
Living Standards and the Cost of Living Crisis

Hosted by the Department of Social Policy

In-person and online public event (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House)


Dr Mike Brewer

Dr Mike Brewer


Dr Liam F. Beiser-McGrath

Dr Liam F. Beiser-McGrath

The UK is currently in the midst of a cost of living crisis, with large segments of the population finding it harder to maintain their living standards as real incomes decrease. 

In this event, Dr Mike Brewer from the Resolution Foundation will present findings and research on the decline of living standards over the past two years, brought by rising inflation and the energy crisis, and the prospects for living standards over the coming year. In doing so, he will assess whether the cost of living crisis is near resolution, or becoming an entrenched reality of the UK economy and society.

Meet our speaker

Mike Brewer (@MikeBrewerEcon) is Chief Economist and the Deputy Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation, where he oversees all aspects of the Foundation’s research agenda. He is also a visiting Professor at the Department of Social Policy at the LSE. He is the author of a book, What Do We Know And What Should We Do About Inequality?, and has previously worked at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, HM Treasury, and was a Professor at the University of Essex.

Meet our chair

Dr Liam F. Beiser-McGrath (@lfbeisermcgrath) is an Assistant Professor in International Social and Public Policy in the Department of Social Policy, Associate of the Grantham Research Institute, and Affiliate of the Data Science Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science. They are also the organiser of EPG Online, an online seminar series covering Environmental Politics and Governance. Their research primarily focuses on the political economy of climate change, using experimental research designs and machine learning.


More about this event

The Department of Social Policy (@LSESocialPolicy) provides top quality international and multidisciplinary research and teaching on social and public policy challenges facing countries across the world. From its foundation in 1912 it has carried out cutting edge research on core social problems and helped to develop policy solutions.


Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSECostOfLivingCrisis


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