Research topic:
Effectiveness and efficiency in administration of government income support payments
Before starting my PhD, I worked as a Research Manager at J-PAL North America, coordinating randomised evaluations of health care delivery interventions, and developing public resources to help others run successful impact evaluations. Before that, I spent several years at the Reserve Bank of Australia, working on topics including consumers' use of credit cards, and how people transition between industries in the Australian labour market.
I graduated from the University of Queensland (Australia) with Bachelors degrees in Economics (Hons I) and Arts (French, History) in 2011, and from the University of Sydney (Australia) with a Masters in Economic Analysis in 2017.
Research interests:
For my Masters research, I used administrative data to estimate the impact of a change in Australia's welfare policy on children's health outcomes. For my PhD thesis, I am picking up on some questions that came out of that initial work. By looking at the impacts of other welfare policy changes in Australia and elsewhere, I hope to understand how welfare policies can be designed to more effectively reduce poverty and improve quality of life for recipients.
More generally, my interests include welfare policy, consumer finance, analysing policies' cost-effectiveness, program evaluation and research transparency.
Supervisors: Dr Berkay Ozcan, Professor Stephen Jenkins