Professor Suki Ali

Professor Suki Ali

Associate Professor in Sociology and Deputy Head of Department

Department of Sociology

Room No
Key Expertise
Intersectionality, Postcoloniality, Families, Education, Visuality

About me

Dr Ali is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at LSE. She previously taught at Goldsmiths College, the Institute of Education and University of Greenwich. Her main theoretical interests focus upon feminist postcolonial theory, research methodologies, visual culture, and processes of identification and embodiment. Her work centralises the interplay between gender, sexualities, race and class and she has published research that engages these issues in education and family life. Whilst continuing to work within these areas, her current research explores processes of racialisation with specific regard to family life, identification and postcoloniality; and knowledge politics and practices.

She continues to engage with issues of intersectionality in education through activities attached to her role as Chair of the Schools Undergraduate Studies Sub-Committee, including work on ‘the Inclusive curriculum’.

She is an active member of the Runnymede Trust Academic Forum, and sits on a number of Editorial Boards.

Selected Publications


Edwards, R; Ali, S.; Caballero, C and Song, M (eds.) (2012) International Perspectives on Racial and Ethnic Mixedness and Mixing. London and New York: Routledge

The Politics of Gender and Education: Critical Perspectives. (co-edited with Shereen Benjamin and Wangui wa Goro). Palgrave Press. 2003

Mixed-Race, Post-Race: Gender, New Ethnicities and Cultural Practices. Berg (2003)

Ali, S., Coate, K. and wa Goro, W. (eds.) (2000) Global Feminist Politics: Identities in a Changing World. London and New York: Routledge.

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Articles and book chapters 

Ali, S. (2014) 'Governing Multicultural Populations and Family Life.' British Journal of Sociology. 65 (1) ISSN 0007-1315 print/1468-4446 online.

Ali, S. (2013) 'Multicultural families: Deracializing transracial adoption.' Critical Social Policy First published online DOI: 10.1177/0261018313493160

Ali, S. and Coate, K. (2013) 'Impeccable Advice: supporting women academics through supervision and mentoring'. Gender and Education (Special Issue: Tribute to Diana Leonard) 25(1): 23-36.

Ali, S. (2012) ‘The Sense of Memory’ in Feminist Review, Special Edition 100th edition. Pp 88 - 105

Ali, S (2012) 'Mixed Race Politics’ for Special Section in Annales: Journal of Social Sciences 21 pp 237-248

Ali, S. et. al (2010)’ Intersectionality, Black British feminism and resistance in education: a roundtable discussion’ in Gender and Education, Volume 22, Number 6, November 2010 , pp. 647-661(15)

Ali, S (2009) ‘Black feminist praxis: some reflections on pedagogies and politics in higher education’ in Race Ethnicity and Education 12 (1)

Ali, S. (2008) Troubling Times: A Comment on Judith Butler’s ‘Sexual Politics, Torture and Secular Time’. British Journal of Sociology 59(1)

Ali, S. (2007 ) ‘Feminist and Postcolonial: challenging knowledge’ in Ethnic and Racial Studies. 30 (2) pp 191-212

'Racialising Research: Managing Power and Politics?' in Ethnic and Racial Studies Special Issue on 'Ethnography and Race: Writing Difference'. Vol 29, No. 3, May (2006)

'Uses of the Exotic: Body, Narrative, Mixedness' in Alexander, C. and Knowles, C. (eds.) Gendering Race, Racing Gender Basingstoke. Palgrave Macmillan (2005 )

'To Be A Girl: Culture and Class in Schools' in Gender and Education Special Edition on Working Class Femininities. Sep 2003 vol 15 issue 03 (2003)

'Reading Racialised Bodies: Learning to see Difference' in Thomas, H. and Ahmed, J.(eds.)(2003) Cultural Bodies: Ethnography and Theory. London and New York: Blackwell (2003)

'Friendships, Fandom and Power: Gender and Cultural Expertise' in Epstein, D and Hey, V (eds.) Discourse: The Journal of Culture in Education. Special Edition on Friendship. (2002)

Expertise Details

Intersectionality; Postcoloniality; Families; Education; Visuality