Foundational Practice Skills

This information is for the 2024/25 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Sonya Onwu

The course will be overseen by the LLB Programme Director. Teaching will be delivered by Hannah Gibbs, Sonya Onwu, Ayse Gizam Yasar and, where relevant, a range of guest teachers and visiting professors in practice, where these individuals have specialised skills. 


This course is compulsory on the BA in Anthropology and Law and LLB in Laws. This course is not available as an outside option nor to General Course students.

This course is available only to LLB and Law & Anthropology students.


There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Course content

This course provides introductory training in three key skills essential to a career in the legal and related fields that are the primary graduate destination for LLB and BSc Law & Anthropology students:

1. Data and Law Tech

2. Thinking about legal ethics

3. Either – Advocacy or Negotiation training

The course is non credit-bearing and non-assessed. 



20 hours of seminars in the AT. 6 hours of seminars in the WT.

The size of each teaching group and the number of groups per week will vary according to the material and the optimun teaching format. 


Formative coursework

This course is non-assessed. 

Indicative reading

Given the nature of this course, there are no particular recommended readings for it. 

Given the nature of this course, there are no particular recommended readings for it.


This course is non-assessed.

Key facts

Department: Law School

Total students 2023/24: Unavailable

Average class size 2023/24: Unavailable

Capped 2023/24: No

Value: Non-credit bearing

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information

Course selection videos

Some departments have produced short videos to introduce their courses. Please refer to the course selection videos index page for further information.

Personal development skills

  • Problem solving
  • Application of numeracy skills
  • Specialist skills