About us

Do you want to know more?Click here to get in touch. You can also follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Who we are

The LSE Religion Scholars Network is an interdisciplinary network of LSE PhD students and early-career researchers working on a broad range of topics related to religion.

The Network is co-ordinated by the LSE Religion and Global Society research unit, an interdisciplinary unit conducting, coordinating and promoting religion-related social science research at LSE. The team are here to support with any religion-related projects or events at LSE.

Click here to meet our current members.

Join us

To join our network, please email o.t.nasr@lse.ac.uk with the following information:

Full name (including title)
Current status (PhD student, Research Associate, Lecturer, Policy Officer, Professor, etc.)
A brief summary of your research
Links to your online profile, social media, or contact details as preferred
Small headshot or profile photo