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LSE Human Rights events

Public events are a key part of our activities, providing a critical and scholarly forum for discussion and debate. Our events enable scholars, practitioners, journalists and policy makers from the public, private, commercial and non-governmental sectors to examine critical issues in the field of human rights.

We send a termly LSE Human Rights newsletter, you can sign up here. 

You can also sign up to receive our Sociology Matters newsletter with the latest event updates from across the Department of Sociology. 

Upcoming events

War-making as worldmaking: Kenya, the United States, and the war on terror

Samar Al-Bulushi joins us to discuss her newly-released book War-Making as Worldmaking: Kenya, the United States, and the War on Terror.

Thursday 27 March, 5.00pm to 6.30pm, OLD.3.24, Old Building

Subverting Human Rights: Left, Right and Centre

The conference, entitled Subverting Human Rights: Left, Right, and Centre initiates a series of conversations interrogating human rights in the wake of ongoing colonial genocides, climate breakdown, capitalist catastrophe, the rise of fascism, the instrumentalisation of gender and sexuality politics, and more. 

Thursday 15 and Friday 16 May, LSE Campus

Past events 2024/25

Trans Femme Futures 


Dr Nat Raha and Dr Mijke van der Drift join us to discuss their newly-released book, Trans Femme Futures.

The ecological face of the commune form


Professor Kristin Ross delivered our Annual Internationalism, Cosmopolitanism and the Politics of Solidarity lecture. The lecture was based on her new book, The Commune Form, which looks at the new frontal anti-capitalist antagonisms fueling recent territorial struggles.  

Dark laboratory: on Columbus, the Caribbean, and the origins of the climate crisis

Tao Leigh Goffe joins us to discuss her new book, Dark Laboratory: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis

Politics in the crevices

How has the battle for housing shifted away from traditional political arenas onto private crevices of the city? At this event we will dicuss Politics in the Crevices which explores the world of urban planning and design practices in Istanbul and Cairo.

Crude capitalism: oil, corporate power, and the making of the world marke

Adam Hanieh will join us to discuss his newly-released book, Crude Capitalism: Oil, Corporate Power, and the Making of the World Market.

Human rights through the eyes of my native land: South Africa in the World

This year's annual Human Rights Day lecture will explore South Africa's complex relationship with the idea of human rights. Drawing from the struggle to end apartheid, the lecture will explore the connections between the  struggle for human rights and the idea of self-determination. While both ideas are local, the lecture will show that they are also global. South Africa remains a feature of the global world order, trying, as one of its most talented sons, Steve Bantu Biko once said "to give the world a more human face". 

Legalising the Revolution: India and the Constitution of the Postcolony

Following decolonisation, the challenge was to give institutional form to those ideas. In this talk Sandipto Dasgupta will discuss his latest book, Legalising the Revolution, which explores the unique promises, challenges, and contradictions of India’s anticolonial movement and constitution making.

Revolutionary Papers Launch: Anticolonial Periodicals of the Global South

Join us for a roundtable discussion on the latest issue of Radical History Review on Revolutionary Papers: Anticolonial Periodicals of the Global South and our special series on radical papers of the African left with Africa Is A Country.

Racism in Turkey: context, questions and stakes

As part of a collaboration, Istos publishing house and the London School of Economics and Political Science will host “Racism in Turkey: context, questions and stakes” on 19 and 20 October. The purpose of this meeting is to lay the framework for an open-ended dialogue around the subject of racism in Turkey. The aim of these talks will be to provide concrete ideas for developing anti-racist strategies and paying attention to what must be considered for such strategies. The event will feature six sessions over two days, each organised around specific themes, including the history of racial capitalism in Turkey; labour relations and social reproduction; nationalism; migration and racialisation; policing and racism in city life, and the question of anti-racism in Turkey. The event will be bilingual, in English and Turkish, and translation will be available.

Past events 2023/24

Thinking with C.L.R. James about international socialism, popular democracy, and the good life

This talk was drawn from a larger project entitled 'Recalling C.L.R. James, Reconsidering Black Marxism.' It first offered an overview of James’s distinctive critical and political orientation.

Divest! the history and politics of a demand

This panel brought together scholars, experts, practitioners, and organisers who have investigated how financial investments can be entangled with human rights abuses, the arms trade, and climate breakdown.

Revolution of Things: Islamism and Post-Islamism of Objects in Iran

In Revolution of Things (Princeton University Press 2023), Kusha Sefat told the story of political transformations in post-revolutionary Iran from the vantage point of the relationships between materiality and language.

Shadows without bodies: war, revolutionary nostalgia, and the challenges of internationalism

In this lecture, Christina Heatherton reflected on the challenges of internationalism at present. Extending the analysis from her book, Arise! Global Radicalism in the Era of the Mexican Revolution, Heatherton considered how war, nationalism, and revolutionary nostalgia have confounded the development of an internationalist consciousness. In revisiting the radical theories and visions developed in an earlier era of global solidarity, she considers how we might now imagine otherwise.

Human rights: the case for the defence

At this event, co-hosted with LSE's International Inequalities Institute, Baroness Chakrabarti discussed her latest book Human Rights: The Case for the Defence, which shows us why human rights are essential for our future.

The states of exception: biopolitics, human rights, utopia

The States of Exception: Biopolitics, Human Rights, Utopia by Costas Douzinas assessed and critiqued the ways in which governments responded to three recent emergencies: the 2008 economic crisis, the large flows of refugees and migrants since the 2010s and the COVID-19 pandemic. This book launch discussed the theoretical and practical consequences of the state of exception.

Rights, Virtues and Humanity: Re-thinking the Ethics of Human Rights

In this lecture, Kimberly Hutchings will explore the critical landscape of human rights thinking today and how we might re-think the concept of human rights in ways that will sustain its power as an ethical discourse into the future.

Except Palestine: law, humanity and politics

This event explored how and why international law and ideas of humanity attend to, and exceptionalise, the case of Palestine and Palestinians. İt brought together scholars of international law, media, culture, human rights and politics. Listen to the podcast or watch the video.

Of Black Study Reading Group

As part of Black History Month, we hosted a conversation with Dr Joshua Myers about his latest book, Of Black Study (Pluto Press, 2023).

Past events 2022/23

LSE Reels Screening: Machuca

LSE Reels screened acclaimed director Andrés Wood's most successful film, set during the 1970s and based on his own experiences at Saint George's College.

The Politics of the Turkey/Syria Earthquake: Responses and Aftermath

Hosted with LSE Human Rights, LSE IDEAS and Middle East Centre

After he recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria had catastrophic impacts across a large area, our panel discussed whether emergency agencies had been able to access and deliver relief to those most in need, and what the conditions, and prospects for, recovery and reconstruction are. With Dr Karabekir Akkoyunlu, Dr Hişyar Özsoy, Dr Rim Turkmani and Amberin Zaman. Chaired by Dr Ayça Çubukçu. Catch up here

Irregular Rights: Abortion, Domestic Violence, and the uses of Illegality

In this lecture, Professor Poulami Roychowdhury developed the concept of “irregular rights”. Chaired by Professor Monika Krause. Catch up here

Spaces of Struggle: Rethinking Internationalism in an Age of War and Transition

A discussion on the fractures, conflicts, and wars that are currently shaping the capitalist world system, with Professor Sandro Mezzadra. Chaired by Dr Ayça Çubukçu. Catch up here.

Book Launch: Colonizing Kashmir | Inaugural event of Global Anti/Colonialisms at LSE Human Rights

LSE Human Rights and the South Asia Solidarity Group invites you to the launch of Hafsa Kanjwal’s Colonizing Kashmir: State-building under Indian Occupation (SUP 2023). The launch inaugurates LSE Human Rights’ Global Anti/Colonialisms, a new series of events that seeks to push the temporal, geographic, and other boundaries of critical scholarship on colonialism, empire, and resistance to both. More information can be found here.

Past events 2021/22

Neoliberal Freedom as Stoic Resignation 

Monday 10 February, 10:00am to 11:30am

Speakers: Dr Jessica Whyte (University of New South Wales)
Chair: Dr Yazan Doughan (LSE)

Find out more

Dismantling the Apartheid of Our Time: The Palestinian Liberation Movement as an Anti-Racist Struggle

Monday 13 December, 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Speakers: Dr Noura Eraka (Rutgers University)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)

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Black Resistance to British Policing

Monday 8 November, 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Speakers: Dr Adam Elliott-Cooper (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Nivi Manchanda (Queen Mary University of London), Dr SM Rodríguez (LSE), Dr Vanessa Eileen Thompson (Queen’s University, Canada)
Chair: Dr Sara Salem (LSE)

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The Human in Human Rights - Part III

Wednesday 20 October, 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Speaker: Professor Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University and LSE)
Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

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Policing the Crisis, Revisited 

Hosted by LSE Human Rights 

Monday 14 March 2022, 6.30pm to 8.00pm  

Speakers: Professor Ruth Wilson Gilmore (The City University New York) 
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE) 

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Everyone and No One: Moral Solicitude and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Tuesday 6 December 2022, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Hosted by LSE Human Rights and the Department of Sociology. In this year’s Annual Human Rights Day Talk, Professor Siba N'Zatioula Grovogui invites us to revisit the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 

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Masterclass with Professor Siba Grovogui

Wednesday 7 December 2022, 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Join Professor Siba Grovogui for an intimate masterclass as part of his Annual Human Rights Day Lecture. This masterclass is open to all. 

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LSE Reels Screening: A Flood in Baath Country

Wednesday 18 January 2023, 4.00pm to 6.00pm

Join LSE Reels for film screenings followed by moderated discussions, special guests, drinks and snacks! This year's theme is time & memory.

Find out more, and reserve your space here.

Radius: a Story of Feminist Revolution

Tuesday 24 January 2023, 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Join us for a conversation between Yasmine El-Rifae and Sophie Chamas on El-Rifae's new book, 'Radius: A Story of a Feminist Revolution' (Verso, 2022).

Find out more here.

Past events 2020/21

The 'Human' in Human Rights Part II - Transformations

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Speaker: Professor Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University and LSE)

Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

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Liberalism, Race and Empire: in conversation with Pankaj Mishra

Speaker: Pankaj Mishra (Author and essayist)

Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)

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Cosmopolitanisms: past, present, future?

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Speaker: Professor Etienne Balibar (University of Paris-Nanterre, Kingston University, and Columbia University)

Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)

Listen to the podcast

Have We Reached The End Of The 1951 Refugee Convention?

Annual Human Rights Day Lecture, 7 December 2020

Speaker: Professor Seyla Benhabib (Yale University)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)

Listen to the podcast

The Human in Human Rights

Co-hosted with The Department of Sociology, 19 October 2020

Speaker: Professor Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University and LSE)
Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

Listen to the podcast

Past events 2019/20

The Fate of Internationalism: talking solidarity in a pandemic

7 May 2020

Speakers: Dr Anthony Alessanddrini (The City University of New York), Dr Noura Erakat (Rutgers University), Dr Christina Heatherton (Barnard College, Columbia University)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE) 

Watch the recording

Radiographies of the Human and the Inhuman: victims and perpetrators of Mexico's drugs wars

Hosted with Department of Sociology and Wellcome Trust, 19 February 2020

Speaker: Dr Ernesto Schwartz-Marin (University of Exeter)
Chair: Dr Claire Moon (LSE)

Listen to the podcast

The Rights of Aliens Under International Law: towards a critical history

Annual Human Rights Day Lecture, 2 December 2019

Speaker: Professor Antony Anghie (University of Utah)
Chair: Dr Ayça Cubucku (LSE) 

Find out more about the event

Global Attack on Academia: examples from Turkey, Egypt, China/Asia, Hungary, and the UK

Hosted by LSE Library, LSE Human Rights and LSE Centre for Contemporary Turkish Studies, 29 November 2019

Speakers: Dr Lori Allen (SOAS), Ahmed Ezzat (Human Rights Lawyer), Katrin Kinzelbach (Global Public POlicy Institute), Professor Esra Özyürek (LSE Centre for Contemporary Turkish Studies) and Seçkin Sertdemir Özdemir (LSE Centre for Contemporary Turkish Studies) 
Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

Find out more about the event

Protection Space: the humanitarian order and the rationalisation of rightless relief

Hosted by the Department of Geography and Environment, LSE Human Rights and Birkbeck, University of London, 19 November 2019

Speaker: Daniel Bertrand Monk (Colgate University)

Past events 2018/19

Rethinking Human Rights: a southern response to western critics

Hosted with the Department of Sociology, 22nd May 2019

Speaker: Muthoni Wanyeki (Open Society Foundations)
Chair: Dr Bronwen Manby (LSE)

Listen to the Podcast

Internationale Blues: revolutionary pessimism and the politics of solidarity

Hosted with the Department of Sociology, 17 May 2019

Speaker: Professor Robin D G Kelley (UCLA)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu  (LSE)

Listen to the Podcast

Workshop: The Knowledge of Human Rights

Hosted with the Department of Sociology, 22 March 2019

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Human Rights Knowledges: A Pluralist and Legal Realist View

Hosted with the Department of Sociology

21 March 2019

Speaker: Professor Richard A. Wilson (UConn School of Law)
Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

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Law in a World of Struggle

Hosted with the Department of Law, 7 March 2019

Speaker: Professor David Kennedy (Harvard Law School)
Chair: Professor Gerry Simpson (LSE)

Find out more about the event  

For the Love of Humanity: the World Tribunal on Iraq

Hosted with the Department of Sociology, 4 October 2018

Speakers: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE), Professor David Graeber (LSE), Haifa Zangana, Professor Kimberly Hutchings (Queen Mary), Dr Tor Krever (Warwick), and Dr Lori Allen (SOAS)
Chair: Professor Tarak Barkawi (LSE)

Listen to the podcast

Citizenship in Africa: The Law of Belonging

Hosted with LSE Human Rights, LSE Middle East Centre and the Firoz Lalji Centre for Africa, LSE, 15 November 2018

Speaker: Dr Bronwen Manby (LSE)
Respondents: Dr Chaloka Beyani (LSE), Professor Nic Cheeseman (Birmingham)
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt (LSE)

15 Years for the War on Iraq: its aftermath and manifestations in the Iraqi society

17 May 2018

Speaker: Professor Nadje al-Ali (Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS) and Professor Toby Dodge (LSE Middle East Centre)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights, LSE

Listen to the Podcast

The Human Right to Dominate

15 May 2018

Speaker: Professor Neve Gordon, Professor of International Law at Queen Mary University London
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights, LSE

Listen to the Podcast

The Glocal Governance of Transgression: Corruption Rules Beyond the State and the Problems of Transnational Criminal Law

12 February 2018

Speaker: Dr Radha Ivory, Lecturer, TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland
Chair: Dr Ian Patel, BJS LSE Fellow, LSE Human Rights

Human Rights in the Neoliberal Maelstrom

7 February 2018

Speaker: Professor Samuel Moyn, Professor of Law and History, Yale University
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights, LSE

Watch the video

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: rejuvenate or retire?

5 February 2018

Speaker: Francesca Klug OBE, Visiting Professor, LSE Human Rights
Chair: Professor Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law, LSE, former Director, LSE Human Rights

Listen to the Podcast

International Human Rights Day Lecture

4 December 2017 

Speaker: Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt, Director, LSE Human Rights 

Listen to the Podcast

Accidental Anarchist: life without government

21 November 2017

Speaker: Carne Ross, Founder, Independent Diplomat
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights, LSE

Getting it right on human rights - rights in the age of Brexit and Trump

11 October 2017

Speaker: David Mepham, UK Director, Human Rights Watch
Chair: Dr Bronwen Manby. Visiting Senior Fellow, LSE Human Rights

Listen to the Podcast 

 Global Civil War: Solidarity by Proxy

25 April 2017

Speaker: Professor Susan Buck-Morss, Distinguished Professor of Political Philosophy and Social Theory, Graduate Center, City University of New York
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights

Priority setting in NGOs: Learning across human rights, humanitarianism and conservation

31 March 2017

A one-day workshop led by Dr Monika Krause.

Legal Ordering, Citizenship and Human Rights: The Case of the Palestinian Citizens of Israel

Hosted with the Middle East Centre, LSE

Speaker: Dr Mazen Masri, Senior Lecturer in Law, The City Law School, City University of London
Discussant: Professor  Yoav Peled, Visiting Professor, The Middle East Centre, LSE
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Assistant Professor in Human Rights, Centre for the Study of Human Rights, LSE

Listen to the Podcast  

Migrant Deaths at European borders: states' duties to identify and the rights of families to know

22 March 2017

Speakers: Dr Claire Moon (LSE), Professor William Schabas (University of Middlesex) Ms Ann Singleton (University of Bristol; IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre)
Chair: Stefanie Grant (LSE)

Listen to the Podcast 

Indebted: Leaning-in to Empowerment

21 March 2017

Speaker: Dr Vasuki Nesiah (NYU)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE) 

Listen to the Podcast

Is Liberal Democracy Under Threat? 

17 March 2017

Speakers: Joe Mulhall (Hope not Hate) Nick Lowles (Hope not Hate)

Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt (LSE) 

Efforts to Silence Free Expression in the Gulf: A panel discussion with two of the Gulf’s most articulate and outspoken activists

8 March, 2017

Speakers: Iyad el-Baghdadi, Writer and human rights activist, Maryam al-Khawaja (Gulf Center for Human Rights, GCHR), Adam Coogle (Human Rights Watch), Nicholas McGeehan (Human Rights Watch)
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt (LSE)

Rethinking Economic Policy for Social Justice: the radical potential of human rights

28 February 2017

Speakers: Radhika Balakrishnan (Center for Women's Global Leadership, Rutgers University) Diane Elson (University of Essex), James Heintz (University of Massachusetts)
Chair:  Dr Polly Vizard (CASE)

The Populist Challenge to Human Rights

1 December 2016 

Speaker: Professor Philip Alston (NYU)
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt (LSE)

Listen to the Podcast 

Using data to advance dignity: a new approach to measuring the Human Rights performance of countries, and how you can use it in your work

 29 November 2016

Speakers: Dr K. Chad Clay (University of Georgia), Anne-Marie Brook (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research)
Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt (LSE)

A social or a neoliberal Europe? The Greek experience

14 November 2016

Speaker: George Katrougalos, Alternative Minister for European Affairs - Foreign Ministry, Greece and Professor of Public Law
Discussant: Sarah Paterson (LSE)
Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone (LSE)

There was live streaming of this event by Livemedia: 

Five Ideas to Fight For: how our freedom is under threat and why it matters

20 October 2016

Speaker: Anthony Lester QC
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)

Competing Nationalisms in Ethiopia: the case for trans-national solidarity

25 August 2016

Speaker: Dr Awol Allo (LSE)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE)



The Human in Human Rights
19 October 2020
Speaker: Professor Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University and LSE)
Chair: Dr Monika Krause (LSE)

The Fate of Internationalism: talking solidarity in a pandemic
Thursday 7 May
Speakers: Dr Anthony Alessanddrini (The City University of New York), Dr Noura Erakat (Rutgers University), Dr Christina Heatherton (Barnard College, Columbia University)
Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu (LSE) 

Radiographies of the Human and the Inhuman: victims and perpetrators of Mexico's drugs wars
19 February 2020
Speaker: Dr Ernesto Schwartz-Marin (University of Exeter)
Chair: Dr Claire Moon (LSE)


Rethinking Human Rights: a southern response to western critics
22 May 2019
Speaker: Dr Muthoni Wanyeki, Chair: Dr Bronwen Manby

Internationale Blues: revolutionary pessimism and the politics of solidarity
17 May 2019
Speakers: Professor Robin Kelley, Chair:Dr Ayça Çubukçu


For the Love of Humanity: the World Tribunal on Iraq
4 October 2018
Speakers: Dr Ayça Çubukçu, Professor David Graeber, Haifa Zangana, Professor Kimberly Hutchings, Dr Tor Krever, and Dr Lori Allen, Chair: Professor Tarak Barkawi

HATE: Why We Should Resist it With Free Speech, Not Censorship
2 July 2018
Speaker: Professor Nadine Strossen, Jodie Ginsberg and Dr Joanna Williams

15 Years for the War on Iraq: its aftermath and manifestations in the Iraqi society
17 May 2018
Speaker: Professor Nadje al-Ali and Professor Toby Dodge, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu

The Human Right to Dominate
15 May 2018
Speaker: Professor Neve Gordon, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: rejuvenate or retire?
5 February 2018
Speaker: Francesca Klug OBE, Chair: Professor Conor Gearty


The Human Cost of Conflict: the search for dignity and rights of Palestine refugees
4 December 2017
Speaker: Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl, Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt

Getting it right on human rights - rights in the age of Brexit and Trump
11 October 2017
Speaker: David Mepham, Chair: Dr Bronwen Manby

Global Civil War: solidarity by proxy
Speaker: Professor Susan Buck-Morss, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu
25 April 2017

Legal Ordering, Citizenship and Human Rights: the case of the Palestinian citizens of Israel
24 March 2017
Speaker: Dr Mazen Masri, Discussant:Prof Yoav Peled, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu

Migrant Deaths at European Borders: states' duties to identify and the rights of families to know
22 March 2017
Speakers: Prof William Schabas, Ms Ann Singleton, Chair: Stefanie Grant

Indebted: Leaning in to empowerment
21 March 2017
Speaker: Dr Vasuki Nesiah, Chair:Dr Ayça Çubukçu


The Populist Challenge to Human Rights
1 December 2016
Speaker: Prof Philip Alston, Chair: Prof Chetan Bhatt

Five Ideas to Fight For: How our freedom is under threat and why it matters
20 October 2016
Speaker: Anthony Lester QC, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu 

Competing Nationalisms in Ethiopia: the case for trans-national solidarity
25 August 2016
Speaker: Dr Awol Allo, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu

Only Half the Story: legal protection of unaccompanied migrant and refugee young people
15 March 2016
Speakers: Dr Kathryn Cronin, Baljeet Sandhu, Chair: Dr Jenny Kuper

Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence and the Rules that Run the World
1 March 2016
Speaker: Prof Leif Wenar, Chair: Dr Margot Salomon

Emergencies of Peace: The Exceptional State of (Academic) Affairs in
Contemporary Turkey
27 January 2016
Speakers: Dr Derya Bayir, Prof David Graeber, Dr Nazan Ustundag, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu


Fighting the Behemoth: Law, politics and human rights in times of debt and austerity
10 December 2015
Speaker: Zoe Konstantopoulou, Chair: Dr Margot Salomon

My Escape From North Korea
16 October 2015
Speaker: Hyeonseo Lee, Chair: Chetan Bhatt

Rhetoric and Reality: from Magna Carta to human rights today
10 June 2015
Speakers: Shami Chakrabarti & Francesca Klug, Chair: Jane Gordon

A Magna Carta for All Humanity: homing in on human rights
27 February 2015
Speaker: Francesca Klug, Chair: Conor Gearty

Extradition and the Erosion of Human Rights
28 January 2015
Speakers: Gareth Peirce; Professor Saskia Sassen: Professor Jeanne Theoharis, Chair: Professor Susan Marks

Defending Human Rights in Russia
21 January 2015
Speakers: Mary McAuley; Dmitri Makarov; Roman Udot, Chair: Margo Picken


Ebola, Peace and Security
10 November 2014
Speaker: Karin Landgren, Chair: Trish Hiddleston

Mandela, The Lawyer 
12 June 2014
Speakers: George Bizos, Professor Catherine M. Cole, Professor David Dyzenhaus, Lord Joel Joffe, Dr Jens Meierhenrich, Introduction: Professor Stuart Corbridge, Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin

No Part in Warfare: UN Response to Attacks on Schools and Hospitals 
9 June 2014
Speaker: Leila Zerrougui, Chair: Dr Jenny Kuper

Human Rights, Globalization and How to Save the World
1 May 2014
Speakers: Professor Julio Faundez, Dr Asunción Lera St Clair, Craig Mokhiber, Chair: Dr Margot Salomon

Nationalism, Internationalism and Cosmopolitanism: some lessons from modern Indian history
3 April 2014
Speaker: Professor Partha Chatterjee, Chair: Dr Ayça Çubukçu

Gujarat: Human Rights Violations, Impunity and the Indian General Elections 
19 February 2014
Speakers: Dr Shakuntala Banaji, Carla Ferstman, Suresh Grover, Dr Biju Mathew, Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon: A Critical Perspective
16 January 2014
Speaker: Dr Omar Nashabe, Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin


From Moral Panics to States of Denial: a celebration of the life and work of Stan Cohen
10 December 2013
Speakers: Professor Robin Cohen, Professor David Downes, Daphna Golan, Thomas Hammarberg, Professor Harvey Molotch, Chair: Margo Picken



'Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here' The Human Rights Struggle Against Muslim Fundamentalism
23 October 2013
Speaker: Professor Karima Bennoune, Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt

What has the European Convention on Human Rights ever done for us?
1 October 2013
Speakers: Martin Howe QC, Professor Philip Leach, Caroline Lucas MP, Professor Alan Sked,  Emily Thornberry MP, Chair: Professor Francesca Klug

What's happening in Turkey? Reflections on an uprising
26 June 2013
Speakers: Derya Bayir; Ayça Çubukçu; Zeynep Gambetti; Özlem Köksal, Chair: Chetan Bhatt

Sri Lanka and the culture of impunity: human rights challenges in a post-war and post-conflict environment
20 June 2013
Speakers: Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu; Asanga Welikala; Uvindu Kurukulasuriya, Chair: Chetan Bhatt

The End of Impunity for Violence Against Women? The Istanbul Convention in Europe
7 March 2013
Speakers: Louise de Sousa; Elda Moreno; Pragna Patel, Chair: Christine Chinkin

The Power of Literature and Human Rights
2 March 2013
Speakers: Gabriella Ambrosio; Marina Nemat; Vered Cohen-Barzilay, Chair: Susan Marks

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech: What International Human Rights Law Says
15 February 2013
Speaker: Navi Pillay, Chair: Chaloka Beyani

The Global Theft of Land: human rights, dispossession and destruction
6 February 2013
Speakers: Megan MacInnes; Fred Pearce; Subir Sinha. Chair: Chetan Bhatt


Putting Rights Back Together Again
6 December 2012
Speaker: Salil Shetty, Chair: Chetan Bhatt

The Stateless Citizen: Irregular Migration and Cosmopolitan Citizenship
6 November 2012
Speakers: Andreas Kalyvas and Ayça Çubukçu; Chair Chetan Bhatt


State Violence and the Responsibility to Protect
15 November 2011
Speakers: Dr Chaloka Beyani, Cllr Ignacio Llanos, Professor Sir Adam Roberts

Migrants and Intellectual life
13 July 2011
Speakers: Sir Harry Kroto, Philippe Sands QC, Mike Phillips, Gita Saghal.

The Virtues of Violence and the Art of Terror
23 March 2012
Speaker: Professor Chetan Bhatt

Climate Change needs Climate Justice
10 March 2011
Speaker: Mary Robinson

Representing Atrocity: distant suffering and the politics of pity 
16 February 2011
Speakers: Professor Lilie Chouliaraki, Professor Stjepan Mestrovic, Dr Irene Bruna Seu


European Democracies and Human Rights: From present failures to future protection
9 December 2010
Speakers: Thomas Hammarberg, Chair: Chetan Bhatt

Impunity in Cambodia
18 November 2010
Speakers: Brad Adams, Margo Picken, Simon Taylor, Chair: Chaloka Beyani

Seeking Justice for Crimes Against Humanity: The case of Argentina
4 November 2010
Speakers: Judge Sergio Torres, Chair: Professor Chetan Bhatt


Human Rights in the 21st Century
29 October 2009
Speakers:Professor Noam Chomsky, Chair: Sir Howard Davies

Human Rights after Darwin: Is a general theory of human rights now possible? 
7 May 2009
Speakers: Professor Conor Gearty, Chair: Dr Sigrid Rausing


Human Rights Day Event: The Right of Rights 1948-2008
4 December 2008
Speakers: Shami Chakrabarti, Jonathan Cooper, Professor Conor Gearty, Baroness Helena Kennedy QC Professor Francesca Klug, Professor Peter Townsend, Chair: Professor Laurie Taylor

The International Criminal Court ten years on: An appraisal
7 October 2008
Speakers: Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Chair: Professor Gerry Simpson

Religious faith and human rights
1 May 2008
Speakers: Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, Chair: Professor Conor Gearty


Human Rights Day Lecture 2007- Human Rights in the 21st Century: Problems and prospects
6 December 2007
Speakers: Kenneth Roth, Chair: Dorothy Q Thomas

Iraq and the law: what went wrong?
14 November 2007
Speakers: Rabinder Singh QC, Chair: Professor Christine Chinkin

Field Notes: Human rights defenders speak
6 November 2007
Speakers: Mandira Sharma; Arnold Tsunga, Sam Zia-Zarifi, Tiseke Kasambala Dr Jenny Kuper

Marking a new era for equality and human rights in Britain
25 October 2007
Speakers:Trevor Phillips, Francesca Klug OBE, Baroness Jane Campbell DBE, Chair: Professor Conor Gearty

The challenges of development and environmental sustainability in Africa: the case of Rwanda
4 October 2007
Speakers:His Excellency Paul Kagame and Professor Conor Gearty (chair)