

Ageing, Lifecourse and Population Health Analysis - Page archived 1st August 2019

The ALPHA research unit undertakes and promotes quantitative research on lifecourse, socio-economic and intergenerational influences on individual and population health using a range of large scale, predominantly longitudinal datasets.  LSE ALPHA brings together researchers working on a number of projects, including three research programmes funded by the European Research Council.




Costs and Gains to Postponement: How Changes in the Age of Parenthood Influence the Health and Well-being of Children, the Parents, and Populations.


Family life courses, intergenerational exchanges and health and well-being in later life.



Economic Cycles, Employment and Health: Disentangling Causal Pathways in a Cross-National Study.



To identify the opportunities offered by the urban environment for the promotion of mental wellbeing and cognitive function of older individuals in Europe.

ALPHA People

The LSE Alpha research unit is a multidisciplinary centre incorporating staff from across LSE.  More information