Maya Adereth

Maya Adereth

Course Tutor in Political Sociology

Department of Sociology

Room No
Key Expertise
Political Sociology

About me

Maya researches the politics of trade union federations and in particular their support for universal public benefits. Her dissertation examined diverging trade union support for public pensions and health insurance at the turn of the twentieth century in the US and the UK. Methodologically, she draws on large scale comparisons that consider processes of state formation and their influence on organisational forms in civil society and industrial relations. Integrating perspectives from organisational sociology, she studies why some forms of working class association perpetuate and thrive within particular social, economic, and institutional contexts—and why others fail.

Expertise Details

Comparative Historical Sociology; Labour Movements; Organisational Sociology; Sociology of Class

Selected publications

“When do trade unions support universal demands? Organizational context and trade union strategies in the US and UK at the turn of the 20th century,” International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 105

“Legal Boundaries, Organizational Fields, and Trade Union Politics: The Development of Railway Unions in the US and the UK,” Social Science History (forthcoming).


Maya's research interests lie in comparative methods, social movements, law and labour, state formation, organisations, organisational law, voluntary associations, the study of historical change.

Teaching and PhD supervision

Maya teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Political Sociology.