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Congratulations on starting your studies with us! 

 Your journey starts here...

Prof Pauline Barrieu

Welcome from Professor Pauline Barrieu, Head of Department.

We look forward to getting to know you and supporting you in your endeavours. We are a relatively small Department, and we aim to provide an informal, friendly, and supportive atmosphere for our students. If you happen to encounter problems of any kind – be they academic, financial, or wellbeing related – or you would just like some advice, we very much hope that you’ll let us know at once. You can do this by informing your academic mentor, contacting your Programme Director or Programme Manager, or by approaching any other member of the Department.

I expect that you will find your studies challenging, but I hope that you also find them stimulating and rewarding. These webpages are designed to help you find your way around the School and the Department, and to let you know about activities arranged to help you to settle in and get to know other students and staff.

I would like to wish you all the best for your studies and I hope that you will make the most of your time with us. Enjoy your time at the LSE and do take some time to enjoy London too.

Prof Irini Moustaki200x200k-kardaras200x200

Welcome from Professor Kostas Kardaras, Deputy Head for Research and Professor Irini Moustaki, Deputy Head for Teaching.

Statistics is an application-oriented mathematical science concerned with the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. It provides us with the necessary tools to reduce uncertainty in modern society. It is a powerful tool for testing hypotheses about social and natural phenomena, for analyzing relationships among variables, studying trends, planning and decision making. Statistics is applicable to a wide variety of disciplines, including natural sciences, social sciences, economics, finance and insurance. 

The Department of Statistics at LSE has an excellent international reputation and has been the academic home for a host of distinguished statisticians. Currently the Department has four research groups: Data Science; Probability in Finance and Insurance, Social Statistics and Time Series and Statistical Learning.

Our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes will equip you with the necessary qualifications and computational proficiency to target any career that requires quantitative skills. The Department and the Careers Service in the School provide excellent opportunities to discover job opportunities and target career streams. Graduates from our programmes typically find employment in business, government agencies and in the insurance and financial sectors. A number of our graduates continue with us to gain a Masters or a PhD degree. 

LSE is one of the finest institutions of its kind in the world and has a key position, geographically in terms of its location in central London and geo-politically in term of its national and international standing. Our success very much depends on your success and we look forward to getting to know you and supporting you in your endeavours. We would like to wish you all the best for your studies here and we hope that you will make the most of your time with us.