Professor Suzanne Hall

Professor Suzanne Hall

Head of Department

Department of Sociology

Room No
Key Expertise
Urbanisation, Migration, Livelihoods, Ethnography, Visual Methods

About me

Suzanne Hall is Professor of Sociology at LSE and Head of Department. Her research and teaching explore the intersections of global migration and urban marginalisation. Suzi’s focus is on everyday claims to space and how political economies of displacement shape racial borders, migrant livelihoods, and urban multicultures. She is author of The Migrant’s Paradox (University of Minnesota Press, 2021) and City Street and Citizen (Routledge, 2012). Her work has developed through numerous funded research collaborations. She is recipient of an ESRC Future Research Leaders award (2015-2017) and the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Sociology in 2017, and she gave the inaugural ‘Cities Annual Lecture’ at Birkbeck in 2022.

Suzi teaches on the MSc City Design & Social Science programme on social and political formations of urban space, planning and design, and she convenes an undergraduate module on ‘Racial Borderscapes’. She co-supervises PhD projects engaging with: the moral economy in Makka’s urban restructuring (Jawaher Al Sudairy); migrant solidarity in Istanbul (Helen MacKreath); Palestinian life and land in Jerusalem (Lucy Garbett); and reproductive injustice and racialised frictions (Babette May). Suzi collaborates with Huda Tayob and Thandi Loewenson on the ‘Race, Space and Architecture’ open-access curriculum.

Selected Publications:


2021    The Migrant’s Paradox: Street Livelihoods and Marginal Citizenship in Britain, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

2017    Hall, S., and Burdett, R. (eds) The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City, London: Sage.

2012    City, Street and Citizen: The Measure of the Ordinary, London: Routledge.
Reviewed in: British Journal of Sociology, International Journal of Urban and Regional Studies, Symbolic Interaction, Polis, LSE Review of Books (reprinted in the Digest of South African Architecture). 

Suzi Hall Book Cover 2021 Burdett 3 Hall 

Edited volumes

2021    Guest Editor for ‘The Migrant’s Paradox Book Review Forum: Author to Author’, Society and Space, July.

2015    Editor, Special Issue on ‘Migration and Election 2015’, Discover Society, Issue 17, February.

2010    Hall, S., Dinardi, C. and Fernandez, M. (eds) Writing Cities, a graduate student publication, London: London School of Economics and Political Science (in collaboration with the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Harvard Graduate School of Design and Harvard Law School). 

Peer-reviewed journal articles

2022      Hall, S., Nyamnjoh, H. and L.R. Cirolia, ‘Apportioned City: Gendered delineations of asylum, work and violence in Cape Town’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 40(1) pp. 3-20.

2022      Nyamnjoh, H., Hall, S., and Cirolia, L. ‘Precarity, Permits and Prayers: Working practices of Congolese women in Cape Town’,  Africa Spectrum, 57(1) pp. 30-49.

2022      Cirolia, L., Hall, S., and Nyamnjoh, H. ‘Remittance Micro-worlds and Migrant Infrastructure: Circulations, disruptions and the movement of money’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 47(1) pp. 63-76.

2022      Georgiou, M., Hall, S. and Dajani, D. ‘Suspension: Disabling the City of Refuge?’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(9) pp. 2206-2222.

2018    ‘Migrant Margins: The street life of discrimination’, The Sociological Review, 66(5), pp.968-983.

2017    ‘Mooring “Super-diversity” to a Brutal Migration Milieu’, commissioned for the 40th Anniversary Special Issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(9), pp. 1562-1573.

2017    Hall, S., King, J. and Finlay, R. ‘Migrant Infrastructure: Transaction economies in Birmingham and Leicester, UK’, Urban Studies, 54 (6), pp. 1311-1327. *Shortlisted for the Urban Studies Best Article Award.

2016    Hall, S. and Savage, M. ‘Animating the Urban Vortex: New sociological urgencies’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 40(1) pp. 82-95. 

2015    Hall, S., King, J. and Finlay, R. ‘Envisioning Migration: Drawing the infrastructure of Stapleton Road, Bristol, New Diversities 17(2), pp. 59-72.

2015    ‘Migrant Urbanisms: Ordinary cities and everyday resistance’, Sociology, 49(3), pp. 853-869.

2015    ‘Super-diverse Street: A ‘trans-ethnography’ across migrant localities’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 22-37.

2013    ‘The Politics of Belonging’, Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, vol. 20, issue 1,  Special Issue: Settling Differences in a Land of Strangers, pp. 46-53.

2011   High Street Adaptations: Ethnicity, independent retail practices and Localism in London’s urban margins Environment and Planning A, 43(11), pp. 2571-2588.

2010   Hall, S. and Datta, A. The Translocal Street: Shop signs and local multiculture along the Walworth Road, south London in R. Tavernor (guest editor), Theme Issue on ‘London 2000 – 2010’, in City, Culture and Society, 1(2), pp. 69-77.

2010    ‘Picturing Difference: Juxtaposition, collage and layering of a multi-ethnic street’, in Anthropology Matters, 12(1).
*Reprinted in Steven Vertovec (Editor) 2014, Migration and Diversity, Edward Elgar, London.     

2009    ‘Being at Home: Space for belonging in a London caff’, in A. Datta (guest editor), Theme Issue on ‘Home, Migration and the City’, in Open House International, 34(3), pp. 81-87.
*Reprinted in Dick Hobbs (Editor) 2011, Ethnography in Context: The Urban Condition, vol. 1, London: SAGE.

2008    ‘Narrating the City: Diverse spaces of urban change’, in M. Mitchell (guest editor), Theme Issue on ‘The Architecture of Rapid Change and Scarce Resources’, in Open House International, 33(2), pp. 10-17. 

Book chapters

2022      ‘Edge Syntax: Vocabularies for violent times’, in Ash Amin and Michele Lancione (eds), Grammars of the Urban Ground , Durham NC: Duke University Press, Chapter 11, pp. 221-239.

2018    Hall, S. ‘Interior City’, in Ricky Burdett and Philipp Rode (eds), Shaping Cities in an Urban Age, London: Phaidon, pp. 120-127.

2017    Hall, S., Finlay, R. and J. King, ‘The Migrant Street’, in Suzanne Hall and Ricky Burdett (eds), The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City, SAGE, pp. 464-477.

2017    Hall, S and Burdett, R. ‘Urban Churn’, in Suzanne Hall and Ricky Burdett (eds), The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City, SAGE, pp. 1-9.

2017    ‘The Street is not a Square: Urban politics from the margins’, in Yvonne Franz and Christiane Hintermann (eds), Unravelling Complexities: Understanding Public Spaces, ISR-Forschungsbericht, Vienna, pp. 33-42.

2015    ‘Designing Public Space in Austerity Britain’, in Juliet Odgers, Stephen Kite and Mhairi McVicar (eds), Economy and Architecture, Routledge, Oxon, pp. 226-236.

2014  Emotion, Location and Urban Regeneration: The resonance of marginalised cosmopolitanism in Emma Jackson and Hannah Jones (eds.), Emotion and Location: Stories of cosmopolitan belonging, Routledge, London, pp.  31-43.

2014    ‘Unrecognised Street: The social space of global change’, in Ryan Locke (ed.), Shifting from Objects to Places, Ax: Johnson Foundation, Stockholm, pp. 83-92.

Research Reports

2021      Alexander, C., Carey, S., Hall, S., and J. King, Revisiting Brick Lane: The Impact of COVID-19 on an Ethnically Diverse High Street, The Runnymede Trust.

2020      Alexander, C., Carrey, S., Lidher, S., Hall, S. and J. King, Beyond Banglatown: Continuity, Change and New Urban Economies in Brick Lane, The Runnymede Trust.

2018       King, J., and Hall, S., Roman-Velazquez, P, Fernandez, A., Mallins, J., Peluffo-Soneyra, S. and N. Perez (2018) ‘Socio-economic value at the Elephant & Castle London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Sociology, London, UK.

2017    High Streets for All, We Made That and LSE Cities, commissioned by the Mayor of London, Greater London Authority, September 2017.

2015    Hall, S., King, J. and R. Finlay (2015) City Street Data Profile on Ethnicity, Economy and Migration. Rookery Road, Birmingham, an ESRC report, LSE, December 2015.

- Stapleton Road, Bristol, an ESRC report, LSE, December 2015.

- Narborough Road, Leicester, an ESRC report, LSE, December 2015.

- Cheetham Hill, Manchester, an ESRC report, LSE, December 2015.

2014    London’s High Streets: The value of ethnically diverse micro-economies, submitted by invitation to Just Space, in response to the London Plan, March 2014.

2013    Future of London's Town Centres, submitted by invitation to the Planning Committee, London Assembly, 10 January 2013.

2012    London’s High Streets: Bringing empty shops back into use, submitted by invitation to the Economy Committee,      London Assembly, 31 August 2012.

2010    Building Confidence: The emergence of the Bankside Urban Forest project, A Process Case Study, commissioned by the Council for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE).

Film and websites

2020    Tayob, H., Hall, S. and Loewenson, T. Race, Space and Architecture. An open-access website

2015    Hall, S. and Yetton, S. Ordinary Streets. A film. LSE Cities. 

Expertise Details

Urbanisation; Migration; Migrant city-making; Ethnography; Visual Methods