Miss Florence Niclot PEL.6.01D and Mr Francois Simon PEL.6.01K
Course Aim:
- Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms family and other people, living conditions, educational background and present or most recent work.
- Produce talks on simple topics relating to Art.
- Communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and express opinions in discussion of familiar topics.
- Write short simple notes, messages and e-mails relating to matters in areas of immediate need or paragraphs or short essays in areas of interest relating to Art.
- Understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related not only to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. personal and familiar information, shopping, local geography, and employment), but also to topic areas relating to the world of Culture and Art.
- Read short and simple texts related to news and current issues, find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables, and understand items of both personal and professional written communication e.g. Email and web-based material + art related articles.
To bring students to level B1 of CEFR.
Communicative Content:
- Introduce oneself, talk about opinions, beliefs, political views.
- Talk about daily activities. Make an appointment, reschedule, accept, refuse.
- Give your opinion and justify it. Talk about a past event, past experiences…
- Take/ give advice and make/respond to suggestions.
- Future plans and projects. Express a wish, a will. Express doubt, certainty, possibility.
- Express cause, consequence, obligation, aim.
Structural Content:
- Consolidation of major grammatical points (direct, indirect pronouns y & en…).
- Perfect, past tenses, conditional. Present tense irregular verbs consolidation.
- Question formation with a wide range of tenses.
- Adjectives, place, agreement. Express duration (depuis, pendant, pour).
- Use of relative pronouns (qui/que, ce qui/ce que).
20 hours of classes in the MT. 20 hours of classes in the LT. 2 hours of classes in the ST.
This is a 46 hour-course. Please refer to the LSE timetable for course teaching arrangements.
Continuous assessment (70%) in the MT, LT and ST.
Oral examination (30%) in the LT and ST.
Department: Language Centre
Total students 2018/19: 7
Average class size 2018/19: 7