German: Level One (Standard)

This information is for the 2024/25 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Manuela von Papen PEL.6.01


All students welcome but they should: demonstrate commitment to regular attendance, completion of homework and all assessments; dedicate at least two hours per week for coursework in addition to classes. Students are not expected to be experienced language learners.

Course content

Course Aim:

  • To develop the ability to use German effectively for purposes of practical communication at a basic level in familiar domestic, work and social contexts.
  • To establish the skills, language and attitudes required to promote and facilitate further study of German. To acquire basic literacy.
  • To master the pronunciation of German sounds.
  • To have basic knowledge of grammatical gender, word-formation, word-order in the sentence.
  • To deal with a range of predictable simple language tasks using a limited range of language to meet the needs of differing but familiar situations and topics.
  • To familiarise students with the background to German speaking countries, including culture and civil societies.
  • To bring students to level A1 CEFR.

Communicative Content:

  • Asking for and giving personal information, directions and opinions.
  • Describing people, objects, feelings and places.
  • Talking about likes and dislikes, expressing preferences and making comparisons.
  • Talking about actions.
  • Expressing intentions, ignorance and proposing alternatives.
  • Expressing frequency.
  • Talking about past events and experiences.
  • Talking about habitual actions in the past.
  • Talking about festive events, invitations, plans.
  • Asking for and giving advice.

Structural Content: Introducing the basics of German in the following areas:

  • Grammatical gender and plural of nouns.
  • Present tense of regular, modal and some irregular/strong verbs.
  • Direct and indirect objects; complements.
  • Possessive pronouns.
  • Prepositions taking the dative and/or accusative case.
  • Present perfect of regular and irregular/strong verbs.
  • Frequency adverbs; numbers.
  • Combining of Perfect and Präteritum.
  • Expressions of time.
  • All three forms of the imperative.
  • Introduction to subordinate clauses.


16 hours of classes in the AT. 22 hours of classes in the WT. 2 hours of classes in the ST.

This is a 40 hour-course. Please refer to the LSE timetable for course teaching arrangements.

Indicative reading

Panorama · Deutsch als Fremdsprache. A1: Gesamtband. Cornelsen (publisher). ISBN: 978-3-06-120482-2.


Continuous assessment (70%) in the AT and WT.
Oral examination (30%) in the WT.

Key facts

Department: Language Centre

Total students 2023/24: Unavailable

Average class size 2023/24: 6

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information

Course selection videos

Some departments have produced short videos to introduce their courses. Please refer to the course selection videos index page for further information.