Dr Jana Melkumova-Reynolds

Dr Jana Melkumova-Reynolds

Assistant Professor in Sociology

Department of Sociology

Room No
Office Hours
Tuesday 15.30-16.30, Friday 14.30-15.30
Connect with me

English, French, Russian
Key Expertise
Cultural Work, Fashion, Time, Disability Studies, Embodiment, Affect Theory

About me

Jana Melkumova-Reynolds is a cultural sociologist whose research straddles together theoretical and methodological approaches from the social sciences and from the arts and humanities. Her areas of expertise include time and temporalities, cultural production, material and visual culture, and disability studies. Her work in these areas is underpinned by feminist and queer epistemologies and methodologies. Embodied and emplaced, it is rooted in phenomenology and draws on affect theory and ANT.

Jana is interested in the emergence of subjectivities under the (cultural) conditions of late capitalism, characterised by precarious employment, the aestheticisation of everyday life, growing imperatives to embrace and enact geographical, social and professional mobility, and the injunction to manage incalculable risks while retaining an affective investment in the future. She is also interested in counter-emergences; in cultural imaginaries and practices that conjure alternative subjectivities, non-normative ways of being, and future-orientations premised on ‘hope without optimism’. This informs her recent focus on queer and crip utopias.

Jana's earlier research examined the labour of fashion intermediaries and enquired what kinds of knowledge their work relies on, and what kinds of subjectivities it summons and constitutes. This project applied the critical lenses that emerged from the ‘affective turn’ in the humanities and the social sciences to the analysis of labour in the cultural and creative industries. Another strand of her research has been concerned with representations of disability in contemporary cultural texts. Drawing on textual analysis of recent fashion media, performance and photography, she enquired how popular culture incorporates the disabled body into its imaginaries by means of normalising, mainstreaming, ‘enfreakment’ or commodification.

Her current research seeks to further advance the dialogue between cultural sociology, disability studies, sociology of time, and material and visual culture. It explores ‘crip’ and ‘queer-crip’ cultural production, with a focus on what she tentatively terms ‘queer-crip aesthetics’ emerging in recent fashion, media and performance: a nascent cultural paradigm that foregrounds and celebrates queer-crip subjectivity as a unique way of being-in-the-world.

Prior to academia, Jana worked in the creative industries across four countries for over 15 years, and this experience informs both her teaching and her research.

Together with Dr Don Slater, she convenes the MSc Culture and Society.


Articles and book chapters

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2024) ‘On the cusp of something huge’: Anticipatory subjectivities in freelance fashion work. Time & Society (OpenAccess) https://doi.org/10.1177/0961463X241258520

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2024) On Crutches, Choreography and (Crip) Care: Curative Objects and Palliative Things in Two Performance Pieces. In: Woolley, D., Johnstone, F., Sampson, E. and Chambers, P. (Eds). Wearable Objects and Curative Things: Materialist Approaches to the Intersections of Fashion, Art, Health and Medicine. London: Palgrave Macmillan 

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2023) "Let Me Be Your Stimy Toy”: Fashioning Disability, Cripping Fashion. In: Mahawatte, R., Willson, J. (Eds), Dangerous Bodies: New Global Perspectives on Fashion and Transgression.  Palgrave Studies in Fashion and the Body. London: Palgrave Macmillan 

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2022) How the East Was Worn: Negotiating National Heritage in the First Issues of Vogue Ukraine and Vogue Russia. In: R. Findlay and J. Reponen (Eds.). Insights on Fashion Journalism. London: Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003035688

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2021) From Bag to “It”-bag: The “Consecration” of Sophie Hulme’s Tote Design. In: E. Paulicelli, V. Manlow, & E. Wissinger (Eds.). The Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies. New York: Routledge  https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429264405

Burton, L. and Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2020) ”My leg is a giant stiletto heel”: Fashioning the prosthetic body. In: M. Barnard (Ed). Fashion Theory: A Reader, 2nd edition. London: Routledge

Burton, L. and Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2019) ”My leg is a giant stiletto heel”: Fashioning the prosthetic body. Fashion Theory: Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, 23 (2) DOI 10.1080/1362704X.2019.1567061

Melkumova-Reynolds, J. (2019) ‘”This guy is such a machine!”: Gendering the prosthetic body. In: B. Braid and H. Muzaffar (Eds.). Bodies in Flux: Embodiments at the End of Anthropocentrism. Leiden: Brill https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004408760_006



2019. ‘Schrödinger’s jeans’, Vestoj (online)

2019. ‘Experimental Fashion: Performance Art, Carnival and the Grotesque Body’, review of the book by F. Granata, International Journal of Fashion Studies, 6 (1) 

2016. ‘Exhibiting Fashion: before and after 1971’ [review of the book by J. Clark and A. de la Haye], Fashion Theory, No. 34 (Russian edition)

2015. ‘The Glamour of Italian Fashion’ [review of the exhibition at the V&A], Fashion Theory, No. 32

2014. ‘Fashioning models: Image, Text and Industry’ [review of the book by J. Entwistle and E. Wissinger], Fashion Theory: Journal of Dress, Body and Culture, No. 29 (Russian edition)

2013. ‘Mannequin: Le Corps De La Mode’ (Mannequin: The Body of Fashion) [review of the exhibition at Palais Galliera], Fashion Theory, No. 28 (Russian edition)

Expertise Details

Cultural Work; Fashion; Time; Disability Studies; Embodiment; Affect Theory