Dr Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg

Dr Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg

LSE Fellow in Human Rights

Department of Sociology

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English, Portuguese, Spanish
Key Expertise
International Law, War & Political Violence, Postcolonial Approaches

About me

Alonso’s work focuses on the history of the international regulation of war and political violence, from a postcolonial perspective. His latest book, Conflicto Armado en el Perú: La Época del Terrorismo bajo el Derecho Internacional (University of the Pacific Press, 2019) explores the role of international humanitarian law in post-conflict political discourses in Peru.

Prior to joining LSE, Alonso worked at King’s College London, Oxford University, the University of Michigan, and the University of the Pacific. 

He is a contributing editor for the international law blog Opinio Juris and a member of the International Law Association’s Committee on the Use of Force.

Expertise Details

International Law; History of International Law; War and Political Violence; Postcolonial Approaches

Selected publications


Conflicto Armado en el Perú: La Época del Terrorismo bajo el Derecho Internacional, (University of the Pacific, 2019)

Book Chapters

The Cold War & Latin American International Law, in Matthew Craven, Sundhya Pahuja & Gerry Simpson (eds), The Cambridge History of International Law, Vol. XI (Cambridge, forthcoming 2024)

The Inter-American System, in Kai Ambos & José Martínez (eds), Göttingen Handbook for Latin American Law (Nomos, 2022)

Selected Research Articles

Des-Encanto: Latin America and International Humanitarian Law, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 24 (2022), pp. 3-31

It’s a Trap! Re-Thinking Samuel Moyn’s Humane Beyond the North Atlantic, Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 12:2 (2021)

A Legal History of Consent and Intervention in Civil Wars in Latin America (2020) 7 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 7 (2020), pp. 102-121

There and Back Again: The Inter-American Human Rights System’s Approach to International Humanitarian Law, The Military Law and the Law of War Review 56:2 (2018), pp. 1-24

Si Vis Pacem: La Aplicación del Derecho Internacional Humanitario en el Ordenamiento Jurídico Peruano (2018) 7 Latin American Journal of International Law 7 (2018), pp. 99-130

Media Articles

Peru Riots: Unrest in Southern Andes lays bare an Urgent Need to Decolonise (2023) The Conversation

What Just Happened in Peru? Understanding Vizcarra’s Sudden Impeachment (2020) Americas Quarterly


Alonso's research focuses on reframing histories of international law by recentring them on those excluded by it. He is currently working on research projects exploring the concepts of genocide and of use of force under international law from the perspective of the Global South.

Teaching and PhD supervision

Alonso teaches courses on Approaches to Human Rights and Postcolonial Theory on our MSc in Human Rights programme.