Professor Eileen Munro

Professor Eileen Munro

Emeritus Professor of Social Policy

Department of Social Policy

Key Expertise
Child protection, Risk assessment, Philosophy of social technology

About me

Eileen Munro is an Emeritus Professor of Social Policy in the Department of Social Policy. 

A background in both philosophy and social work has shaped her research interests in reasoning skills in child protection, leading to an interest in how organisational cultures help or hinder good quality reasoning and practice. Understanding of the complex causal processes in working with families has triggered a critical interest in the philosophy of social science underlying the evidence-based policy and practice movements.

Eileen is a member of the ERC funded project ‘Knowledge for Use’ that is based at Durham University.   Her current research in the ERC project is a case study of the underlying causal processes of the English child welfare system.  Studying reforms in local authorities that are implementing Signs of Safety as the practice framework, the aim is to identify and substantiate methods for appraising the effectiveness of the work.


2017 Improving child safety: deliberation, judgement and empirical research;  

2011 Munro Review of Child Protection

Expertise Details

Risk assessment and decision making in child protection work; Philosophy of social technology