2009/10 UBAF BSc in Accounting and Finance
Paper 1
This paper is examined at level I This paper may be taken in year 1
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 2
This paper is examined at level I This paper may be taken in year 1
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 3
This paper is examined at level I This paper may be taken in year 1
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Note: ST108 and MA110 must be taken by those students who have not studied Mathematics beyond GCSE level or equivalent.
You must take 1.0 units(s) should be taken from this section.
Paper 4
This paper is examined at level I This paper may be taken in year 1
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Note: Students must take MA100 at paper 4 if ST102 is taken at paper 3. Students must take MA110 is ST108 is taken at paper 3.
1st Year Outside Options - Excluding AC (Only if ST102 NOT taken and ST108 NOT taken)
Paper 5
This paper is examined at level II This paper may be taken in year 2
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 6
This paper is examined at level II This paper may be taken in year 2
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 7
This paper is examined at level II This paper may be taken in year 2
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 8
This paper is examined at level II This paper may be taken in year 2
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Note: Students wishing to take MN200 should submit an individual request to the lecturer responsible for the course in order to discuss its requirements.
Approved papers to the value of one unit taught outside the Department (normally papers available only to second or third year students)
2nd & 3rd Yr Outside Options - Excluding AC
- AN200 The Anthropology of Kinship, Sex and Gender (1.0)
AN205 The Anthropology of Melanesia (0.5)
- AN216 Cognition and Anthropology (0.5)
AN221 The Anthropology of Christianity (0.5)
- AN223 The Anthropology of South East Asia (0.5)
- AN226 Political and Legal Anthropology (1.0)
- AN227 The Anthropology of Economic Institutions and thei (1.0)
- AN230 The Anthropology of Industrialisation and Industri (0.5)
AN231 The Anthropology of China (0.5)
AN235 The Anthropology of Southern Africa (0.5)
AN237 The Anthropology of Development (0.5)
AN238 Anthropology and Human Rights (0.5)
AN240 Investigating the Philippines - New Approaches and Ethnographic Contexts (0.5)
AN241 The Anthropology of India (0.5)
AN242 Social Anthropology and Darwinian Theories (0.5)
AN243 Children and Youth in Contemporary Ethnography (0.5)
- AN244 Anthropology and Media (0.5)
AN245 The Anthropology of Borders and Boundaries (0.5)
- AN246 The Anthropology of Post-Soviet Eurasia (0.5)
AN247 Anthropological Approaches to Questions of Being (0.5)
AN248 Ethnography of a Selected Region (0.5)
AN250 The Anthropology of South Asia (0.5)
AN265 Medical Anthropology (0.5)
- AN300 Advanced Theory of Social Anthropology (1.0)
- AN301 The Anthropology of Religion (1.0)
- EC201 Microeconomic Principles I (1.0)
- EC202 Microeconomic Principles II (1.0)
- EC210 Macroeconomic Principles (1.0)
- EC221 Principles of Econometrics (1.0)
- EC230 Economics in Public Policy (1.0)
- EC301 Advanced Economic Analysis (1.0)
- EC302 Political Economy (1.0)
- EC303 Economic Policy Analysis (1.0)
- EC307 Development Economics (1.0)
- EC311 History of Economics: How Theories Change (1.0)
- EC313 Industrial Economics (1.0)
- EC315 International Economics (1.0)
- EC317 Labour Economics (1.0)
- EC319 Economic Theory and its Applications (1.0)
- EC321 Monetary Economics (1.0)
- EC325 Public Economics (1.0)
- EC333 Problems of Applied Econometrics (1.0)
- EH203 From Money to Finance:European Financial History, 800-1750 (1.0)
EH205 Towns, Society and Economy in England and Europe 1 (1.0)
EH206 The Evolution of Economic Policy in Advanced Economies (1.0)
- EH207 The Making of an Economic Superpower: China since 1850 (1.0)
- EH220 Comparative Economic Development: Late Industrial (1.0)
- EH225 Latin America and the International Economy (1.0)
EH236 The Integration of Europe's Economics, 1815-1990 (1.0)
EH238 The Industrial Revolution (1.0)
- EH240 Business and Economic Performance since 1945: Britain in International Context (1.0)
- GV225 Public Choice and Politics (1.0)
- GV227 The Politics of Economic Policy (1.0)
- GV262 Contemporary Political Theory (1.0)
- GV263 Public Policy Analysis (1.0)
- GV264 Politics and Institutions in Europe (1.0)
- GV265 States, Nations and Empires (1.0)
- GV302 Key Themes in the History of Political Thought (1.0)
- GV310 Democracy and Democratisation (1.0)
- GV350 Theories and Problems of Nationalism (1.0)
- GV351 Government, Politics and Public Policy in the European Union (1.0)
- GY200 Economy, Society and Space (1.0)
- GY201 Location and Spatial Analysis (1.0)
- GY202 Introduction to Development in the South (1.0)
- GY205 Political Geographies, Policy and Space (1.0)
- GY220 Environment: Science and Society (1.0)
- GY222 Applied Environmental Economics (1.0)
- GY244 London's Geographies:An Introduction to Cultural and Historical Geography (1.0)
- GY300 Theories of Regional Development and Change (1.0)
- GY301 The Political Geography of Development and the South (1.0)
- GY302 Urban Development: Politics, Policy and Planning (1.0)
- GY303 The Geography of Gender: Global Perspectives (1.0)
GY321 Environmental Politics and Policy (1.0)
GY323 Environmental Assessment and Management (1.0)
- GY324 Environmental Governance (1.0)
- GY325 Environment and Development (1.0)
- HY206 The International History of the Cold War, 1945-1975 (1.0)
- HY208 The History of the United States since 1783 (1.0)
HY209 Democracy, Civil War and Dictatorship in Twentieth Century Spain (1.0)
- HY216 Four Reichs: Austria, Prussia and the Contest for Germany since 1618 (1.0)
- HY221 The History of Russia, 1682-1825 (1.0)
- HY226 The Great War 1914-1918 (1.0)
HY230 The Early Colonial Empires: Europe and the World 1400-1750 (1.0)
- HY232 Frontiers of Nationalism, Statehood and Independence. The History of South Easte (1.0)
- HY233 Empire and Nation: Britain and India since 1750 (1.0)
- HY238 The Cold War and European Integration, 1947-1992 (1.0)
- HY239 Latin America and the United States since 1898 (1.0)
HY302 Anglo-Spanish Relations in the Age of Elizabeth I (1.0)
- HY303 Russia in Revolution, 1914-21 (1.0)
- HY304 Germany's New Order in Europe, 1939-1945 (1.0)
- HY311 Limited War during the Cold War Era: The United States in Korea (1950-1953) and (1.0)
HY312 From Suez to the Six Day War: Britain, the United States and Arab Nationalism, (1.0)
HY313 The International History of East Asia, 1914-1945 (1.0)
- HY315 The European Enlightenment, c.1680-1830 (1.0)
- HY319 Napoleon and Europe (1.0)
- HY320 The Cold War Endgame (1.0)
- HY321 The Struggle for the Persian Gulf, 1951-2003 (1.0)
- ID200 Organisational Theory and Behaviour (1.0)
ID204 Capitalism, Democracy and Work in Comparative Perspective (1.0)
- ID222 Managing Employment Law (0.5)
- ID290 Human Resource Management (1.0)
- ID316 Managing Diversity in Organisations (0.5)
- IR200 International Political Theory (1.0)
- IR202 Foreign Policy Analysis I (1.0)
- IR203 International Organisations (1.0)
IR302 The Ethics of War (1.0)
- IR304 The Politics of International Economic Relations I (1.0)
- IR305 Strategic Aspects of International Relations I (1.0)
- IR306 Sovereignty, Rights and Justice: Issues in International Political Theory (1.0)
IR308 Systemic Change in the 20th Century: Theories of the Cold War (1.0)
- IR311 Europe's Institutional Order (1.0)
- IS340 Information Systems in Business (1.0)
- LL201 Administrative Law (1.0)
- LL202 Commercial Contracts (1.0)
- LL204 Advanced Torts (1.0)
- LL205 Medical Law (1.0)
- LL209 Commercial Law (1.0)
- LL210 Information Technology and the Law (1.0)
- LL221 Family Law (1.0)
- LL232 Law and Institutions of the European Union (1.0)
- LL233 Law of Evidence (1.0)
- LL241 Introduction to Civil Law (1.0)
- LL250 Law and The Environment (1.0)
- LL272 Outlines of Modern Criminology (0.5)
- LL275 Property II (1.0)
- LL278 Public International Law (1.0)
- LL284 Sentencing and Treatment of Offenders (0.5)
- LL293 Taxation (1.0)
- LL295 Media Law (1.0)
- LL300 Competition Law (1.0)
- LN200 Russian Language and Society 4 (proficiency) (1.0)
- LN210 German Language and Society 4 (proficiency) (1.0)
- LN220 Spanish Language and Society 4 (proficiency) (1.0)
- LN230 French Language and Society 4 (proficiency) (1.0)
- LN250 English Literature and Society (1.0)
- LN251 Comparative Literature and Society (1.0)
- LN252 Global Literature and Society (1.0)
- LN253 European Literature and Society (1.0)
- LN320 Spanish Language and Society 5 (mastery) (1.0)
- LN330 French Language and Society 5 (mastery) (1.0)
- MA200 Further Mathematical Methods (Calculus) (0.5)
- MA201 Further Mathematical Methods (Linear Algebra) (0.5)
- MA203 Real Analysis (0.5)
- MA207 Further Quantitative Methods (Mathematics) (0.5)
- MA208 Optimisation Theory (0.5)
- MA209 Differential Equations (0.5)
- MA210 Discrete Mathematics (0.5)
- MA211 Algebra and Number Theory (0.5)
- MA300 Game Theory (1.0)
- MA301 Game Theory I (0.5)
- MA303 Chaos in Dynamical Systems (0.5)
- MA305 Optimisation in Function Spaces (0.5)
- MA310 Mathematics of Finance and Valuation (0.5)
- MA313 Probability for Finance (0.5)
- MA314 Theory of Algorithms (0.5)
- MA315 Algebra and It's Applications (0.5)
- MA316 Graph Theory (0.5)
- MA317 Complex Analysis (0.5)
MG204 Capitalism, Democracy and Work in Comparative Perspective (1.0)
- MN307 Aspects of Marketing Management (0.5)
- OR202 Operational Research Methods (1.0)
- OR301 Model Building in Operational Research (1.0)
- OR304 Decision Sciences in Theory and Practice (1.0)
- OR307 Simulation Modelling and Analysis (0.5)
- PH201 Philosophy of Science (1.0)
- PH203 Philosophy of the Social Sciences (1.0)
- PH211 Philosophy of Economics (1.0)
- PH213 Scientific Revolutions: Philosophical and Historical Issues (1.0)
- PH214 Morality and Values (1.0)
- PH217 Set Theory and Further Logic (1.0)
- PH218 Philosophy of the Biological and Cognitive Sciences (1.0)
- PH220 Evidence and Scientific Method (1.0)
- PH221 Problems of Analytic Philosophy (1.0)
- PS203 Societal Psychology: Theory and Applications (1.0)
- SA201 Research Methods for Social Policy (1.0)
SA204 Education Policy (1.0)
SA212 Family, Gender and Society (1.0)
- SA213 European Social Policy (1.0)
- SA217 Psychology of Crime and Criminal Justice (1.0)
- SA218 Criminological Perspectives (1.0)
- SA221 Poverty, Social Exclusion and Social Change (1.0)
- SA222 Principles of Social Policy (1.0)
SA250 Demographic Description and Analysis (1.0)
- SA309 Crime Control: Ideas and Controversies (1.0)
- SO201 Sociological Analysis (1.0)
- SO203 Political Sociology (1.0)
SO208 Gender and Society (1.0)
- SO210 Crime, Deviance and Control (1.0)
- SO211 Sociology of Health and Medicine (1.0)
SO212 Work, Management and Globalization (1.0)
SO215 Evolution and Social Behaviour (1.0)
- SO221 Issues and Methods of Social Research (1.0)
- SO224 The Sociology of Race and Ethnicity (1.0)
SO250 Multi-Culture and Multi-Culturalism (0.5)
SO305 Environmentalism: theory, politics and practice (0.5)
SO306 Atrocity, Suffering and Human Rights (0.5)
- ST201 Statistical Models and Data Analysis (0.5)
- ST202 Probability, Distribution Theory and Inference (1.0)
- ST203 Statistics for Management Sciences (1.0)
- ST205 Sample Surveys and Experiments (0.5)
- ST211 Applied Regression (0.5)
- ST226 Actuarial Investigations: Financial (0.5)
- ST227 Survival Models (0.5)
- ST300 Regression and Generalized Linear Models (0.5)
- ST302 Stochastic Processes (0.5)
- ST304 Time Series and Forecasting (0.5)
- ST305 Actuarial Mathematics (Life) (1.0)
- ST306 Actuarial Mathematics (General) (0.5)
- ST307 Aspects of Market Research (0.5)
- ST308 Bayesian Inference (0.5)
- ST327 Market Research: An Integrated Approach (1.0)
- ST330 Stochastic and Actuarial Methods in Finance (1.0)
ST331 Decision Theory and Bayesian Statistics (0.5)
Paper 9
This paper is examined at level III This paper may be taken in year 3
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 10
This paper is examined at level III This paper may be taken in year 3
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 11
This paper is examined at level III This paper may be taken in year 3
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Paper 12
This paper is examined at level III This paper may be taken in year 3
You must take 1.0 units(s) to satisfy this paper's requirements.
Note: In exceptional circumstances a student may take a course not listed above (normally papers available only to second or third year students), but permission will need to be sought from the Departmental Tutor.
Students selecting MA310 should have attended courses in Mathematical Methods and Statistics.
For example MA107, ST107 and MA207, or the pair MA100 and ST102 would be suitable.
Other intermediate courses in mathematics and/or statistics, such as MA200
and MA201, would be desirable.