Wednesday, 12 March 2025
Location: Old Building OLD 4.10, Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE
8:30AM - 9:15AM
Welcome Coffee and Opening
Part 1: Reimagining Gender Foundations for Tomorrow
Matthias Doepke (LSE)
The Economics of Fertility: A New Era
Discussant: Berkay Ozcan (LSE, NYU AD’s Inequality Cluster)
Almudena Sevilla (LSE)
A New Model of Parental Time Investments: A Paradigm Shift for Addressing Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
Discussant: Gabriele Leite Mariante (LSE)
BREAK: 11:15AM-11:30AM
11:30AM - 12:30PM
Rachel Ngai (LSE)
Gendered Change: 150 Years Transformation in US Hours
Discussant: Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa (AMSE)
LUNCH - 12:30PM - 1:30PM
Part 2: Gender in Transformative Futures
Kenza Elass (Bocconi, Axa Gender Lab)
Generative AI & Labor Market Discrimination
Discussant: Sara Spaziani (University of Warwick)
Matthew Baird (LinkedIn)
Generative AI and gender: Global measures of workers in GAI classifications
Discussant: Germain Gauthier (Bocconi)
BREAK - 3:30PM-4:00PM
4:00PM - 6:00PM
Ondine Berland (LSE)
The Gender Gap in Carbon Footprint
Discussant: Manuel Bagues (University of Warwick)
Daniel Carvajal (Aalto University)
Will Artificial Intelligence get in the way of achieving gender equality?
Discussant: Paola Profeta (Bocconi, Axa Gender Lab)
See the full programme here.