


Dr Johann Koehler gives expert advice to Select Committee

The House of Commons Justice Select Committee published Dr Johann Koehler's co-authored submission of Written Evidence to its inquiry into "Rehabilitation and Resettlement: Ending the Cycle of Reoffending."
Read the submission here.



How do the cybercriminals behind business email compromise (BEC) fraud operate? 

Business email compromise schemes “earn” cybercriminals billions of dollars a year. Dr Suleman Lazarus explains how a major organisation behind many of these scams operates – and why law enforcement needs to change its mindset if it is to achieve greater success in combatting this transatlantic crime in LSE’s Research for the World digital magazine.
Read the article here.



Professor Tim Newburn- British Society of Criminology Outstanding Achievement Award 2024

The British Society of Criminology is awarding its Outstanding Achievement Award 2024 to Professor Tim Newburn, Professor of Criminology and Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science, for a four-decade career across practical and academic criminology.
Read more here.


Celebrating the Career of Professor Tim Newburn

For over 40 years, Professor Tim Newburn has been a key figure in British and European criminology and social policy. The author of over 40 books, Tim’s influence spans the whole field, from comparative and historical scholarship through policy studies, policing, youth justice, drugs and alcohol, urban violence and restorative justice to criminological theory.

At a special event hosted by the Department of Social Policy and LSE Law School on 2 March 2024, Tim’s colleagues and students gathered to discuss his influence and his major contributions to the field, and to the LSE, and to celebrate his career. 
Read more here.



The Mannheim Centre is deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Professor Vincenzo Ruggiero, an esteemed colleague and long-time friend of ours. He will be sorely missed. Our deep condolences go to his family, particularly his partner Cynthia and daughter Lucia.

On Vincenzo and his intellectual contributions, read further here.


UPDATED-Leonidas Chelitos

Dr. Leonidas Cheliotis wins the 2022 ESC European Journal of Criminology Best Article Award

Dr. Leonidas Cheliotis, Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Social Policy, has won the European Society of Criminology's 2022 European Journal of Criminology Best Article Award, in recognition of his article 'Depression and repression: Global capitalism, economic crisis and penal politics in interwar Greece' (freely downloadable here).

Focusing on interwar Greece, and bringing novel archival data to bear on insights from economic history, politics and criminology, Dr. Cheliotis' article addresses a crucial yet understudied topic: how conditions of economic crisis and the political orientation of government interact to influence state punishment. In so doing, the article also assesses the impact that different extranational factors and actors may have in terms of economic, political or directly penal matters domestically. 

The award 'recognises the author(s) of the most outstanding article published in the European Journal of Criminology during each calendar year'. Commenting on Dr. Cheliotis' article, the award committee noted that its 'relevance extends across both space and time, given the recurring manifestation of global economic crises', that 'it provides a compelling narrative the lessons of which apply to a number of jurisdictions’, and that it will 'stimulate further reflection and research.' 

The award will be formally conferred to Dr. Cheliotis at the annual European Society of Criminology conference, on 6 September in Florence, Italy. 



REF 2021

We are thrilled that our parent department(s) of Social Policy (along with the Departments of Health Policy, Psychological and Behavioural Science, Gender Studies, and Methodology) had 99 per cent of our research outputs rated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, as well as a 4* word-leading grade for the UoA’s Research Environment that Mannheim colleagues contributed to.  Read more here.


Roger Graef

Roger Graef

Roger Graef, who has died at the age of 85, and was primarily known as a television documentary-maker, was a long-standing friend of the Mannheim Centre at the LSE and was a significant figure in the worlds of criminology and criminal justice.
Read more here.



UPDATED-Leonidas Chelitos

Panel event on violence and injustice in Greece

Dr. Leonidas Cheliotis, Associate Professor of Criminology and Deputy Head of the Department of Social Policy, participated in a high-profile panel on violence and injustice in Greece, organised by LSE's Hellenic Alumni Association. The event, which was held in Greek, took place in Athens on 29 November 2021, at the Cultural Centre 'Hellenic Cosmos' of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, and Dr. Cheliotis joined online. Other speakers included: Ioanna Paliospyrou (graduate of the University of Piraeus), whose recent violent victimisation sparked the discussion; Nikos Alivizatos (Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Athens); and Eva Antonopoulou (journalist). The event can be watched here (video starts at 21.10).


Mohammed Qasim

Young, Muslim and Criminal: how poverty, racism and inequality have impacted the Pakistani community in Bradford

20 years on from the Bradford Riots, Dr Mohammed Qasim explores the ongoing impact of racial tensions and inequality in LSE’s Research for the World digital magazine.

Read the article here.


The membership of LSE’s Mannheim Centre for Criminology has been devastated to learn of the tragic death of two young members of the community of Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology, Saskia Jones and Jack Merritt.

We join our Cambridge colleagues and friends in mourning those who lost their lives and hoping that the injured will have a speedy and full recovery. Our thoughts of comfort and our heartfelt sympathy are with all their families and friends, and everyone else affected by the incident. Like so many others, we too wish to express our admiration for those who bravely risked their own lives to bring the attack to a halt and save the lives of others.

We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful work undertaken by the Learning Together programme that was being celebrated on Friday 29th November 2019. In the light of these awful events, its aims of promoting social justice and reducing the harms of both crime and criminalisation seem all the more important.

This is a moment of great sorrow for all of us.

The members of the Mannheim Centre for Criminology at LSE



crime and punishment series

Landmark documentary series- Crime and Punishment

Channel 4 and 72 Films, (in association with Roger Graef Productions), present a landmark documentary series Crime & Punishment within the Criminal Justice System.  Read more here.



Policing Citizens_

Professor Peter 'Tank' Waddington


Paul Rock remembers Peter ('Tank') Waddington.

Read here


Race Symposium

Race Matters: A New Dialogue between Criminology and Sociology

This Symposium, held at LSE in September 2018, was organised to bring together scholars active in criminology and the sociology of race and ethnicity to focus on how race and ethnicity generate not only differential experiences of criminal justice but also of criminology. Read more here.



Travelling and gypsy community

Dr Coretta Phillips has published a paper The trouble with culture: a speculative account on the role of gypsy/traveller cultures in 'doorstep fraud.

Read here.


Roget Graef

Series on Criminal Justice

Roger Graef, filmmaker has a series on criminal justice commisioned by Channel 4. 

Watch more here.




Tracing the Relationship between Inequality, Crime and Punishment

British Acadmy Conference, 7-8 December 2017.

Read more here.