Reserve list - Tracker information

Why have I been put on the reserve list?

If you are a strong candidate, but the course you have applied for has reached its quota, the department may place you in the reserve group. These applications are held in the event of another candidate with an offer withdrawing from their place. In this case the department will review the applications from the reserve group, and select the most suitable candidate or candidates to fill any places that have become available. Final decisions on all candidates in the reserve group will be made by mid August.

If you are made an offer for your reserve listed choice at that stage, you will receive an email asking you to decide which offer you wish to accept. It is not possible to hold more than one offer of a place at LSE.

We will contact you immediately should there be any update to your application. Any changes will also be visible straight away on the Graduate Applicant Portal.

The reserve group is not numbered or ranked in order of merit. Should one or more places become available, the selectors will choose the most suitable candidates from the reserve group and issue them with offers.