Iva Tasseva is an Assistant Professor in International Social and Public Policy in the Department of Social Policy, LSE. She joined the Department in 2020 as an LSE Fellow. Prior to that, Iva worked as a researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex, where she completed her PhD in Economics. Her teaching is informed by her research and she contributes to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Iva is an elected member of the EUROMOD Scientific Advisory Board.
Iva’s research focuses on income inequality and poverty; the redistributive effect of tax-benefit policies within specific countries and in a cross-country comparative perspective; and the measurement error in household survey income data. She has extensive experience of tax-benefit microsimulation models for distributional analysis. Here, she contributed to the development of the EU-wide tax-benefit model EUROMOD and the UK model UKMOD. Her recent work has assessed the impact on household incomes of the Covid-19 crisis and of the policy responses introduced by governments – the UK and other European countries, and Ecuador. She is currently working on a project examining the impact of social protection on poverty in selected African countries, in normal times and times of crisis. In other ongoing work, she studies misreporting across unemployment benefits and earnings in household surveys using linked income survey and administrative data.
Iva’s research has been published in the Journal of European Social Policy, Review of Income and Wealth, The Journal of Economic Inequality, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and Journal of Comparative Economics; and as book chapters in “Decent Incomes for All. Improving Policies in Europe” (edited by B. Cantillon, T. Goedeme and J. Hills) and “Strengthening Redistribution" (edited by B. Nolan).
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SP231 Poverty, Inequality and Social Policy course