Not available in 2024/25
Placement Year

This information is for the 2024/25 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Pik Kun Liew COL.7.15


This course is compulsory on the BSc in Actuarial Science (with a Placement Year). This course is not available as an outside option nor to General Course students.



Course content

The BSc Actuarial Science with a Placement Year programme offers students the opportunity to complete a 9-month (minimum) to 12-month (maximum) full-time placement working in an organisation of their choice for them to acquire essential work-based skills with which to enrich their academic learning.

In addition to the completion of the work placement, students are required to complete the assessment of this course to be eligible for graduation from the BSc in Actuarial Science with a Placement Year.

This is a non-credit bearing course. There are no classes for this course. Students instead undertake a work placement during which they will be employed by an external organisation. The work placement should be relevant or related to the field of actuary and/or statistics. 

Students must hold a formal offer, in writing, of an appropriate work placement before the start of the Spring Term in Year 2 for approval to progress to Year 3 (i.e., placement year) of the BSc in Actuarial Science with a Placement Year. Students will be responsible for securing a placement role as well as its administration, with support and advice from the LSE Careers, a placement officer, and the Department. Students will organise and undertake their placement at a host organisation. The Placement Officer will support students with documentation checking and to ensure that the placement roles are suitable and acceptable by LSE.

During the placement, students will continue to be registered as LSE students and, therefore will have access to all the normal services such as the library, student support, and the LSE Students’ Union. Students will also be supported with regular check-ins by the Placement Officer and the Department. Students will complete coursework at three points during the placement year: 1) mid-Autumn term, 2) during the Winter term, and 3) at the start of the Spring term. The three coursework build upon one another, with the final coursework being the culmination of the knowledge, skills, and professional development during the placement.

Assessment for this course will consists of students’ reflections on the feedback received from the workplace manager and colleagues, in terms of what they have learned and achieved, how the theories and concepts learned during the first and second year of the BSc Actuarial Science with a Placement Year were applied in practice, and how their skills and goals have developed as a result of the placement experiences.


There is no taught component on this course, although students will be offered preparatory sessions during their first and second year organised by the Department in conjunction with the LSE Careers and Placement Officer.

These will consist of a series of workshops focusing on CV preparation, making placement applications, interview technique, assessment centre preparation, appraisal and development, as well as a session on expectations in a professional environment and a briefing on the assessment of the placement.

In addition to placement support by the Placement Officer, students will also be offered an online de-brief session with the Department and the Placement Officer to provide guidance on the preparation of the final coursework of the placement assessment.

Formative coursework

There is no formative coursework for this course. Students are expected to seek formative feedback from the workplace manager and colleagues on their performance of tasks assigned to them during the placement year and reflect and discuss the feedback with the workplace manager and colleagues. Students are encouraged to contact the Placement Officer and the Department for support and advice on a regular basis.

Indicative reading

A detailed reading list will be made available on Moodle for each part of the course nearer the time of its scheduled start.


Reflective learning report (20%) in the AT Week 6.
Presentation (50%) in the WT Week 8.
Reflective learning report (30%) in the ST Week 1.

The first and last coursework will be a reflective statement based on the feedback from the workplace manager and colleague. Reflective Statement AT will include students’ reflections on their placement experience up to Week 5 of the Autumn term. Reflective Statement ST will be students’ reflections on the culmination of the knowledge, skills, and professional development during the placement. The word limit for each reflective statement is 500 words. Evidence of feedback from the workplace manager and colleague should be included as appendices in the submissions and will not count towards the word limit.

The second coursework is an individual oral presentation on campus. Students should inform their employing organisation and workplace manager about this assessment at the start of their employment so that students will be allowed a day off to be back on campus for this assessment. 

All coursework will be marked on a Pass/Fail basis. Students enrolled on the BSc Actuarial Science with a Placement Year programme must satisfactorily complete the work placement and pass this course to be eligible for graduation from the BSc Actuarial Science with a Placement Year programme. If they fail this course, they will be reverted to progress to the three-year BSc Actuarial Science programme and will not be eligible to graduate from the BSc Actuarial Science with a Placement Year programme.

More details of the assessment will be made available on Moodle nearer the scheduled start time of the course.

Key facts

Department: Statistics

Total students 2023/24: Unavailable

Average class size 2023/24: Unavailable

Capped 2023/24: No

Value: Non-credit bearing

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information

Course selection videos

Some departments have produced short videos to introduce their courses. Please refer to the course selection videos index page for further information.

Personal development skills

  • Self-management
  • Team working
  • Problem solving
  • Application of information skills
  • Communication
  • Application of numeracy skills
  • Commercial awareness