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MSc in Global Media and Communications (with Fudan, USC or UCT)

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Guidelines for interpreting programme regulations

Classification scheme for the award of a taught master's degree (four units)
Exam sub-board local rules

Full-time programme taken over two calendar years. Students must take courses at LSE as shown below and follow either the programme at Fudan or USC or UCT in Year 2.

Please note that places are limited on some optional courses. Admission onto any particular course is not guaranteed and may be subject to timetabling constraints and/or students meeting specific prerequisite requirements.

MSc in Global Media and Communications (LSE and Fudan)

Programme Code: TMGLMECO2

Department: Media & Communications

For students starting this programme of study in 2017/18

Year 1 at LSE

Students take a total of three LSE units and a dissertation as shown.

Paper 1

MC408 Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (0.5)


MC4M1 Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis) (0.5)

Paper 2

MC411 Media and Globalization (0.5)

Paper 3

Courses to the value of 1.5 unit(s) from the following:


DV429 Global Civil Society (0.5)  (withdrawn 2018/19)


GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation (1.0)


MC405 Policy and Practice in ICTs and Development (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC407 International Media and The Global South (0.5)


MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation (0.5)


MC420 Identity, Transnationalism and the Media (0.5)


MC423 Global Media Industries (0.5)


MC426 Film Theory and World Cinema (0.5)


MC428 Media Culture and Neoliberalism in the Global South (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC429 Humanitarian Communication: vulnerability, discourse and power (0.5)


MC433 Technology and Justice (0.5) #


MC435 Disruptive Digital Worlds: Competing Economic and Political Economy Explanations (0.5)


Any other MSc-level course which is offered in the School, subject to the consent of the candidate's programme director. NOTE: Students can take no more than one full unit of courses from outside the department of Media and Communications (non MC-prefixed courses).

Paper 4

MC499 Dissertation: Media and Communications (1.0) A

Year 2 at Fudan

Paper 5

Core and optional courses in Chinese language, culture and media, including:
Chinese Language and Culture 
Applied Communication Issues and Contexts
Chinese Journalism History, Theory and Practice
China's media and politics in the context of globalization
Communicating in China: The Media and PR Perspectives
Chinese Indie Films across the Century and Metamorphic Micro Cinema
New Media and Society Theoretical Advances and Chinese Context
Strategic Communication in China
Applied Media Management


A : The dissertation must be between 10,000 and 12,000 words). Passing MC499 is a requirement for passing the programme.

MSc in Global Media and Communications (LSE and USC)

Programme Code: TMGLMECO

Department: Media & Communications

For students starting this programme of study in 2017/18

Year 1 at LSE

Students take a total of three LSE units and a dissertation as shown.

Paper 1

MC408 Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (0.5)


MC4M1 Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis) (0.5)

Paper 2

MC411 Media and Globalization (0.5)

Paper 3

Courses to the value of 1.5 unit(s) from the following:


DV429 Global Civil Society (0.5)  (withdrawn 2018/19)


GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation (1.0)


MC405 Policy and Practice in ICTs and Development (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC407 International Media and The Global South (0.5)


MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation (0.5)


MC420 Identity, Transnationalism and the Media (0.5)


MC423 Global Media Industries (0.5)


MC426 Film Theory and World Cinema (0.5)


MC428 Media Culture and Neoliberalism in the Global South (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC429 Humanitarian Communication: vulnerability, discourse and power (0.5)


MC433 Technology and Justice (0.5) #


MC435 Disruptive Digital Worlds: Competing Economic and Political Economy Explanations (0.5)


Any other MSc-level course which is offered in the School, subject to the consent of the candidate's programme director. NOTE: Students can take no more than one full unit of courses from outside the department of Media and Communications (non MC-prefixed courses).

Paper 4

MC499 Dissertation: Media and Communications (1.0) A

Year 2 at USC

Students take a total of 24 USC units.

Paper 5

COMM 598 Global Communication Research Practicum (4 USC units)
20 USC units (normally total of 5 courses; all Communication courses 4 units each):
500 Managing Communication (4, Sp/Sm)
501 Communication Management Pro-Seminar (4, Fa/Sp)
502 Strategic Corporate Communication (4, Sp)
504x Seminar in Interpersonal Communication (4, Fa, even years)
505 Communication in Work Settings (4, Fa)
506 Images and Image Management (4, Sp)
507 Information Management (4, Fa)
508x Power, Politics and Conflict in Communication (4, 2 years, Sp)
509x Seminar in Classical Rhetorical Theory (4, Fa)
510 Communication, Values, Attitudes, and Behavior (4, Fa/Sp)
511x Seminar in Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (4, Sp)
512x Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism (4, Fa)
513x Seminar in Neoclassical Rhetorical Theory (4, 2 years, Sm)
514x Seminar: Social Movements as Rhetorical Form (4, 2 years, Sp)
515x Seminar in Postmodern Rhetorical Theory (4, 2 years, Fa)
516x Seminar: Feminist Theory and Communication (4, 2 years, Sp)
517x Seminar in Rhetorical Theory and Culture (4, Sp)
518x American Public Address (4, Sp, odd years)
519x Seminar: Cultural Studies in Communication (4, 2 years, Fa)
520 Social Roles of Communication Media (4, Fa/Sp)
521x Seminar in Argumentation (4, 2 years, Sp)
522x Seminar in Kenneth Burke's Dramatistic Theory (4)
524x Seminar in Small Group Process (4, Sp, even years)
528 Web Designs for Organizations (4, Fa/Sp)
530 Social Dynamics of Communication Technologies (4, Sp/Sm)
531 Communication and the International Economy (4, Fa)
532 Development of American Media Industry (4, Fa)
533 Emerging Communication Technologies (4, Fa/Sp)
534 The Culture of New Technologies (4, Fa/Sp)
535 Virtual Groups and Organizations (4, Fa/Sp)
540 Uses of Communication Research (4, Fa/Sp)
541 Integrated Communication Strategies (4, Sp)
542 Business Strategies of Communication and Entertainment Firms (4, Sp)
543 Managing Communication in the Entertainment Industry (4, Fa)
544 The Arts and New Media (4, Fa)
545 Communication and Global Competition (4, Sp)
546 Seminar in Diffusion Theory and Research (4, 2 years, Sp)
547 Distribution of Recordings: Media, Retail and Online Channels (4, Sp)
548 Issues in Children's Media (4, Sp)
553 Political Economy of Global Telecommunications and Information (4, Sp)
557 Communication Policy in the Global Marketplace (4, Fa)
558 The International Entertainment Marketplace (4, Fa)
559 Globalization, Communication and Society (4, Fa)
560 Communications Policy (4, Fa/Sm)
562x Cognitive Approaches to Communication (4, 2 years, Fa)
565 Communication Law and Broadcasting (4, Fa/Sp)
566 Communication Law and New Technologies (4, Sp)
567 Internet Policy, Practice and Regulation (4, Fa/Sp)
570 Economics of the Communication Industries (4, Fa)
571 Communications Technologies (4, Fa/Sp)
572 Telephone, Data, and Video Telecommunication Systems (4, Sp)
573 Evaluating Communication Needs (4, Sp)
574 Tele-Media: A Strategic and Critical Analysis (4, FaSp)
575 Advocacy and Social Change in Entertainment and the Media (4, Fa)
576 Communication Strategies for Conflict Management (4, Sm)
580 Media and Politics (4, Fa/Sp)
581 Media in Social Services: Design and Evaluation of Campaigns (4, Fa)
582 International Communication: National Development (4, Sm)
583 Global Entertainment Education Programs (4, Sp)
584 Seminar: Interpreting Popular Culture (4, Fa)
585x Organizational Communication (4, 2 years, Sp)
587 Audience Analysis (4, Fa)
605 Advanced Macro Theories of Communication I (4, 2 years, Sp)
610 Studies in Rhetorical Theory (4, max 8, Fa/Sp/Sm)
618 Mass Media Effects (4, Fa)
620 Studies in Communication Theory (2-4, max 8, Fa/Sp)
625 Theory Construction in Communication (4, Sm)
629 Global Culture (4, Fa)
630 Communication Technology and Social Change (4, Sp)
631x Minds and Media (4, Sp)
635 Economics of Information (4, Sp)
636 Interpretive and Cultural Approaches in Organizational Communication (4, 2 years, Fa)
637 Current Readings in Organizational Communication (4, 2 years, Sp)
638 Global, International and Intercultural Communication in Organizations (4, 2 years, Fa)
640 Communication and Organizational Change (4, Fa)
645 Communication Networks (4, 2 years, Sp)
646 Negotiating Boundaries in Environmental Research (2)
647x Seminar on the Network Society (4, Fa)
599 Special Topics (various special one-time course offerings

(Fa) means Fall semester
(Sp) means Spring semester
(Sm) means Summer semester

In addition to coursework offered at the Annenberg School of Communication, students may take up to a maximum of 4 units of graduate-level coursework from other schools or departments at the University of Southern California towards their remaining 20 unit requirement, subject to the consent of the candidate's USC adviser.


A : The dissertation must be between 10,000 and 12,000 words). Passing MC499 is a requirement for passing the programme.

MSc in Global Media and Communications (LSE and UCT)

Programme Code: TMGLMECO3

Department: Media & Communications

For students starting this programme of study in 2017/18

Year 1 at LSE

Students take a total of three LSE units and a dissertation as shown.

Paper 1

MC408 Theories and Concepts in Media and Communications (0.5)


MC4M1 Methods of Research in Media & Communications (including Qualitative & Quantitative Analysis) (0.5)

Paper 2

MC411 Media and Globalization (0.5)

Paper 3

Courses to the value of 1.5 unit(s) from the following:


DV429 Global Civil Society (0.5)  (withdrawn 2018/19)


GI422 Sexuality, Gender and Globalisation (1.0)


MC405 Policy and Practice in ICTs and Development (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC407 International Media and The Global South (0.5)


MC416 Representation in the Age of Globalisation (0.5)


MC420 Identity, Transnationalism and the Media (0.5)


MC423 Global Media Industries (0.5)


MC426 Film Theory and World Cinema (0.5)


MC428 Media Culture and Neoliberalism in the Global South (0.5)  (not available 2019/20)


MC429 Humanitarian Communication: vulnerability, discourse and power (0.5)


MC433 Technology and Justice (0.5) #


MC435 Disruptive Digital Worlds: Competing Economic and Political Economy Explanations (0.5)


Any other MSc-level course which is offered in the School, subject to the consent of the candidate's programme director. NOTE: Students can take no more than one full unit of courses from outside the department of Media and Communications (non MC-prefixed courses).

Paper 4

MC499 Dissertation: Media and Communications (1.0) A

Year 2 at UCT

Paper 5

Students are required to complete a minor dissertation research project or creative production, two compulsory taught courses and two elective taught courses of which no more than one can be at HEQF Level 8 (4000 level).

Compulsory courses
FAM4011F/S Media Internship (HEQF Credits 24, HEQF Level 8)
FAM5013F Advanced Media Methodology (HEQF Credits 24, HEQF Level 9)
FAM5006W Master's Media Research Project Or FAM5012W Master's Media Creative Production (HEQF Credits 96, HEQF Level 9)

Elective courses
Students select one F elective and one S elective course from the list below. Not all electives may be offered every year and only one elective may be on HEQF Level 8 (4000 level). One of the two elective courses may be taken in another cognate UCT department such as the Centre for African Studies, Historical Studies, Political Studies, or Anthropology:
AM4007F Narrative Literary Journalism
FAM4010F Media Markets and Media Strategy 
FAM4013F Political Communication
FAM4017F Advanced Television Analysis 
FAM4032F Understanding Public Argumentation 
FAM4033F Screenwriting 
FAM5039F Approaches to African Cinema
FAM4004S Avant-Garde Film 
FAM4014S Political Journalism 
FAM4015S Environmental Documentary
FAM4016S Wildlife Documentary
FAM4031S South African Public Rhetoric 
FAM4034S Forms and Theories of Adaptation
FAM5011S Media and the Public Domain 
FAM5016S Creative Non-Fiction 
FAM5036S Rhetoric of SA Social Memory
FAM5038S Mobile Media and Communications 
FAM5040S Conceptualising SA Cinema


A : The dissertation must be between 10,000 and 12,000 words). Passing MC499 is a requirement for passing the programme.

Note for prospective students:
For changes to graduate course and programme information for the next academic session, please see the graduate summary page for prospective students. Changes to course and programme information for future academic sessions can be found on the graduate summary page for future students.