PhD recent completions

Publications of our PhDs


Latest Publications

Journal articles



Bancalari, A. (2024). The unintended consequences of infrastructure development. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-44. [Link]

Leonardo Z Ferreira, Fernando C Wehrmeister, Jakob Dirksen, Luis Paulo Vidaletti, Monica Pinilla-Roncancio, Katherine Kirkby, Luiza IC Ricardo, Aluisio JD Barros, and Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor  (2024). A composite index; socioeconomic deprivation and coverage of reproductive and maternal health interventions, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 102(2). [Link]

Footman, K. (2024). The illusion of treatment choice in abortion care: A qualitative study of comparative care experiences in England and Wales, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 348. [Link]

Footman K, Bright S, Kavanagh J, Parnham E, Bury L, Hoggart L. (2024). Exploring provider preference and provision of abortion methods and stigma: Secondary analysis of a United Kingdom provider survey, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. [Link]

Gogescu, F. (2024). Mapping the distinct patterns of educational and social stratification in European countries. Journal of European Social Policy. [Link]

Pinter, I. (2024) Unseen Children: The hidden lives of children in families seeking asylum in the UK. CASEpaper/237, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE. [Link]

Gortazar, Lucas, Hupkau, Claudia and Roldán-Monés, Antonio (2024) Online tutoring works: experimental evidence from a program with vulnerable children. Journal of Public Economics, 232. ISSN 0047-2727. [Link]




Books and book chapters


Dirksen, J. (2024). Concepts and Measures of Development: Beyond GDP. In Emil Dauncey, Vandana Desai, Robert B. Potter (eds.) The Companion to Development Studies (4th edition). Routledge. [Link]

Pinter, I. (2024) Statutory exclusion from social security: experiences of migrants in the UK; in L. Gregory and S. Iafrati (Eds.) Diversity and welfare provision: tensions and discrimination in the 21st century. Bristol: Policy Press. 





Bilbao-Goyoaga, E. (2023), Perceptions Matter: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Spain’s NewMinimum Income on Households’ Financial Wellbeing, Social Policy Working Paper 02-23, London: LSE Department of Social Policy. [Link]

Azhgaliyeva, D., Dirksen, J., ... & Takemoto, A. (2024). Towards an Evidence-Base for the Just Transition, Think7 (T7) Policy Brief. [Link]

Footman, K. (2023), Change is needed to ensure treatment choice in abortion care. LSE British Politics and Policy blog on June 20th, 2023. [Link]

Pinter, I. (2023), On the Outside: Enabling parents from migrant backgrounds to access childcare provisions could help address existing inequalities. Coram Family and Childcare blog. [Link]

Stephens, T (2023), Change, stagnation, and polarisation in UK job quality, 2012-2021: Evidence from a new Quality of Work index. CASE paper 230. [Link]

Stephens, T (2023), Higher wages, but insufficient earnings? The missing role of take-home pay in UK job quality. British Politics and Policy at LSE Blog. [Link]






Previous years

Journal articles


Jakob Dirksen, Katharina Lima de Miranda (2023).  Rethinking and Remeasuring Prosperity, Wirtschaftsdienst, Volume 103,Issue 7. [Link]

Doyle, M.A. (2023).  Seasonal patterns in newborns’ health: Quantifying the roles of climate, communicable disease, economic and social factors, Economics & Human Biology, Volume 51. [Link]

Footman, K., Page, P., Boydell, V., McLaren, M., & Mudhune, S. (2023). Adapting to a global pandemic: a qualitative assessment of programmatic responses to COVID-19 in the multi-country Women’s Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) programme. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1). [Link]

Footman, K. (2023). Structural barriers or patient preference? A mixed methods appraisal of medical abortion use in England and Wales, Health Policy, Volume 132. [Link]

Footman, K. (2023). Revolution in abortion care? Perspectives of key informants on the importance of abortion method choice in the era of telemedicine, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31:1. [Link]

Footman K, Goel K, Rehnström Loi U, et al (2023). Inclusion of abortion-related care in national health benefit packages: results from a WHO global survey. BMJ Global Health. [Link]

Kappes H., Campbell R., Ivchenko A. (2023). Scarcity and Predictability of Income over Time: Experimental Games as a Way to Study Consumption Smoothing, Journal of Association for Consumer Research. [Link]

Nadel, S, Walton, O (2023). Counter-terrorism and humanitarian action: UK INGO responses since 2015. Disasters. ISSN 0361-3666. [Link]

Biegert, T., Özcan, B., & Rossetti-Youlton, M. (2023). Household Joblessness in U.S. Metropolitan Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Polarization and the Role of Educational Profiles. Socius9. [Link]

Šedovič, M. (2023) Do Attitudes Towards Immigrants Matter? The Subjective Wellbeing of Immigrants in England and Wales and Their Exposure to Non-migrants. European Journal of Population 39, 38. [Link]

Michaela Šedovič, (2023) Immigrants’ subjective well-being in Europe: Variation by regional attitudes towards immigrants, Migration Studies, mnad034. [Link]

Stephens, T. (2023). The Quality of Work (QoW): Towards a Capability Theory. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Vol 24, Issue 3. [Link]

Suen, Y., Wong, E.M.Y. & Chan, R.C. (2023). Relationship between Religion and Public Attitudes toward Same-Sex Marriage: Examining the role of Traditional Chinese Religions through a Case Study of Hong Kong. Sex Res Soc Policy. [Link]


Alburez-Gutierrez, D. (2022). The Demographic Drivers of Grief and Memory After Genocide in Guatemala. Demography 59(3):1173–1194. [Link]

Augsburg, B.,Bancalari, A., Durrani, Z.,Vaidyanathan, M.,White,Z. (2022). When nature calls back: Sustaining behavioral change in rural Pakistan. Journal of Development Economics. [Link]

Batyra, E., Leone, T. and Myrskylä, M. (2022). Forecasting of Cohort Fertility by Educational Level in Countries with Limited Data Availability: The Case of Brazil. Population Studies. [Link]

Brimblecombe, N., & Cartagena Farias, J. (2022). Inequalities in unpaid carer's health, employment status and social isolation. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 13. [Link]

Brimblecombe, N. (2022). Inequalities in receipt of long-term care services by disabled or older people and co-resident carer dyads in England, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. [Link]

Brimblecombe, N (2022). The consequences for unpaid carers of unmet need for long-term care services in England. International Journal of Care and Caring. [Link]

Carranza, R. (2022). Upper and lower bound estimates of inequality of opportunity: A cross-national comparion for Europe. The Review of income and Wealth. [Link]

Chang, C (2023). How is university students’ paid work associated with their locus of control? Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,Volume 83. [Link]

Chang, C (2022). How is Adolescents’ Time Allocation Associated with their Self-Esteem and Self-Efficacy? Evidence from Four Developing Countries, Journal of Development Studies. [Link]

Chang, C, Favara, M., and Novella, R. (2022). The origins of cognitive skills and non- cognitive skills: The long-term effect of in-utero rainfall shocks in India. Economics and Human Biology. Volume 44. [Link]

Donnaloja, V., (2022). British Nationals’ Preferences Over Who Gets to Be a Citizen According to a Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment. European Sociological Review. 38 (2), 202-218. [Link]

Doyle, M-A, Schurer, S, Silburn, S., (2022). Unintended consequences of welfare reform: Evidence from birthweight of Aboriginal children in Australia, Journal of Health Economics, Volume 84. [Link]

Iemmi, V (2022). Tracking development assistance for mental health: time for better data, Health Policy and Planning, czac108, [Link]

Iemmi, V (2022). Establishing political priority for global mental health: a qualitative policy analysis, Health Policy and Planning, Volume 37, Issue 8, October 2022, Pages 1012–1024. [Link]

Hensel, L., Witte, M., Caria, A. S., Fetzer, T., Fiorin, S., Götz, F. M..., Ivchenko, A.,& Jachimowicz, J. M. (2022). Global behaviors, perceptions, and the emergence of social norms at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 193, 473-496. [Link]

Palillo, M. (2022) ‘He must be a man'. Uncovering the gendered vulnerabilities of young Sub-Saharan African men in their journeys to and in Libya, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48:9, 2131-2147. [Link]

Fleckenstein, Timo, Lee, Soohyun Christine and Park, Jae Hyoung (2022) Skills and training in hierarchical capitalism: the rise and fall of vocational training in South Korea. Journal of Contemporary Asia. ISSN 0047-2336 (In Press)  (see also:

Philipp, J. (2022). Gendered university major choice: the role of intergenerational transmission. Journal of Population Economics, 1-49. [Link]

Ratzmann, N. (2022). “No German, No Service”: EU Migrants’ Unequal Access to Welfare Entitlements in German. Social Inclusion, 10 (1), 227-238. [Link]

Ratzmann, N., & Heindlmaier, A. (2022). Welfare Mediators as Game Changers? Deconstructing Power Asymmetries between EU Migrants and Welfare Administrators. Social Inclusion. 10 (1), 205–216. [Link]

Joe Strong, Nii Lartey Samuel Lamptey, Nii Kwartelai Quartey, Nii Kwartei Richard Owoo, (2022). “If I Am Ready”: Exploring the relationships between masculinities, pregnancy, and abortion among men in James Town, Ghana, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 314. [Link]

Zielke, J., Strong, J., Ahmed, F., Miani, C., Namer, Y., Storey, S., Razum, O., (2022). Towards gender-transformative SRHR: a statement in reply to EUPHA and offer of a working definition, European Journal of Public Health. [Link

Strong, J. (2022). Men’s involvement in women’s abortion-related care: a scoping review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 30:1. [Link]

Torrisi, O. (2022). Young-age exposure to armed conflict and women’s experiences of intimate partner violence. Journal of Marriage and Family. [Link]

Torrisi, O. (2022). Wedding Amidst War? Armed Conflict and Female Teen Marriage in Azerbaijan. European Journal of Population. [Link]

Abufhele, A., Contreras, D.,Puentes, E,. Telias,E., Valdebenito, N (2022). Socioeconomic gradients in child development: Evidence from a Chilean longitudinal study 2010–2017. Advances in Life Course Research, Volume 52. [Link]

Suen, YT, Wong, EMY and Chan, RCH (published online ahead of print). Chinese lesbian and gay adults’ self-reported experiences of negative treatment and violence from family of origin: Evidence from a larger-scale study in China. Journal of Family Issues. [Link]

Suen, YT, Wong, EMY and Chan, RCH (2022). COVID-19 and sexual minority individuals: Inductive thematic analysis of Chinese-speaking lesbian, gay and bisexual people’s experiences of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. [Link]

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (published online ahead of print). Heterogeneity in the desire to undergo various gender-affirming medical interventions among transgender people in Hong Kong: Findings from a community-driven survey and implications for the legal gender recognition debate. Archives of Sexual Behavior

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (published online ahead of print). Association between co-residence and loneliness during COVID-19 among sexual minority people in Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. [Link]

Chan, RCH., Suen, YT and Wong, EMY (published online ahead of print). The influence of concerns about a child’s sexual orientation on mental health among parents of lesbian, gay, and bisexual children in Hong Kong. Archives of Sexual Behavior. [Link]

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (accepted). Rural-urban sexual divide in China: Quantitative evidence on comparing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people’s lives in rural and urban China. The China Review.


Alburez-Gutierrez, D. (2021). Vivir para contarla: un análisis demográfico de las masacres de Río Negro en Guatemala (1980-1982) [Living to tell the tale: a demographic analysis of the Rio Negro massacres in Guatemala (1980-1982)]. Análisis de la Realidad Nacional Año 10(208):91–104. [Link]

Solís Arce, J.S., Warren, S.S., Meriggi, N.F., Bancalari Valderrama, A., et al. (2021) COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in low- and middle-income countries. Nat Med 27, 1385–1394. [Link]

Bhattacharya, A. (202). How Much Choice is Enough? Parental Satisfaction with Secondary School Choice in England and Scotland. Journal of Social Policy, 1-21. [Link]

Footman, K. (2021). Interviewer effects on abortion reporting: a multilevel analysis of household survey responses in Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Rajasthan, India. BMJ open, 11(11). [Link]

Footman, K., Chelwa, N., Douthwaite, M., Mdala, J., Mulenga, D., Brander, C., & Church, K. (2021). Treading the thin line: pharmacy workers’ perspectives on medication abortion provision in Lusaka, Zambia. Studies in family planning, 52(2), 179-194. [Link]

Lawton, R.N., Gramatki, I., Watt, W., Fujiwara, D. (2021). Does Volunteering Make Us Happier, or Are Happier People More Likely to Volunteer? Addressing the Problem of Reverse Causality When Estimating the Wellbeing Impacts of Volunteering. J Happiness Stud 22, 599–624. [Link]

Iemmi V (2021) Global collective action in mental health financing: allocation of development assistance for mental health in 142 countries, 2000–2015. Social Science & Medicine. 287: 114354. [Link]

Iemmi V (2021) Motivation and methods of external organisations investing in mental health in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative study. The Lancet Psychiatry. 8(7): 630–638. [Link]

Aksoy, C. G., Özcan, B., & Philipp, J. (2021). Robots and the gender pay gap in Europe. European Economic Review, 134, 103693. [Link]

Gschwind, L, Ratzmann, N & Beste, J. (2021). Protected against all odds? A mixed-methods study on the risk of welfare sanctions for immigrants in Germany. Social Policy & Administration. 56 (3), 502-517. [Link]

Ratzmann, N., & Sahraoui, N. (2021). Conceptualising the Role of Deservingness in Migrants’ Access to Social Services. Social Policy and Society. 20 (3), 440-451. [Link]

Ratzmann, N. (2021). Deserving of Social Support? Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Decisions on EU Migrants’ Benefit Claims in Germany. Social Policy and Society. 20 (3), 509-520. [Link]

Sochas, L. (2021) Challenging categorical thinking: a mixed methods approach to explaining health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine, vol. 283. [Link]

Strong, J., Lattof, S.R., Maliqi, B. et al. (2021) Experiences of private sector quality care amongst mothers, newborns, and children in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 1311. [Link]

Strong, J. (2021) Exploring the roles of men and masculinities in abortion and emergency contraception pathways, Ghana: a mobile phone-based mixed-methods study protocol. BMJ Open. 11 [Link]

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (2021). To have or not to have sex? COVID-19 and sexual activity among Chinese-speaking gay and bisexual men in Hong Kong. Journal of Sexual Medicine. [Link]

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (2021). An exploratory study of factors associated with difficulties in accessing HIV services during COVID-19 among Chinese gay and bisexual men in Hong Kong. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. [Link


Batyra, E. (2020). Contraceptive Use Behavior Change after an Unintended Birth in Colombia and Peru. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 46: 9-19. [Link]

Batyra, E. (2020). Increasing Educational Disparities in the Timing of Motherhood in the Andean region: A Cohort Perspective. Population Research and Policy Review 39: 283-309. [Link]

Donnaloja, V., (2020). British and disengaged: national identification and political engagement before and after naturalisation. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46 (13), 2723-2741. [Link]

Floridi, G. (2020). Social policies and intergenerational support in Italy and South Korea. Contemporary Social Science, 15(3): 330-345. [Link]

Sandhu, H., Scialabba, N.EH., Warner, C., Fujiwara. D et al. (2020). Evaluating the holistic costs and benefits of corn production systems in Minnesota, US. Scientific Reports 10, 3922. [Link]

Ricky N. Lawton, Susana Mourato, Daniel Fujiwara & Hasan Bakhshi (2020) Comparing the effect of oath commitments and cheap talk entreaties in contingent valuation surveys: a randomised field experiment, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 9:3, 338-354. [Link]

Hiilamo, A. (2020). Debt matters? Mental wellbeing of older adults with household debt in England. SSM-Population Health, 12, 100658. [Link]

Iemmi V (2020). Philanthropy for global mental health 2000-2015. Global Mental Health, 7(e9): 1–6. [Link

Irfan, L., & Wilkinson, M. (2020) The ontology of the Muslim male offender: a critical realist framework, Journal of Critical Realism, 19:5, 481-499. [Link]

McKay, T., Tueller, S., Landwehr, J., & Johnson, M. P. (2020). Types of partner violence in couples affected by incarceration: Applying Johnson’s typology to understand the couple-level context for violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260520971266. [Link]

McKay, T., Comfort, M., Landwehr, J., Kennedy, E., & Williams, O. (2020). Partner violence after reentry from prison: Putting the problem in context. RTI Press (peer reviewed). [Link]

McKay, T., Comfort, M., Landwehr, J., Kennedy, E., & Williams, O. (2020). Partner violence help-seeking in couples affected by incarceration: Overcoming barriers. RTI Press (peer reviewed). [Link]

Sochas, L. (2020). The predictive power of health system environments: a novel approach to explaining inequalities in access to maternal healthcare. BMJ Global Health. February 2020; 4:e002139. [Link]

Nandagiri, R., Coast, E., & Strong, J. (2020). COVID-19 and Abortion: Making Structural Violence Visible. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 46 (Supplement 1), 83-89. [Link]

Strong, J. (2020). Reflections on using a Scoping Trip as part of a PhD Research Project in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Ghana. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health. [Link

Torrisi, O. (2020). Armed Conflict and the Timing of Childbearing in Azerbaijan. Population and Development Review, 46(3), 501–556. [Link

Suen, YT, Chan, RCH and Wong, EMY (2020). Effects of general and sexual minority-specific COVID-19-related stressors on the mental health of lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Hong Kong. Psychiatry Research[Link


Alburez-Gutierrez, D. (2019). “Blood is thicker than bloodshed: A genealogical approach to reconstruct populations after armed conflicts.” Demographic Research, 40(23): 627-656. [Link]

Leone, T., Alburez-Gutierrez, D., Ghandour, R., Coast, E., and Giacaman, R. (2019). “Maternal and child access to care and intensity of conflict in the occupied Palestinian territory: a pseudo-longitudinal analysis (2000–2014).” Conflict and Health 13(1). [Link]

Connolly, K., Bhattacharya, A.,Lisenkova, K.,McGregor,P.G., (2019). Can a policy-induced reduction in alcohol consumption improve health outcomes andstimulate the UK economy?: A potential ‘double divided. Drug & Alcohol Review 38:5, 554-60. [Link]

Bhattacharya, A. 2019.‘Miseducation: Inequality, Education and the Working Classes by Diane Reay’, Social Policy & Administration 53:5: 811-12. [Link]

Iemmi V (2019). Sustainable development for global mental health: a typology and systematic evidence mapping of external actors in low- and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health, 4: e001826. [Link]

McKay, T., Berzofsky, M., Hsieh, P., & Smith, A. (2019). Suicide etiology in youth: Differences and similarities by sexual and gender minority status. Children and Youth Services Review, 102, 79–90. [Link]

Nandagiri, R., (2019). "Like a mother-daughter relationship”: Community health intermediaries' knowledge of and attitudes to abortion in Karnataka, India. Social Science and Medicine. 239. [Link]

Hildebrandt, T., L. Bode, & J. S. C. Ng. (2019). The effect of ‘lifestyle stigma’ on public support for NHS-provisioned pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and preventative interventions for HPV and type 2 diabetes: A nationwide UK survey. BMJ Open, 2019(9), e029747. [Link]

Palfreyman A. (2019). Helping or Heightening Vulnerability? Midwives as Arbiters of Risk for Women Experiencing Self-Directed Violence in Urban Sri Lanka. Qualitative Health Research. 29(10):1383-1394. [Link]

Borrell-Porta, M., Costa-Font, J., & Philipp, J. (2019). The ‘mighty girl’effect: does parenting daughters alter attitudes towards gender norms?. Oxford Economic Papers, 71(1), 25-46.  [Link]

Sochas, L. (2019) Women who break the rules: Social exclusion and inequities in pregnancy and childbirth experiences in Zambia. Social Science & Medicine. 232, pp.278-288. [Link]

Coast, E., S. Lattof & J. Strong (2019) ‘Puberty and menstruation knowledge among young adolescents in low- andmiddle-income countries: A scoping review’. International Journal of Public Health. [Link]


Bancalari Valderrama, A. & Sebastian Martinez. (2018) Exposure to sewage from on-site sanitation and child health: a spatial analysis of linkages and externalities in peri-urban Bolivia. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 8 (1), 90-99. [Link]

Bhattacharya, A., Colin Angus, Robert Pryce, John Holmes, Alan Brennan, Petra S. Meier2018. ‘How dependent is the alcohol industry on heavy drinking in England?’, Addiction113:12, 2225-32. [Link]

Heller-Sahlgren, G. (2018). Smart but unhappy: Independent-school competition and the wellbeing-efficiency trade-off in education. Economics of Education Review, 62: 66–81. [Link]

Mok, T.M., Platt, L. (2018). All Look the Same? Diversity of labour market outcomes of Chinese ethnic group populations in the UK. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. [Link]


Bhattacharya, A. (2017). ‘Which cost of alcohol? What should we compare it against?',Addiction112:4: 559-65. [Link]

Heller-Sahlgren, G. (2017). Retirement blues. Journal of Health Economics, 54: 66–78. [Link]

Bauer A, Knapp M, Wistow G, Perkins M, King D, Iemmi V. (2017). Costs and economic consequences of a help- at-home scheme for older people in England. Health & Social Care in the Community 25(2): 780–9. [Link]

Hoope Bender, P., Nove, A., Sochas, L., Matthews, Z., Homer, C., Pozo Martin, F. (2017) The 'Dream Team' for sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent health: an adjusted service target model to estimate the ideal mix of health care professionals to cover population need. Human Resources for Health. 15:46. [Link]


Books and book chapters


McKay, T.E. (2022). Stolen Wealth, Hidden Power: The Case for Reparations for Mass Incarceration. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press

Ratzmann, N. (2022): Caught between the local and the (trans)national: a street-level analysis of EU migrants’ access to social benefits in German job centres. In: Jolly, A., Cefalo, R. & Pomati, M., Social Policy Review 34, Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 113-133.



Iemmi V, Votruba N, Thornicroft G. Evidence-Based Mental Health Policy. In Das-Munshi J et al. (eds.) Practical Psychiatric Epidemiology (2nd edition). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020. [Link]

Gómez, M., Ivchenko, A., Reutskaja, E., & Soto-Mota, P. (2020). 8 Behaviours, perceptions and mental wellbeing in high-income and low/middle-income countries at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 in Developing Economies, 128, CEPR Press books. [Link]

Ratzmann, N, Bauer, T. Slowly turning into a ‘country of immigration’? On the interaction between migration and integration policies in Germany. In: Duszczyk, M.& Pachocka, M. (2020). Relations between immigration and integration policies. Challenges, opportunities and perspectives in selected EU member states. Chapter 5. Abingdon/New York: Routledge.



Heller-Sahlgren, Gabriel and Nima Sanandaji. (2019). Glädjeparadoxen – Historien om skolans uppgång, fall och möjliga upprättelse. Dialogos: Stockholm.

Knapp M, Iemmi V. (2019) Meeting SDG3: The Roles of Economics in Mental Health Policy. In Davidson L (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing. Oxford, UK: Routledge. [Link]





Armand, A, Augsburg, B., and Bancalari, A., (2022), “DP16284 Public Service Delivery and Free Riding: Experimental Evidence from India”, CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 16284. [Link]

Contreras, V., Orsini, C., Ozcan, B., Koehler, J. (2022), Effects of team diversity on performance, perceptions, and predictions: Experimental evidence of gender composition and language, Social Policy Working Paper 06-22, LSE Department of Social Policy. [Link]

Benton, E., Karlsson, J., Pinter, I., Provan, B., Scanlon, K., & Whitehead, C. M. (2022). Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the no recourse to public funds (NRPF) policy in London. Greater London Authority. CASE report 140. [Link]

Pinter, I. (2022) 'The UK asylum backlog and increased use of immigration detention are negatively impacting children’s welfare'. LSE British Politics and Policy blog on November 21st, 2022. [Link]

Pinter, I. (2022) 'Nationality and Borders Bill: many of the proposals will negatively affect children, not just those concerning them directly'. LSE British Politics and Policy blog on January 4th, 2022. [Link]

Biegert, T., Ozcan, B., Rossetti-Youlton, M. (2022) Household Joblessness in US Metropolitan Areas during the COVID19 Pandemic: Polarization and the Role of Educational Profiles, Social Policy Working Paper, 07-22, LSE Department of Social Policy. [Link]

Šedovič, M. (2022) Hostility of lived environment as a determinant of immigrants’ life satisfaction- Case of England and Wales, Social Policy Working Paper, 05-22, LSE Department of Social Policy. [Link]



Pinter, I. (2021) ‘Children and Families Seeking Asylum in the UK’. CASEbrief/41. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE. [Link]

Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities in Algeria, Iraq and Turkey 1990-2019
Authors: Lydia Assouad, Amory Gethin, Thomas Piketty and Juliet-Nil Uraz (2021), World Inequality Lab Working Paper. [Link]



Bancalari Valderrama, A. (2020). Can White Elephants Kill? Unintended Consequences of Infrastructure Development in Peru. IFS Working Paper W20/32. [Link]

Bhattacharya, A. (2020). ‘When and why might choice in public services have intrinsic (dis)value?’, CASE paper. [Link]

Fetzer, T. R., Witte, M., Hensel, L., Jachimowicz, J., Haushofer, J., Ivchenko, A., ... & Yoeli, E. (2020). Global Behaviors and Perceptions at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic (No. w27082). National Bureau of Economic Research. [Link]

Ratzmann, N. (2020). EU Migrants' Experiences of Claims-making in German Job Centres. Working Paper 45. International Inequalities Institute. London School of Economics. [Link]

Ratzmann, N. (2020). Caught between the local and the (trans)national: EU citizens at the front-line of German welfare policy. CASE brief 37, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics. [Link]



Ryan G, Iemmi V, Hanna F, Loryman H, Eaton J. (2019)Mental Health for Sustainable Development: A Topic Guide for Development Professionals, K4D Emerging Issues Report. London and Brighton, UK: Mental Health Innovation Network and Institute of Development Studies. [Link]



MacKay T, Knapp M, Boyle J, Iemmi V, Connolly M, Rehill A. (2018)The Microsegmentation of the Autism Spectrum: Economic and Research Implications for Scotland. Edinburgh, UK: The Scottish Government. [Link]

Ratzmann, N. (2018). Intercultural dialogue: a review of conceptual and empirical issues relating to social transformation. MOST Discussion Paper, UNESCO publishing. [Link]



Ryan G, Iemmi V, Hanna, F, Loryman H, Baxter S, Eaton J. (2017) Mental Health for Sustainable Development: How Can We Do More? A Report on Entry Points and Opportunities for the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development. London, UK: Centre for Global Mental Health.

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