This information is for the 2022/23 session.
Teacher responsible
Mr Simon Mathews
This course is for students who speak English as a foreign language.
Course content
This course provides an opportunity to enable students to improve their fluency, accuracy and confidence when discussing academic and non-academic topics. Each class has a different theme/focus and includes some input on vocabulary and discourse patterns. These skills are transferable and can be applied both in academic situations as well as daily interaction at LSE and in the UK.
This is a 10-week course (1 hour per week). It will begin in Week 1 of MT and will be repeated from Week 1 of LT.
Key facts
Department: Language Centre
Total students 2021/22: Unavailable
Average class size 2021/22: Unavailable
Course selection videos
Some departments have produced short videos to introduce their courses. Please refer to the course selection videos index page for further information.
Personal development skills
- Communication