the UCAS application deadline has been moved to 26 January 2022.

The UCAS decision deadline (for all applications received by 26 January) is 19 May 2022. The UCAS reply deadline (for all offers received by 19 May) is 9 June 2022.

When will I receive my decision?

Whilst we will endevour to make all decicions as soon as possible, in some cases, applicant's may not receive a decision until the UCAS deadline. Please refer to our Admissions Calendar for the latest information.


Frequently Asked Questions before registration:

Can I defer my place until next year?

If you wish to defer your entry, you will need to submit a written request (an email will suffice) to the Undergraduate Admissions Office by Friday 15 July at the latest. Requests received after this date will not be considered as UCAS will not allow any institution to make any amendments to applications after 1 August. Your email needs to state your reasons for your request and what you plan to do on your gap year. The Admissions Selector will then consider your request and you will be contacted once a decision has been made. Should your request be granted, your UCAS record will then be changed to reflect your change of year.

We aim to respond to all deferral requests by Friday 29 July.

If your request for deferral is refused, your offer is still valid for 2022.

LSE does not offer the option of a two year deferral, unless the applicant has extenuating circumstances preventing them from beginning their programme in 2022 or 2023. Please note that compulsory National Service is not considered as an extenuating circumstance for two year deferral requests.

What happens if I fail to meet the conditions of my offer?

If you marginally fail to meet the conditions of your offer, your application is automatically referred back to the Admissions Selector for reconsideration in August. Your application is then considered in competition with all the other applicants who have marginally failed to meet the conditions of their offer. There is no guarantee that LSE will be able to confirm your place at the School.

We will send our decision to UCAS as soon as possible, so please do not contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office as it may delay the processing of your application.

What happens if I ask for a re-mark?

If you plan to ask for a re-mark for any of your exams, then you should inform the Undergraduate Admissions Office as soon as possible. For speed, you should ask for a priority re-mark from the relevant exam board/s.

The office needs to receive official confirmation of the results of your re-mark by 5 September 2022 at the very latest. Providing your re-mark grades meet the original grade conditions of your offer, we will overturn the unsuccessful decision and your offer will be reinstated. If no vacancies are available for the current year of entry then the School reserves the right to offer a deferred place as an alternative. Please note: we will be unable to reinstate offers if we receive revised grades after 5 September 2022.

What happens if I experience difficulties at examination time?

We understand that circumstances can arise which have a detrimental impact on exam performance. If you marginally miss the conditions of your offer at Confirmation, the School is only able to give due consideration to those with severe extenuating circumstances. However, we can only consider information regarding extenuating circumstances which has been sent to us by 30 June 2022 for applicants studying the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and 31 July 2022 for all other qualifications, including any corroborating evidence that you can offer such as a doctor's note, a note from your school or other official documentation.

It is highly unlikely that we will be able to consider any appeals which are received after results have been published, as many of our candidates meet, if not exceed the conditions of their offer and we do not have the places to admit additional students at this stage.

Therefore if you feel that your exam performance has been affected by extenuating circumstances, you should contact us in writing by 30 June (for the IBDP) or 31 July (for all other qualifications). 

It is also advisable for your school to notify the examination boards of any such extenuating circumstances, along with relevant medical notes, as they can then be taken into consideration when your scripts are being marked.

Due to extenuating circumstances, I will be unable to sit my exams this year. Can you defer my conditional offer to next year? 

No, this will not be possible UCAS guidelines state that a conditional offer cannot be “carried over” to the next academic year. Therefore we would have to withdraw our offer and you would need to re-apply in the next UCAS cycle. In this case, we cannot guarantee that you would be given another offer the following year.

What happens if I can't provide certified documentation of my English language qualification which you have requested before 31 July?

If you cannot provide certified documentation of a recognised English language qualification, we will not be able to confirm your place at the School. If you cannot meet this deadline for any reason, it is important that you inform us before 31 July 2022. 

Please refer to the information at the top of this page for the latest guidance and advice on our deadlines.

Note for international students: Submitting your certified documentation late can result in delays in issuing your CAS number to the Home Office, which you will require to apply for your visa. It is important that you apply for your visa early enough to allow sufficient time for you to attend Registration. More details can be found on the LSE International Student Visa Advice Team (ISVAT) website.