Celebrate the launch of the second issue with New Sociological Perspectives and learn more about Contemporary Social Issues.
New Sociological Perspectives, the new postgraduate sociology journal based at the LSE and published by Houghton St. Press has recently launched their second issue - and this occasion deserves a celebration.
New Sociological Perspectives is committed to publishing academic articles that engage with contemporary social issues, as well as the ways in which these issues are represented. During the event, our editor-in-chief will first introduce the speakers. We will then hear from our keynote speaker - to be revealed in due time - share their reflection on the importance of contemporary social issues. Afterwards, some of our second issue's authors will present their research and reflect on how their work reflects the journal's underlying values. Closing the event, we will open the floor for a panel discussion between our authors and the keynote speaker, and take questions and comments from the audience.
Anyone with an interest in researching, teaching, and 'thinking' sociology is invited to participate. For any questions, feel free to send an email to socio.newperspectives@lse.ac.uk.
If you would like to have some reading material ahead of the event, you can visit our website, where you can also find a digital version of our second issue.
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