Whether you are here for a 12 month master's programme, undertaking our PhD programme or studying on our 3 year BSc degree, you are an important member of our department community. There are many ways in which you can enrich your experience at LSE, including taking an active role in our department community. We welcome all of our students to participate in and feedback on our events, teaching, processes and activities.
We are dedicated to hearing your views on your student and academic experience, so we can improve your experience of studying at LSE and within the Department of Sociology. Your feedback helps us to improve our programmes, your study environment and the support that we provide. It also helps us learn what is working, so that we can strive to continue to provide this to the highest standard.
There are many ways, informal and formal, to use your voice and to let us and LSE know what is working and what isn't.
Office Hours with Academic Staff
Your lecturers, class teacher, programme directors and academic mentors will all offer weekly office hours during term time. Booking and attending an appointment during office hours is only only a good opportunity to discuss your studies but to also provide feedback on how things are going. Course specific issues can be raised with the class teacher or course convenor, and wider issues on your programme can be raised with your programme director. Information on office hours can be found here.
Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC)
This comittee comprises of your Student Academic Representatives, who act as conduits of student feedback. They represent you and your cohort, by programme and by year group, under the guidance of the LSE SU. The Student Academic representatitves' role is to gather feedback from peers on their programme and to bring the feedback to the Student-Staff Liaison Committees.If you have feedback for the department that you would like raised, feel free to contact your student representative in the first instance, who can take your item to the next SSLC.
The Sociology department has a SSLC for each of our level of study: Undergraduate(USSLC), Graduate (GSSLC) and Research (RSSLC).
Representation and campaigning is at the core of what we do as a Students’ Union, and all students are welcomed to particiate. With the SU, you can start your own campaign, submit a Policy Proposal, represent your course as an Academic Rep, or even run to be one of our next leaders! Find out more here!
Survey Feedback
You have the opportunity to feedback on specific courses through course-level surveys and on your experience at LSE as a whole in either the Undergraduate Survey (for continuing undergraduates), National Student Survey (for finalist undergraduates) or the Postgraduate Survey (for continuing and finalist postgraduates).