Arabic: Level One (Integrated Approach)

This information is for the 2019/20 session.

Teacher responsible

Mr Nadim Ben Mohamed Mahjoub


This is a non-credit bearing course available to all LSE students, staff, alumni and external clients.


Course content

Course aims

Communicative content

•  Greetings

•  Personal information

•  Your immediate family

•  Your studies and jobs

•  Where you live

•  Your city and country

•  Present and past actions/events

•  Describing people, places and objects

•  Daily habits/routine

•  Making comparisons

•  Talking about future plans (basic)

•  Expressing likes/dislikes

Structural content

• Pronunciation

• Feminine and masculine words

• Present tense

• The definitive article

• Independent pronouns and pronoun suffixes

• Nouns-adjective phrases

• Numbers

• Plural

• Word order

• Demonstrative

• Possessive pronouns

• Interrogatives (where, when, what, in which,etc.)

• Prepositions: in, between, etc

• Nisba (nationality)

• Idafa (genitive construction)

• Past Tense

• Use of "also, where, in the same, etc."


16 hours of classes in the MT. 22 hours of classes in the LT. 2 hours of classes in the ST.

• This is a 40 hour-course.

• Please refer to the LSE timetable for course teaching arrangements.

Formative coursework

Weekly exercises featuring interactive work and oral practise; grammar exercises; reading and listening comprehension.

Indicative reading

Study Pack to be provided.

Other useful materials




Oral examination (30%) in the LT.
Continuous assessment (70%) in the MT and LT.

Key facts

Department: Language Centre

Total students 2018/19: 8

Average class size 2018/19: 7

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information

Personal development skills