Dr Carrie Friese

Dr Carrie Friese

Associate Professor in Sociology

Department of Sociology

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Key Expertise
Medical Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Reproduction

About me

Carrie Friese's research is in medical sociology and science and technology studies, with a focus on reproduction across humans and animals. Her initial research focused on the use of assisted reproductive technologies for human reproduction in the context of infertility, with a particular focus on ageing and motherhood. She then explored the development of interspecies nuclear transfer (aka cloning) for endangered species preservation in zoos. Here she asked how notions of nature are being innovated in and through biotechnological development. Based on this research, she has also written and given talks on the ethics of de-extinction. She currently holds a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award for the project “Care as Science: The Role of Animal Husbandry in Translational Medicine.” This five year project (2015-2019) uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to ask why scientists understand quality animal care as a scientific priority and how this shapes their work. She has also written and taught workshops on situational analysis and grounded theory, and have a general interest in relational research methods. 

Selected Publications:


Clarke, Adele, Carrie Friese and Rachel Washburn (2018). Situational Analysis: grounded theory after the interpretive turn, 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.

Clarke, Adele, Carrie Friese and Rachel Washburn (Eds.). (2015). Situational Analysis in Practice: mapping research with grounded theory. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Friese, Carrie (2013). Cloning Wild Life: zoos, captivity and the future of endangered animals. New York: New York University Press.

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Journal Articles

Friese, Carrie (2019). "Intimate entanglements in the animal house: Caring for and about mice." The Sociological Review.

Friese, Carrie and Latimer, Joanna (2019). "Entanglements in Health and Well‐being: working with model organisms in biomedicine and bioscience." Medical Anthropology Quarterly.

Friese, Carrie and Nuyts, Nathalie (2017). "From the Principles to the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act. A commentary on how and why the 3Rs became central to laboratory animal governance in the UK". Science, Technology and Human Values.

Friese, Carrie and Nuyts, Nathalie (2017) "Posthumanist Critique and Human Health: how nonhumans (could) figure in public health research." Critical Public Health, 27 (3). pp. 303-313.

Friese, Carrie and multiple authors (2016). “Developing a Collaborative Agenda for Humanities and Social Scientific Research on Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare.” PLOS One.

Friese, Carrie and Claire Marris (2014). “Making De-Extinction Mundane?” PLoS Biology 12(3): e1001825.

Friese, Carrie (2013). “Realizing Potential in Translational Medicine: The Uncanny Emergence of Care as Science.” Current Anthropology 54(7): S129-S138.

Friese, Carrie and Adele E. Clarke. (2012). “Transposing Bodies of Knowledge and Technique: Animal Models at Work in the Reproductive Sciences.” Social Studies of Science 42(1): 31-52.

Friese, Carrie. (2010). "Classification conundrums: Categorizing chimeras and enacting species preservation." Theory and Society 39(2): 145-172.

Friese, Carrie. (2009). "Models of cloning, models for the zoo: Rethinking the sociological significance of cloned animals." BioSocieties 4(4): 367-39.

Friese, Carrie, Gay Becker, and Robert D. Nachtigall. (2008). "Older Motherhood and the Changing Life Course in the Era of Assisted Reproductive Technologies." Journal of Aging Studies 22(1): 65-73.

Friese, Carrie, Gay Becker, and Robert D. Nachtigall. (2006) "Rethinking the biological clock: eleventh hour moms, miracle moms, and meanings of age-related infertility." Social Science & Medicine 63(6): 1550-1560.

Nachtigall, Robert, Gay Becker, Diane Tober, Carrie Friese, and Anneliese Butler. (2005) "Parents' Conceptualization of Their Frozen Embryos Complicates the Disposition Decision." Fertility & Sterility 84(2): 431-4.

Book Chapters

Friese, Carrie (2016). "Feminist animal care". In: Hoogland, Renée C., (ed.) Gender: Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks. Macmillan Reference USA.

Friese, Carrie (2017). “Cloning in the Zoo. Or When Zoos Become Parents” in The Ark and Beyond: The Evolution of Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Eds. Ben Minteer, Jane Maienschein, and Jame P. Collins. University of Chicago Press.

Friese, Carrie (2015). Genetic Value: the moral economies of cloning in the zoo. In: Dussauge, Isabelle and Helgesson, Claes-Fredrik and Lee, Francis, (eds.) Value Practices in the Life Sciences and Medicine. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 153-167.

Friese, Carrie. (2015). “Genetics, Reproduction and Disease.” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Science, Second Edition. Elsevier.

Friese, Carrie. (2013). “Classification conundrums: Categorizing chimeras and enacting species preservation” in Clarke, Adele and Charmaz, Kathy (Eds.) Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis, SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (Reprint)

Clarke, Adele, Carrie Friese, and Rachel Washburn. (2013). “Situational Analysis” in Kaldis, Byron (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Friese, Carrie, Gay Becker, and Robert D. Nachtigall. (2009). “Rethinking the
biological clock: eleventh hour moms, miracle moms, and meanings of age-related infertility” in Peter Brown and Ron Barrett (Eds.) Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology, Second Edition. McGraw Hill. Pp. 198-208. (Reprint)

Clarke, Adele E. and Carrie Friese. (2007). “Grounded Theorizing Using Situational Analysis” in Antony Bryant and Kathy Charmaz (Eds.) The Handbook of Grounded Theory. London: Sage. Pp. 363-397.

Expertise Details

Medical Sociology; Science and Technology Studies; Animal Studies; Grounded Theory; Situational Analysis