
Offer Holder FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions...

Congratulations on receiving an offer in the Department of Statistics at LSE. If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, then please email us at and we will try and help you! 

Powerpoint slides of various Q&A sessions held for offer holders 2024

What does a 'Conditional offer' mean?

If you haven’t already, you would find it helpful to look at the LSE Offer Pack for Graduates.

A conditional offer refers to: 

‘You do not yet satisfy the academic conditions required before entry but you plan to do so. Your conditions are given in the offer letter and may include tests such as English language as well as degree results, or attendance at Pre-sessional/ Introductory or LSE Summer School courses.’

In the event that you failed to meet one of the offer conditions (i.e. your degree result was not what you expected) you should still send your results and the Selectors will consider whether your offer can be confirmed.

How do I change my mode of study?

If you are a MSc offer holder and you want to change your mode of study i.e from full time to part time, then you need to complete a “Change of Circumstances Request” which will then be processed by Graduate Admissions and they will issue a revised offer email.

Please note that there is no part time mode of study at Undergraduate level. 

How do I contact LSE Accomodation? 

Any queries about accommodation are answered by the LSE Accommodation Office. Therefore we would advise to contact the Accommodation Office for further support and information.

You can find their website here:

Do I meet the English Language Requirements?

You can find out whether you meet our English language requirements at the link below:

How do I apply for my visa?

Here you will find information on applying for your Tier 4 visa. This should answer all your queries but if you are still unsure about anything after this, then please contact our Visa Team in Student Services as they are the only team authorised to provide immigration and visa advice at LSE. Regrettably, the Department of Statistics is not able to advise on visa queries.

How do I provide proof of degree? 

You can find more information here on proof of degree:

Please visit the Graduate Admissions Online Enquiries System for further information.

How do I submit transcripts by email or post? 

You can submit your additional documents online here:

(scroll down to ‘how do I submit the additional information you have asked for’)

There are instructions at the link below regarding where to submit documents via the post:

I am currently on a waiting list. When will I receive a final decision? 

Please see our Graduate Admissions page.

You are placed on the reserve list because you’re a strong candidate, but the programme you’ve applied for has reached its quota. These applications are held in the event of other candidates with an offer withdrawing from their places. In this case the department will review the reserve list applications, and select the most suitable candidate(s) to fill any place(s) that have become available.

The reserve list is not numbered or ranked in order of merit. Final decisions on all reserve list candidates will be made during mid August. You can find some more information here: But keep the last sentence If you do not receive an offer, you can reinstate your application to the next admissions cycle. Please see here for more information.

Can I find out more about LSE?