Tayfun Terzi Research topic: Detecting semi-plausible response patterns (SpRPs)
Abstract: A new challenge of bias arises through the increasing use of paid participants: semi-plausible response patterns (SpRPs). SpRPs result when participants superficially process the information of (online) experiments or questionnaires and try only to respond in a plausible way. This is due to the fact that participants who are paid are generally interested in earning fast money and efficiently try to overcome objective plausibility checks and process all other items only superficially, if they process them at all. Thus, those participants produce not only useless but detrimental data, because they attempt to conceal the researcher from their malpractice. The consequences are biased estimations and blurred or even covered true effect sizes; contaminating valid models. New methods for both their identification and treatment have to be developed.
Supervisors: Professor Chris Skinner / Dr Jouni Kuha
t.terzi@lse.ac.uk Personal page