If you have not yet submitted your application, and have a question about a programme at LSE, you should contact Student Recruitment and Study Abroad.
If you have applied via UCAS or hold an offer of a place at the School, you can contact us using the contact details given below.
Data Protection
We can only correspond with applicants or their UCAS Nominated Contacts.
In order to comply with Data Protection legislation, please quote the following in all correspondence:
▪ Full name
▪ UCAS Personal ID or LSE student number
▪ Date of birth
▪ Programme applied for
Contact us
Please ensure that you include your name, date of birth, UCAS ID and programme in any correspondence.
Contact us by phone
Our phone number is +44 (0)20 7955 7160
Our phone service is currently open 10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact us via the Undergraduate Admissions Knowledge Base:
Undergraduate Admissions Knowledge Base
If an application has already been sent to the School, please refer to our policy here before submitting a query via the Knowledge base.
Note for current applicants:
Guidance on our decision timeframe can be found in your application acknowledgement email and on our admissions calendar. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide applicants with a specific date beyond these published details and will be unable to respond to queries regarding this. All decisions will be published on your UCAS Hub account in the first instance.
Contact us via Live Chat (available for Offer Holders only)
Live Chat for offer holders is available Mon-Fri between 10am and midday.
By chatting with us you agree to us collecting your data and the details you provide will be stored on a secure database. The data on the form will also be used for monitoring purposes and to track future applications. LSE will not give or sell your details to any other third party organisation. Your data is subject to the LSE website terms and conditions and our Data Protection Policy.
Reporting Extenuating Circumstances
If circumstances beyond your control have had an adverse effect on your studies; for example illness or bereavement in your family, a natural disaster or political unrest in your country, please let us know. If you have submitted an application to the School, the Admissions Selector can take these details into consideration, before a decision is made. Please use this form to submit the details of your extenuating circumstances.
Please note that we are unable to guarantee that disclosed extenuating circumstances will result in a more favourable decision on an application.
For applicants: Please submit within two weeks of the application submission acknowledgement email from us. We cannot guarantee to overturn an adverse decision if this form is received after this point.
For offers holders: Submit as soon as possible after the onset of the circumstances and always by the deadline below:
For offer holders studying the International Baccalaureate: 30 June 2025
For offer holders studying A levels or any other qualification: 31 July 2025