The LSE Sociology Department invites you to Doing Sociology Now conference. The purpose of the conference is to enhance the department’s research culture and strengthen a sense of community among its members. Please note, only LSE Sociology Faculty and Students are able to attend.
Conference Programme
9.00 Conference opens - Coffee and pastries
9.15 Opening remarks
9.30 – 11.15 “DOING” – chaired by Claire Moon
Creating the social through active research engagement. A reflection on participatory methods – Clara Cirdan
(Post-)industrial towns, community studies and the politics of method – Sacha Hilhorst
Mapping ‘the Streets’: Doing Feminist Research on Young Women Rappers’ Experiences of Violence in East London – Baljit Kaur
Un/ethical? Elite schools, power and consent – Emma Taylor
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 “NOW” I – chaired by Sam Friedman
‘Under the red spotlight, with the wrong focus and not so reliable friends’: doing decolonial PhD research in Flanders – Elif Lootens
Serving Ghosts? Luxury and Necessity in High-end Housekeeping – Matt Reynolds
Expertise and knowledge ambiguities at the self-employed Bar of England and Wales – Hannah Wilson
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
14.00 – 15.30 “NOW” II – chaired by David Pinzur
ESG Risks to Capital and Planet – Virtue Signalling and Strategic Ignorance Among High-Wealth Beneficial Investors – Donna Carmichael
The ‘art and science’ of platform valuation – Nils Peters
Bottom-bottom forms of migration infrastructure and transnational birth mobilities: the case of Russian-speaking ‘birthright citizenship market’ in Brazil – Svetlana Ruseishvili
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break
15.45 – 17.15 “SOCIOLOGY” – chaired by Mahvish Ahmad
Comparative-historical sociology and the problem of climate change – Livio Silva-Muller
Theorising Care - Carrie Friese
Archive Stories – Sara Salem and Mai Taha
17.15 – 17.30 Closing remarks by Suzi Hall
Conference closes
18.00 Reception at Somerset House
This conference works towards enhancing LSE Sociology’s research culture and strengthening a sense of community among its members. It builds on the general appetite amongst faculty and students to learn about the various research projects happening within the department. The conference aims to highlight research from each of the five clusters that make up LSE Sociology and will particularly give PhD students in their upper years, as well as those who have recently graduated, the visibility and chance to acquaint faculty and students with their work. This is also a precious opportunity for faculty members from respective clusters to introduce the department at large to some of the projects they're working on.
The organising committee includes PhD Candidates (Nitzan Amitay, Jan Gilles, Hobeth Martínez Carrillo and Hannah Wilson) and faculty members (Sam Friedman, Suzi Hall, Claire Moon and David Pinzur) from LSE Sociology. They are collectively selecting the papers, organising the programme and chairing sessions during the conference. Please send any inquiries regarding the conference to
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