
Beveridge 2.0 Reciprocity across the life-cycle

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0

Online event

The welfare state plays a central role in managing risks and tackling vulnerability across the life-cycle. This entails particular relationships between individuals and between generations. The design and financing of welfare state institutions need to adjust to emerging social and economic changes, raising questions about the relationships that underpin those institutions.

This symposium invites scholars from across the School to create a cross-disciplinary dialogue addressing issues regarding the nature of reciprocity as a normative principle of social cooperation, as well as practical issues in specific policy areas, questioning the role individuals and the state can/should play.

Meet our speakers 

Tim Besley is School Professor of Economics of Political Science and W Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, Department of Economics, LSE.

Laura Bear is Professor and Head of Department at the Department of Anthropology, LSE.

Adam Oliver (@1969ajo) is Associate Professor at the Department of Social Policy, LSE.

Tania Burchardt is Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy/CASE, LSE.

Fiona Steele is Professor and Head of Department, Department of Statistics, LSE.

Michael Muthukrishna (@mmuthukrishna) is Associate Professor of Economic Psychology at the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science, LSE.

Nicholas Barr is Professor of Public Economics at the European Institute, LSE.

Mike Otsuka (@MikeOtsuka) is Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, LSE.


Professor Laura Bear: Reciprocity and the right to care in the time of Covid

Dr Tania Burchardt and Professor Fiona Steele: Intergenerational exchanges of practical and financial support within families across households (Preliminary results, not for quotation)

Professor Nicholas Barr: Pension design and the failed economics of squirrels

Professor Mike Otsuka: Is USS a model of -- or a failed experiment in -- reciprocity across generations? 

More about this event

The School of Public Policy (@LSEPublicPolicy) is an international community where ideas and practice meet. Our approach creates professionals with the ability to analyse, understand and resolve the challenges of contemporary governance.

Beveridge 2.0 Redefining the Social Contract is a programme hosted by the School of Public Policy that aims at bringing LSE's community together with the intent of exploring important policy questions, fostering dialogue across disciplines and identifying avenues for collaborative cross-disciplinary research.

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