Victor Matienzo

Master of Public Policy (MPP) Class of 2024

I recommend the MPP to professionals from a variety of backgrounds who want to make positive changes in society through strong public policies. The variety of backgrounds in the cohort is what makes the programme so valuable.


Victor Matienzo sq update

Name: Victor Matienzo

Programme and year: MPP Class of 2024

Nationality: Peruvian


Can you tell us about your background and why you chose to study the Master of Public Policy (MPP) at SPP?

I am an economist with 11 years’ experience in prudential regulation, financial public policy, and economic research. I started my career in a private consulting firm, but after two years I moved to the Peruvian government (the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Treasury), driven by my strong interest in leveraging economic analysis and research to formulate evidence-based policies. I chose the MPP for three reasons: LSE’s globally recognised status as a leader in both Public Policy and Economics; the diverse experience of the cohort (the MPP’s requires +5 years’ experience); and the wide range of courses covering all aspects of public policy.

How did it feel to be awarded the Peruvian Scholarship for Public Service? How are you hoping to use your studies to support policies in Peru?

Without a doubt, getting this scholarship was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. For a long time, I knew that if I wanted to move up my career and really make an impact, I had to get a degree in public policy from a competitive and international school like LSE’s SPP. Receiving this scholarship validated my life plans to become an expert in macro-finance and public policies, rewarding every moment of dedication and perseverance. Beyond the academic knowledge that the MPP programme has offered to me, it has also instilled in me a sense of determination and self-awareness crucial for advancing to positions of greater influence. I am determined to use all this newfound knowledge to craft public policies that improve the well-being of our society and my country.

What have been some of your takeaways in your studies so far?

I have learned three key insights that I believe are necessary for effective public policy design.

First, it is important to know the cause of things so you can address the roots of the problems and avoid adopting policies just because they have been successful in other places.

Secondly, the design and assessment of good public policies should be comprehensive, incorporating all aspects of the social sciences such as economics, politics, philosophy, and public management. I would probably say that the lack of this holistic approach is the reason why positive reforms in the “global south” are so challenging.

Third, the relevance of analysing the political scene, given that different institutions within the government as well as firms, non-profit organisations, and the community need to work together, and politics is a crucial part of making that happen.

What makes you feel #partoflse?

Feeling #partoflse is about more than just academics; it's about belonging to a vibrant and supportive community. At LSE, the inclusive atmosphere extends beyond the classroom. From dedicated staff and well-being resources to professors who prioritise student support, every aspect of the university fosters a sense of belonging. I remember a time in my first term when I felt overwhelmed by how hard it was to adjust to the rigorous academic environment. After a lot of thought and doubt, I finally decided to go to an LSE LIFE event about this. To my surprise, not only did I find comfort in sharing my concerns with fellow students, but also great advice and support. This experience highlighted the genuine friendship and supportiveness that define the LSE community. This is especially important for a university with so many international students.

Where is your favourite place in London?

Choosing a favourite spot is tough, but if I had to pick one, it would be Hyde Park. Its many beautiful spots, such as the lake where you can go boating, winding pathways, and charming cafes, give the park a very warm vibe. Hyde Park has a lot to offer, whether you want to go for a run, read a book on the grass, or just take some time to think. Along with London's beautiful buildings, I really enjoy the city's green side, which includes many parks and open spaces.

What are your favourite things about being a SPP student?

The SPP's location is more than just convenient; it’s strategically positioned to make it easy to connect with key institutions and experts in both the public and private sectors here in London.

Another important part of education is having a faculty that is diverse in terms of both their academic backgrounds and countries. This ensures that students encounter a broad range of perspectives and approaches to crafting public policies within the context of each region of the world.

Who would you recommend the programme to?

I recommend the MPP to professionals from a variety of backgrounds who want to make positive changes in society through strong public policies. And I want to emphasise that the variety of backgrounds in the cohort is what makes the programme so valuable. My classmates include journalists, lawyers, architects, political scientists, and engineers, among others, and I have learned valuable lessons from each of them. Besides, the comprehensive curriculum gives students the skills needed to carefully analyse, reflect upon, and suggest good policy solutions. This makes sure you're ready to deal with complex problems in the world and make a real impact.

What advice would you give to anyone who is considering studying the MPP?

First, get to know the MPP to evaluate if it is the right programme for you. Don’t hesitate to contact alumni, current students, and staff from the SPP to find out more information and go to events that LSE hosts about this.

Second, give yourself ample time to thoroughly brainstorm ideas and polish your application, as rushing can compromise the quality of your submissions. By following these steps, you will be able to make an informed choice and send in a strong application that shows what you want and what you can do.

Do you have any advice or words of motivation for those who are considering applying for the Peruvian Scholarship for Public Service?

First, I would say that the process of self-awareness is critical for preparing the essays. It is not just about reflecting on your trajectory and goals, but also about understanding how the SPP fits into your life plan and what you can bring to the programme that no one else can.

Second, I strongly suggest seeking support from those who have already been through this process, as their insight can help you refine your application strategy.

Third, effective time management is key. And finally, the importance of emotional well-being throughout the process. It will be natural to experience highs and lows, but maintaining emotional balance is crucial. Celebrate each milestone, whether big or small! Your mental and emotional health are just as important as the application itself.

Do you have any practical advice for our international offer holders who are preparing to join us in September?

If possible, give yourself time to take a break before studying and reflect on yourself, as the nine months of the MPP will be intense. I would also recommend getting to know the cohort before arriving in London (the online preparation courses are a great way to do that).

Finding your personal system of organisation before joining the MPP is critical, as the programme and all the opportunities that the SPP and the LSE offer will be really a lot and demanding, so to take advantage of the most of it requires being organised.

During the welcome weeks in London, it's crucial to familiarise yourself with the Moodle tool and map out all the required reading to fully engage in the courses from week 1.

And for non-English speakers, prepare yourself for the British accent, as it might sound a little confusing at the beginning!

What are your plans and ambitions after graduation?

After completing the MPP, I am sure I will have a good understanding of all areas of public policy, and I want to use what I have learned for the benefit of society and my country. With my background in financial and macroeconomic policies, I want to join an organisation where I can apply my expertise to improve my society through evidence-based policymaking and impactful initiatives.

Can you describe your SPP experience in three words?

Global. Transformative. Challenging.