Student Blogs

Find out what it is like to be #PartofLSE

Some of our students have created some lovely blogs for you to read which shares their experience at LSE and in the Department of Statistics. Have a read below! 

Exploring the potential of AI as a student at LSE

Rhea Mall

Rhea Mall, an international student studying her master’s in Data Science, shares her experience of studying a rapidly developing field and her excitement for the future of AI via this blog post

Rhea also has a wonderful vlog as well, so please do watch the video (towards the end of the page) as it showcases all the wonderful events and opportuinites we have in the Department of Statistics!


LSE: Learning Beyond Textbooks by Stuti Subramani 


Joining the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) as an MSc Data Science student was a thrilling leap, filled with anticipation and the excitement of venturing into the heart of statistics and data science. Having always been fascinated by numbers and the stories they tell, LSE seemed like the perfect stage to further this passion. 

My journey began with a mix of nervous excitement and curiosity. I remember walking through the historic halls of LSE, feeling a blend of awe and a bit of intimidation. It wasn’t just the prestigious reputation of the institution that overwhelmed me but also the realisation that I was about to engage deeply with my passion for data in a place that could truly foster my academic growth. 

The transition from undergraduate in Statistics to a postgraduate environment was smoother than I expected, thanks largely to the department’s welcoming and supportive atmosphere. I felt this most palpably in my interactions with the faculty and during the numerous department-led social events. Whether it was discussing complex data models or sharing a laugh over pizza at a department party, these experiences began to stitch my initial threads of connection to this new academic community. 

Serving as the postgraduate academic representative gave me a platform to advocate for my peers, providing an opportunity to be heard and to bring about change. This role allowed me to attend several meetings with professors and the department, where I could directly address student grievances and suggestions. It not only allowed me to serve as a bridge between students and faculty but also showed me the power of student advocacy in shaping our educational landscape. Witnessing the department respond with thoughtful changes that reflected our feedback was incredibly affirming. The confidence gained from these interactions was invaluable, and it reinforced the sense that LSE is not just an institution, but a community that values its members' voices. 

One of the highlights I heard about from my peers was the Cumberland Lodge trip—an event I unfortunately could not attend. The stories of academic camaraderie and discussions amidst the picturesque settings of Windsor Great Park painted a vivid picture of what I had missed. These narratives resonated with me as they echoed the community spirit I experienced on campus. 

The coursework has been both challenging and exhilarating. Engaging with modules like Machine Learning and Distributed Computing for Big Data has pushed me to hone my analytical skills and apply them to real-world problems. These academic challenges have been balanced with invaluable support from mentors and professors who are ever willing to dive deep into discussions, whether about the nuances of algorithms or career advice. Fortunately, the professors were always accessible, offering prompt replies and dedicated hours to discuss even the dissertation topics or clarify doubts during exam preparations. This guidance was crucial in navigating the academic challenges. 

Living in London, away from my home country, could have been a daunting experience, but LSE has made it a vibrant adventure. It's small moments—like the spontaneous study sessions in the library or the late-night coding sessions with classmates—that I’ve found solace in. These interactions have not only shaped my educational journey but have also led to the formation of long-lasting friendships, thanks to the social events at LSE. Each step here has been about more than just education; it’s been about building a community, growing personally and professionally, and finding a home away from home. 

As I look forward, I am filled with gratitude for the journey so far. The path has been lined not just with academic rigor but with moments of personal growth and joy. For anyone embarking on this journey, know that LSE offers not just a world-class education but a warm community and an experience of a lifetime that you will not forge. No matter which part of the globe you’re hailing from, LSE will welcome you with open arms. 

About the Author 

Hello! I'm Stuti Subramani, originally from India and currently pursuing my MSc in Data Science at LSE. My fascination with numbers has brought me to the heart of London, a city as dynamic and diverse as the datasets I love to decode. Outside the classroom, you’ll find me immersed in a world of books, where I travel through stories as I curl up with a novel in one of London’s quaint cafés. I also express my creativity through painting, capturing vibrant scenes on canvas that reflect my colourful journey. When the music plays, I can't help but put on my dancing shoes, embracing the rhythm as a joyful break from my studies. London’s pulsating cultural scene offers endless inspiration for my hobbies and the perfect backdrop for my academic and personal growth. London almost feels like home! 


My experience as an MSc Statistics student by Yichen Li 

Yichen Li Blog 24

If you're considering a master's degree at LSE, particularly in the Statistics Department, this blog post will certainly spark your enthusiasm for embarking on your academic journey at LSE! 

A Year of Immersive Learning: Dedication and Discovery.
If I were to distill my academic adventure at the LSE into a single word, "transformational" would barely scratch the surface. My journey through courses like ST425 Statistical Inference, ST422 Time Series, and ST436 Financial Statistics has been nothing short of a deep dive into the intricate world of numbers and predictions. The synergy between these courses is palpable. Like threads in a rich tapestry, the lessons learned in one class seamlessly weave into the fabric of another, creating a cohesive and dynamic tableau of knowledge. This interconnected learning experience enables me to apply complex theorems and logical deductions across various contexts, painting a vivid picture of interconnected insights. The pinnacle of my academic quest at LSE is the pursuit of my master's degree, crowned by the rigorous process of crafting my dissertation. Guided by the inspiring Professor Jouni Kuha, I've transformed from a student with a passive interest in research to a dedicated “researcher”. Each session with Professor Kuha isn't just a meeting; it's an intellectual expedition, exploring the uncharted territories of my research topic, refining my thoughts one word at a time to perfection. So, take it from me—a journey at LSE is not just about gaining a degree; it's about like experiencing a profound metamorphosis in every sense of the word.

Vibrant Social Spectacles: Celebrating Community and Connections at LSE.

Beyond the rigors of academia, LSE also offers a vibrant array of social events that truly enrich our campus life. I'd love to share my exhilarating experience at the student ball held in mid-March. This event isn't just a gathering; it's a fantastic opportunity to network with peers across all levels, from eager undergraduates to seasoned PhD students. The evening was packed with entertainment, featuring everything from casino tables to a DJ and dance floor that kept us moving all night. The welcome drink set the tone, while the magician added a touch of enchantment, dazzling us with tricks and illusions. And for those memorable moments? A vivid photo booth was there to capture every laugh and smile. This ball was more than just a party; it was a celebration of our diverse student community and a chance to create lasting memories and forge new connections.

As we draw this exploration to a close, I invite you to reflect on the unique blend of rigorous academic training and vibrant social life that LSE offers. Whether it's the intellectual challenges posed by our esteemed professors or the unforgettable experiences forged at our social gatherings, LSE is more than just an institution—it's a gateway to a world of knowledge and connections. So, if you're ready to shape your future in an environment that celebrates both academic excellence and communal spirit, LSE awaits your arrival. Join us and turn your academic dreams into reality, surrounded by the best minds and the brightest spirits. Here at LSE, your journey is just beginning.

About the Author 

My name is Yichen, and I am currently a student at the London School of Economics, where I am enrolled in the Financial Statistics (Research) program. This past year in London has been a truly enriching experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed my studies at LSE, where I've had the opportunity to connect with a diverse group of friends and classmates.